Hi, there! I'm Saikr and I'm fairly new to DBO, I run a Competitive Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 server on discord and me and a lot of my community have started playing this game after years of fascination and curiosity given that it's, loosely, the "prequel" to our favorite game.
And so far I love it! The first thing I'd like to say is a huge thanks to everyone behind DBOG - I see Verdant in these forums all the time and him and the DBOG team seem super committed to make this MMO experience the best it can be! I've been having a blast running through it with my friends, we met today in Korin Village after starting on the separate zones and it was magical to be able to play together and run dungeons and such.
But there's a few things I'd love to ask questions on:
First is the translation. I know I should be extremely grateful and count my blessings on the fact that this MMO is translated at all and translation is no easy feat - there's a lot that goes into it especially from languages where it might be difficult to find equivalencies like Korean and Chinese, to English... but I'll admit it's a bit of a sour note when you get onto quests that are very relevant to the main campaign especially of your race in the beginning and suddenly it's all completely in mandarin. Furthermore some of the quests are translated in such a way that makes it very obvious that it's either a poor machine translation or done by someone who didn't have the greatest grasp of English. So regarding the translations I have a few questions:
1) Is there any existing way to check on the current translation progress or get some insight on how the process is done?
2) Is "proofreading" or "adaptation" something that could be done to contribute to the server? How would one go about taking part in that, if so? Quests that feel properly translated and easy to read are such gems that I personally wouldn't mind going through all of the quests that I do while playing the game and figuring out smoother or proper ways to convey the messages in them. But I also recognize that the way text gets edited is probably completely removed from its context in-game and referring to IDs and more complicated matters of how text gets inserted into the game so while I'm very eager to help, I'm completely unaware of what that would ever entail and really don't wanna sound conceited in thinking I could be of use.
Second is a question I have about Dogis:
I saw some are limited to only certain races (I think I've only seen this limitation to Namekians but I haven't looked too much into it), I'd love to learn the reason behind this - I was a little bummed that I couldn't equip Kami's outfit on my female Majin! But seeing that I could equip King Piccolo's just made me more confused. I figured it was because it was a robe, but then I got the Xeno Piccolo Dogi that I couldn't equip so I gave it to my friend (Dragon Clan Namekian) and noticed it was a regular battle gi.
I'm not really requesting that any change is made in this regard (though I would appreciate it!) but I'm really confused since to my understanding none of the models really move in drastically different ways, so I'd be really interested in learning how it all works!
All in all, DBO(G) has lived up to the expectations and has been an amazing experience for me and my community, even better than what I expected it to be! So I really don't wanna sound nitpicky, I'm loving the experience so far!! Again, huge thanks to the DBOG team for making it all possible!

New to DBO, looking to give feedback and maybe ask a few questions
Approved the thread. -
Hey Saikr,
I appreciate your support! I hope your server is going well. We are about 2/3 finished with the English translations. Most of what's left are quests and items. You're correct that there's nothing currently in place that effectively links the translations to places in game. Once we get through items, I'll be creating something like that to make things easier for the translators. We have translations on a bit of a back burner right now because we're trying to get the new client ready so we can actually test and fix client side bugs, and fix all these crashes and disconnects.
There's no design philosophy behind which dogis are race and gender locked, and which aren't. Anything you see that's locked is either from the original team or from the DBOUR team (a server whose assets we absorbed). Anything the DBOG team makes is available for all races and genders. We're working our way through the locked ones but as you can imagine it takes some time. Have fun playing and thanks for your support!
Welcome to DBO. Nice thread!
Hi, there! I'm Saikr and I'm fairly new to DBO, I run a Competitive Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 server on discord and me and a lot of my community have started playing this game after years of fascination and curiosity given that it's, loosely, the "prequel" to our favorite game.
Hey Saikr!
Awesome to have you and your community here and join us. Lots of us here love Xenoverse but also ironically dislike it because it was one of the reasons they decided to pull the plug on DBO! So we see it kind of a double edged sword - introduced many to the dragon ball online community but also finished a lot of us off.But there's a few things I'd love to ask questions on:
First is the translation. I know I should be extremely grateful and count my blessings on the fact that this MMO is translated at all and translation is no easy feat - there's a lot that goes into it especially from languages where it might be difficult to find equivalencies like Korean and Chinese, to English... but I'll admit it's a bit of a sour note when you get onto quests that are very relevant to the main campaign especially of your race in the beginning and suddenly it's all completely in mandarin. Furthermore some of the quests are translated in such a way that makes it very obvious that it's either a poor machine translation or done by someone who didn't have the greatest grasp of English. So regarding the translations I have a few questions:
As Verdant said, DBO G had switched management. It originally had another owner before Verdant took over. I was on boarded with that team as GM and can answer your questions with those horrible translated quests that you're speaking about.
