Posts by Anso

    How is it worse

    Because of this:

    sometimes boss change target, even if the tank has 100% agro.

    We see this same problem doing UD, TMQ and CCDG
    Even with the tank having 100% aggro, monsters and bosses keep attacking people with low aggro
    This problem happened with DW and SK tanking
    I already send a ticket talking about it, hope they fix this, because it's useless the tank has 100% aggro if the enemy will ignore that and attack other players with low aggro

    This new system was planned by the DBO G Staff months in advance, in which it was mentioned in the Open Beta 2018 FAQ, so the idea and feature wasn't exactly created "on a whim".

    Before Open Beta, it was predicted that there would be issues with the preliminary round and it's exceeded capacity (due to the high server population). Obviously increasing the number of participants each round was experimented with and was tested because this would have been the easiest solution, in which it was found to be impossible as it would crash the client. The client in regards to budokai can only fit so many participants.

    So you guys tought about it during a long time and still come out with something that make the cenario much worse?
    Like, to fix the problem let's harm all the players that doesn't have time to play during the week and who doesn't like CC Battle but like Budokai.
    Another problem: CC Battle Rank doesn't split Solo from Party. People farming ranked in party matchs go to the same rank as the people farming solo matchs. Why count it to Solo Budokai if the ranked system count party match?

    Why the budokai here can't accept more players if the official servers could accept much more?
    For me this is a problem in the server and codes and not in the Budokai system.

    Or at least, like people already posted here and other topics, why not make more than one adult budokai at sunday? Make 2 Solo and 2 Party and they run at the same time. Who participate in the first one can't go to the second.

    Want to link ranked to budokai? Give to the top 3 a qualify like dojo gives to one person.
    This way in the top 32 we would have people who come from dojo and the top 3 ranked players. The rest come from qualify.


    Leaving Budokai at side, about NoClip Monsters?
    No word about it?

    Increasing the tax will fix nothing, because the prices will rise to cover the new tax and people will need to pay for it
    The real thing to do is create another ways to trash the Zeni

    Events that use Zeni
    Ex.: A event that gives you a box with random prizes. To open the box you need to buy on NPC a key that cost lots os Zeni

    Add Zeni costs to certain systems
    Ex.: Zeni costs to upgrade system

    Increase the repair cost to high lvl itens
    Decrease the Zeni gain by quests and itens sold on NPC

    Add wanted itens for Zeni or at least some of the Tokens itens for Zeni
    Ex.: Autopot, EXP Scroll, Middle Rank Pet Food by a large amount of Zeni on NPC

    There's a lot of ways to burn down the Zeni without increasing the AH tax

    wow a random... Well everyone is soo say a noob specially those some are lucky to come far but dont know how to deal with other classes...

    and this picture says everything from seeing that day it happend a pure lucky crane win cause of budokai was bugged ok how he got 3 wins idk but still thats shame to see i expected more from a ultimate players...if he lost to that crane fair fight then all i can say is ok GGWP hope not to see him in future some i will anyways its was one of the bugged budokai days that we all who enjoyed to try to play... meanwhile me (no tp k)

    for people to enter budokai solo there is a limit how many people can enter idk but there is ofc the number that increase above the limit but this system will basically fix that issue ...

    I would say something but Sendoku pretty much said everything:

    Are you that dumb ? this budo had 0 fight happen, everyone crashed every fight


    TBH i dont think anything is wrong with allowing just the best players from mudosa , makes the torneys harder and more competitive.

    Yeah, that will happen, for sure... but no
    You will have lot's of players that are good but doesn't have enough time to play during the week to farm a high rank and because of that they will never participate in the Budokai in this new way. In the other hand, you will have bad players farming high rankings with friends (even if it's illegal will always have players who do it) that will enter in the Budokai because of that.
    But even if what you say is true, this new way are just saying for those who doesn't have enough time during the week that they will not play Budokai Solo anymore. Just like that, it's not the right thing to do. If the problem is the number of players trying to participate, just put a limit to the entries (just like the official was) and call to enter by the registration number (first to apply, first to enter).


    I said something about this change in Budokai in my post, yes, but the main reason for the thread is not fixing the "NoClip Monters" problem…ws/21-server-maintenance/

    Now, where's the fix to NoClip monsters?

    Already has more than 2 weeks that i reported this problem in the game, people posted in my topic complaining about this, i sent a ticket that u guys answered and until now no fix.
    This is game breaking in a lot of content (Open Dungeons, UD's and TMQ's) and make the experience worse and until now nothing.

    "- <Tournament> Since there are so many people wanting to participate in the Tournament, I've made a change, that people with the most ranking points will be able to enter. Please note that this only applies to the solo tournament."

    Why this? Just why? So, now people who only wants to play Budokai and not ranked need to play ranked to have a chance to participate? This is just stupid.

    Why change something nobody complains in the original DBO? Now people need to keep doind CC battle all days to farm ranking points and play in the Budokai. Who can only play a little time per day and weekends? People who doesn't like CC Battle and likes Budokai? You guys realy think before change something in the game or just throw the first thing that comes to your mind?

    Just increase the number of people who can enter into the preliminary and call the first people to apply until the spots are over. Who enters fight, who doesn't try again next week. My God.

    Doesn't need to remove skills or anything like that
    Just fix the Steal Life bug and make the DoT like any other DoT's in the game (flat fixed damage)


    You really want cashers to dominate the entire game? Can't even give us free players an option to get accessories? Have you ever thought about what would happen if they changed that? You don't think the market price for those things would go up? And it would be literally unobtainable as then the cashers control the fking market? You really want that to happen? Then what? Just keep on feeding the cashers zeni?


