chat broke
and black screen cameback
chat broke
and black screen cameback
Black Screen when im logging in
can u pls fking fix the channels glitching? and open another one when they are working? the game cant survive on just two channels, and i havent been able to play for two days now because of this.
two channel down ,2 channels full , shit.
There are currently 4 channels, 2 of which have just been closed for what i presume to be maintenance so that the game runs better for users. i'm guessing 2 were left open while 2 are being sorted to allow people to keep playing.
I'm sure the other 2 will close and the currently closed 2 will open right back up when done and then all 4 will be open once again for us all to fill up
does that mean i'll regret leaving? :dhuffy:
How much is the maintenance of the server? How many servers? While one server pulls channels?
can u pls fking fix the channels glitching? and open another one when they are working? the game cant survive on just two channels, and i havent been able to play for two days now because of this.
Perfect example of a MENOW.
MENOW=My word to define this generation of gamers,its composed of the words ME and NOW which is all these players care about.
Current generation of gamers=whinny cry babies,they crave instant gratification,i call them the Menows,because its all about ME ME ME and
Notice the tone of the post,see all that rage,profanity and sense of entitlement which clearly comes from a delusional mind.
Poor baby,seems his parents didnt take the time to teach him some proper manners,oh well i guess im to old school to comprehend today's gamers mentality or lack of,kinda sad actually.
you lost all posting credibility when you typed in ''fking'',spoiled little brats need to learn the meaning of the word respect,doubt you will change your ways,people like you normally end up on the welfare line or getting their asses kicked,hopefully both of those will happen to you.
ive been waiting multiple days
Wtf is wrong with channel 2?
ive been waiting multiple days
its pre beta,either deal with the fact that things like this happen or just leave for a couple of months,when you come back the state of the servers will be in a much better condition...
There must be a bug causing this. The server was a potato before, but now it's beyond potato
There must be a bug causing this. The server was a potato before, but now it's beyond potato
A tomato? ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)
now it is one channel and channel 2 goes crazy really really bad
2 channels offline and one with black screen
I don't see how you can have been waiting "multiple days" and not been able to get onto it as i only started playing 4 days ago (all of which you could have come on at any time) and this is the first time i've ever encountered this 'event' the channels have been open for the entire 24 hour stretches except from then the new update was added in and the other minor bug fixes that lasted no longer than 40 minutes at most.
I do hope you will be able to get onto the game but i do suggest not lying about what you have been up to when trying to get on. It doesn't help the bug fixing team if they try to fix something that doesn't happen and may do more damage than good.
why is channel 2 going offline and online
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Perfect example of a MENOW.
MENOW=My word to define this generation of gamers,its composed of the words ME and NOW which is all these players care about.
Current generation of gamers=whinny cry babies,they crave instant gratification,i call them the Menows,because its all about ME ME ME and
Notice the tone of the post,see all that rage,profanity and sense of entitlement which clearly comes from a delusional mind.
Poor baby,seems his parents didnt take the time to teach him some proper manners,oh well i guess im to old school to comprehend today's gamers mentality or lack of,kinda sad actually.
you lost all posting credibility when you typed in ''fking'',spoiled little brats need to learn the meaning of the word respect,doubt you will change your ways,people like you normally end up on the welfare line or getting their asses kicked,hopefully both of those will happen to you.
And you will Be that Jackass Noone likes if thats how you act
He has a Legit Complaint Currently (aka the time i wrote this) only one of the channels works because one just keeps Going offline making it just straight up impossible to get in he wants to play big deal right u don't have to be a complete jackass hoping a man ends up on welfare and having their ass kicked because they had a legitimate Complaint. U know what i will just assume your parents did not teach you respect and i doubt you will change your ways.
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