You are correct, the game was unfortunately translated by those who don't have the greatest grasp of English. Unfortunately, as DBO G is a volunteer based project, when the original team was seeking out translators, there were some who were just put on the team just because they stuck up their hand and wanted a translator title to be posed as 'staff' and thought it would give them extra entitlements and privileges.
Those same translators had no knowledge of Korean or Mandarin, and they just stuck lines of text into Google translate and would put in the game what google translate spit out, without proof reading or adaptation (checking what was said made sense in the context of the quest).Later when I joined the team I realised this and helped the selection process become more rigorous - where myself and the translation leader would test people and see how they would translate the game. The quality slightly was raised.
It's great to see though that there are people like you who treat translations seriously and seem to know it should be localized.
Second is a question I have about Dogis:
I saw some are limited to only certain races (I think I've only seen this limitation to Namekians but I haven't looked too much into it), I'd love to learn the reason behind this - I was a little bummed that I couldn't equip Kami's outfit on my female Majin! But seeing that I could equip King Piccolo's just made me more confused. I figured it was because it was a robe, but then I got the Xeno Piccolo Dogi that I couldn't equip so I gave it to my friend (Dragon Clan Namekian) and noticed it was a regular battle gi.
I'm not really requesting that any change is made in this regard (though I would appreciate it!) but I'm really confused since to my understanding none of the models really move in drastically different ways, so I'd be really interested in learning how it all works!
Just adding to Verdant's answer:
Some of those dogi's you refer to, such as the kami dogi are gender and race locked because the original developers of the official servers (NTL) made that executive decision. Many of us who played the original game, suspected that the reason behind this was to actually encourage others to play other genders and classes. The official servers actually had originally a big 'human male' problem where most of the player base picked human (obviously because of the anime/manga and wanting to be like Goku/Vegeta).
Welcome again and thanks for posting on the forum and please welcome your friends for me too. Always awesome to see new players discover the game, start out and have fun, and especially those who share a love for DragonBall.
Hope to see you around!
We have translations on a bit of a back burner right now because we're trying to get the new client ready so we can actually test and fix client side bugs, and fix all these crashes and disconnects.
Ah, fair enough! Definitely understandable that a project of this scale with a small team has to prioritize different things at a time.
As Verdant said, DBO G had switched management. It originally had another owner before Verdant took over. I was on boarded with that team as GM and can answer your questions with those horrible translated quests that you're speaking about.
You are correct, the game was unfortunately translated by those who don't have the greatest grasp of English. Unfortunately, as DBO G is a volunteer based project, when the original team was seeking out translators, there were some who were just put on the team just because they stuck up their hand and wanted a translator title to be posed as 'staff' and thought it would give them extra entitlements and privileges.Those same translators had no knowledge of Korean or Mandarin, and they just stuck lines of text into Google translate and would put in the game what google translate spit out, without proof reading or adaptation (checking what was said made sense in the context of the quest).
Later when I joined the team I realised this and helped the selection process become more rigorous - where myself and the translation leader would test people and see how they would translate the game. The quality slightly was raised.
It's great to see though that there are people like you who treat translations seriously and seem to know it should be localized.It's honestly baffling to me that people would just try to join the team without any commitment whatsoever. I really appreciate you and the head translator making the selection process more strict! Every time I read a quest that is properly translated I find it amazing and really see the glimpse of what it could be! hahah
Anything the DBOG team makes is available for all races and genders. We're working our way through the locked ones but as you can imagine it takes some time.
Amazing to hear! I'm in no rush, I expect to stick around for a long time.
Also...I appreciate your support! I hope your server is going well.
Awesome to have you and your community here and join us.
Welcome again and thanks for posting on the forum and please welcome your friends for me too. Always awesome to see new players discover the game, start out and have fun, and especially those who share a love for DragonBall.Thanks, you guys! We currently have 6 people playing frequently at around the 41~36 range, with three more playing on and off, and some making alts to raise with other friends or just experience the other classes of the game! We made a guild with our server's name and were shocked <TenkaichiBudokai> wasn't taken! Hahah, I'll be sure to pass on the kind words, we've been having a blast!
Thanks for the support, and have fun! We'll keep working hard to make the game better.
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