    I think someone is lost in time...

    Actually DW should have all the things to maintain aggro and SK nothing.
    In the game original concept (and early days) the Tanks of the game was DW, Ultimate and Grand Chief... SK was made to be a DPS
    The problem was that during the game life, they nerfed Ultimate and Grand Chief tank capacity, while buffed SK dps and tank.
    In a point, SK could tank, dps and control, while DW was leave with a less effective tank capacity close to SK and no damage
    DW died as a class, Ultimate and Grand Chief become only buffers and that's it

    Ultimate and Grand Chief can survive as buffers, and they're needed, but now with this aggro system, they killed DW in this server too
    Daneos need to revert this system so people who likes DW could play with it again, at least in PvE.

    who said sk never was the true tank? first of all evne without this update the sk would be the needed tank in pve cause most people quit on dw

    also about dps role they can do they job but they need to watch carefully and not overdo it thats how the aggro system works smh

    No, this is not how the aggro system works correctly, sorry...
    Tanks can hold aggro even without high damage because this type of class has aggro skills: skills that generate high aggro with low damage and provoke.
    DPS class are make to do the max DPS they can without caring about aggro, because if the tank play properly the DPS can't take it from him.
    The actual system is just garbage because even with the tank playing fine he can't hold the aggro if he isn't a f*ckin SK.

    "DPS need to watch carefully and not overdo" this is pure bullshit.
    If you think the aggro system should work like this then f*ck upgrade for DPS gears, since they will need to hold their DPS down.

    I never see so much shit together before reading your comments in this topic, realy...
    You realy need to play more MMOs to learn how aggro system should works.

    Best comment in this topic was the one saying that the best thing to do is just make Bold Strike different for PvE and PvP.
    PvE can have all the damage it wants and nuke even boss if the SK players want it, but then in PvP need to have a much lower damage.
    Plus, Bold Strike i think is the only DoT that scale with the character attack, any other DoT in the game have fixed flat damage, so, just make Bold Strike have fixed flat damage like any other DoT and done.

    Another question from me about mods haha
    You guys know if it's possible to change parts from a dogi to the visual of a equipment?
    I'm playing as a Majin and there's no dogi from Majin Boo or relativies, so i was thinking to change the visual from one dogi to the visual from Majins armors we get as equipment lvl 20-
    It's possible at this state of the game mods?

    I don't think the droprate is lower, but everyone gets this impression because of the small time to farm it
    2 times of 2 hour only in Saturday i think is too little time

    Korean servers was all weekends, 48 hours of event
    Taiwan servers was 1 hour of event, but all days

    Maybe if make the event last all Saturday (24 hours), will be better

    So, yesterday i was registered to participate in adult Budokai. When the competition starts i didn't get the invitation to enter the battle, like i wasn't registered at all. Ok, i thought it was because my registered number (437), even if in the official has the limit to 1000 persons i thought "maybe here is less people and i didn't enter because my number". Today again i wasn't invited, but my number was 120! Other persons who i talked didn't get invited yesterday and today again. Even a guy with number 70 didn't enter!

    See, isn't like we entered the Battle Royale and didn't pass or got crashed, the game didn't send us inside at all to battle the qualify, it's like we didn't registered to participate.
    Sorry any problem in my english, it's not my main language and i doesn't know very well

    as a human fighter full con 10-15 con i have 8k hp...meanwhile a namek has is that fair ?and they also deal dmg as much as i do and they have very good crafted armors compared to human ... so i guess asking to buff the most op classes in game is not fair is it ?

    I'm not talking about buffing classes, i'm making a suggestion only about transformations
    Talking about classes, Fighter, Sword and Turtle have low HP next to Nameks, but monstruous DPS. Nameks have more HP because they are tanks, you should know this. The only Namek that has high DPS is Shadow, and he's like this because the bleeding is broken as hell. The Shadow bleed need nerf since official servers. (Poko doesn't count as high DPS, because he hit hard only in lvl 70 with the Atk Speed meta, which any class can attack fast and hard)

    You as a Human Fighter can't say anything about other classes being broken too, since Fighter is one of the strongests classes in the game. It was all over the official game and it's here. Can't get full potential at cap 45, but is strong as hell. I know what i'm talking, i played as a Fighter all DBO existence.

    Crafted Armors are good to Humans the same way they are to Nameks and Majins, your point about this doesn't make any sense.

    Anyway, like i said, my suggestion wasn't about classes, was only about transformations.
    The balance of classes is a much deeper thing

    Majins and Nameks doesn't gain new attacks, they need to spend points on that skills and lose access to all skills from their class, only using the skills from the transformation... on the other side Humans(Saiyans) can keep using their class skills, mostly max level

    Majins and Nameks need to sacrifice points from their class skills to have skills to use during their transformation because they can't use skills from class
    Humans spend nothing and can keep using class skills max level

    Thats why i said the suggestion to remove the need to spend points in the skills so Majins and Nameks could use that points for the class skills

    One thing that i always tought was unfair in DBO was the fact that Majins and Nameks need to spend SP on skills for their transformation, while humans doesn't
    My suggestion is that Pure Majin and Great Namek skills comes max lvl to Majins and Nameks when they obtain their transformation
    Or the skills could have a single level unlocked when the transformation is obtained with balanced numbers
    This will help Nameks and Majins classes have more points to spend on their class, like humans, having the possibility to max lvl more skills