Hey Everyone,
The first patch post merge is upon us, and I figured that we would need a thread to cover the most common questions about how the merge is going to work. This is that thread. If you're not sure what this thread is about, we are combining forces with another DBO server called DBOUR. They're some of the most talented devs in the DBO game, and we're happy to team up. You can read more about that in the news post here: https://forum.dboglobal.to/new…hp?news/150-dbour-merger/.
As for the logistics of the merge, here's how things will work: the general idea is that we want to reward any incoming players from DBOUR. The DBOUR server is closing down, and after a brief period while we get things organized, they will be moving on to work on their new game, DBO Remastered. Please be sure to check out their discord for more details on that project. The DBOUR team has shared their tools, knowledge, and assets with us, so we are beginning the lengthy process of importing what we can to combine the best of both games.
There won't be any DBOG resets, but unfortunately, due to the amount of time DBOUR has been on a higher level cap, the general differences in gameplay and items, and potential overlap between account usernames and character names, we cannot directly import all of the DBOUR items. With that said, we've created a generous import system that should give the DBOUR players coming over a very good head start. Before the merge was announced, we snapshotted the DBOUR character data, for import. Here are the details of the reward package, imported based on that snapshot:
- All Universe Points (spent and unspent) will be transferred to an account of your choosing, here in DBOG
- All Tokens will be transferred to a character of your choosing
- All Zeni will be transferred to a character of your choosing
- All Mudosa Points will be transferred to a character of your choosing
- Crafting Level will be transferred to a character of your choosing
- 1kk Zeni per DBOUR character level will be added to the import total
- 8400 Zeni will be added for each item owned by the DBOUR character
- 2.5kk Zeni will be added for each upgraded item owned by the DBOUR character
Additionally, an import reward item will be delivered to the Event Vendor in Korin Village, to the character in DBOG targeted by the import. It contains:
- Level Up 70
- 75 Silver Boxes
- 10 Dragon Ball Chests for wishes
- 2 weeks of +15 level 70 tickets
- 5 of each rare Gemstone
I understand this reward package may cause some consternation among some of the DBOUR players, but please remember that this is not a direct continuation of the DBOUR server. It would be extremely harmful to the game's economy to import fully this many max, upgraded items from players who have been farming on a max level cap for years, to a game just entering its max cap. The character import is a lose-lose situation for us, because no matter how good or bad the import rewards are, someone will be upset, either DBOG players, or DBOUR players. We have done our best to find a middle ground and give the DBOUR players generous rewards to get them back on their feet in DBOG. Also, please be aware that the snapshot data we have access to is from AFTER the DBOUR hardware failure, so what we have access to is only after that rollback.
How to claim your rewards:
- Log into the DBOG main website
- Log into the game on the DBOG character you wish to import the rewards to
- Click the DBOUR Merge tab
- Enter the old DBOUR info, and the DBOG info of the character you'd like to import to, the one you are currently logged into in game
- Press submit. If the old character info appears, the import was successful
- Type "@clearcache" in DBOG. You will be disconnected. Relog and your rewards should be imported.
- Check with the event vendor in Korin Village for the reward package
- It is HIGHLY recommended to do this with a level 30+ character in DBOG to avoid any issues
- Please wait 60 seconds between imports if you're importing to the same DBOG character, after you claim the import reward capsule
As for the features in DBOUR like the many client advancements, better auras, new transformations, mod support, etc, these will be slowly brought into DBOG over the coming year. That's not to say any or all of these will be finished one year from today, but to notify you that we are working to get the DBOG client up to DBOUR standards, and beyond. These changes will not be in today's patch, but they are coming. The same goes for the DBOUR cosmetics. Around a third of the cosmetics are being patched in today, and the others will be sprinkled into upcoming patches. Some cosmetics won't work with our current client, some are personal commissions, some are holiday themed, and some we already have our own versions of, so please be patient.
If you have a personal commission from DBOUR, these will be handled on a case by case basis. Please contact myself or Nemix for more information so we can get your rewards all set up. If you have any further questions or comments, please let me know and I'll get them addressed. As always, thank you so much for playing and supporting us! We couldn't do this without your help.