Today's Patch (03/22/2018) - Where's the Fix to NoClip Monsters?


    Now, where's the fix to NoClip monsters?

    Already has more than 2 weeks that i reported this problem in the game, people posted in my topic complaining about this, i sent a ticket that u guys answered and until now no fix.
    This is game breaking in a lot of content (Open Dungeons, UD's and TMQ's) and make the experience worse and until now nothing.

    "- <Tournament> Since there are so many people wanting to participate in the Tournament, I've made a change, that people with the most ranking points will be able to enter. Please note that this only applies to the solo tournament."

    Why this? Just why? So, now people who only wants to play Budokai and not ranked need to play ranked to have a chance to participate? This is just stupid.

    Why change something nobody complains in the original DBO? Now people need to keep doind CC battle all days to farm ranking points and play in the Budokai. Who can only play a little time per day and weekends? People who doesn't like CC Battle and likes Budokai? You guys realy think before change something in the game or just throw the first thing that comes to your mind?

    Just increase the number of people who can enter into the preliminary and call the first people to apply until the spots are over. Who enters fight, who doesn't try again next week. My God.

  • Agree 100%. Even though it's not an issue for me because I do plenty CC. It's just not fair for those who want to spend their time doing other things, like CC Dungeon or farming to get gear etc etc.

  • the changes to force people to do rank just to be able to join solo budokai is so say good idea..

    less chance of meeting noobs in prelims also in the 1 v 1 duels also you will ofc meet some noobs in prelims but this time its not that many where you can just hunt the weakest among them all in the prelims ... this time the strong one have to deal with other strong one in free for all soo yeah i dont see any bad changes to the budokai yet..

  • the changes to force people to do rank just to be able to join solo budokai is so say good idea..

    less chance of meeting noobs in prelims also in the 1 v 1 duels also you will ofc meet some noobs in prelims but this time its not that many where you can just hunt the weakest among them all in the prelims ... this time the strong one have to deal with other strong one in free for all soo yeah i dont see any bad changes to the budokai yet..

    The Open just started a few months ago, there are ALOT of new players at this moment, ALOT of players that also need to learn alot of this game, like for example Budokai. Btw what are you going to say if you're not ranked high enough to participate? Calling yourself a noob then? XD

    This should have been fixed within the maintenances we had since Open started, i totally agree!

  • The Open just started a few months ago, there are ALOT of new players at this moment, ALOT of players that also need to learn alot of this game, like for example Budokai. Btw what are you going to say if you're not ranked high enough to participate? Calling yourself a noob then? XD

    This should have been fixed within the maintenances we had since Open started, i totally agree!

    wow a random... Well everyone is soo say a noob specially those some are lucky to come far but dont know how to deal with other classes...

    and this picture says everything from seeing that day it happend a pure lucky crane win cause of budokai was bugged ok how he got 3 wins idk but still thats shame to see i expected more from a ultimate players...if he lost to that crane fair fight then all i can say is ok GGWP hope not to see him in future some i will anyways its was one of the bugged budokai days that we all who enjoyed to try to play... meanwhile me (no tp k)

    for people to enter budokai solo there is a limit how many people can enter idk but there is ofc the number that increase above the limit but this system will basically fix that issue ...

  • TBH i dont think anything is wrong with allowing just the best players from mudosa , makes the torneys harder and more competitive.

    Here's the problem. How many players can actually participate? Is every high ranker in mudosa legit? Can guild mates lose on purpose to help players get called to play budokai? Does gear matter in pvp, if it does, where do you get the time between farming mudosa, getting gear and having a life?

    The team is trying to make mudosa farm illegal, I get that. Making it a must to play solo budokai is not the way considering how solo budokais only happen once a day in a timezone not everyone can participate. It's just not fair.

    Just by reducing the chs that rankeds can be played is already enough.

    The issue on how many players could enter the budokai is easilly fixed by imposing a limited number of entries. First come First served is still the best way to do budokai.

    Still, this is not what this post is about. He is talking about monsters clipping inside terrain, that is an issue that needs to be treated as critical.

  • wow a random... Well everyone is soo say a noob specially those some are lucky to come far but dont know how to deal with other classes...

    and this picture says everything from seeing that day it happend a pure lucky crane win cause of budokai was bugged ok how he got 3 wins idk but still thats shame to see i expected more from a ultimate players...if he lost to that crane fair fight then all i can say is ok GGWP hope not to see him in future some i will anyways its was one of the bugged budokai days that we all who enjoyed to try to play... meanwhile me (no tp k)

    for people to enter budokai solo there is a limit how many people can enter idk but there is ofc the number that increase above the limit but this system will basically fix that issue ...

    this budo had 0 fight happen, everyone crashed every fight

  • Reason behind is really simple.

    Ranking will be record of rank battles, budokai winners and more.

    One more, each budokai there is too much participants for that event to handle, this is to limit amount of participants and that those who are participants knows something about PVP.

    One more, Daneos will add that to fix in his list, he is doing everything by list and he ain't fk-ing robot.

    Give guy time to chill...


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  • wow a random... Well everyone is soo say a noob specially those some are lucky to come far but dont know how to deal with other classes...

    and this picture says everything from seeing that day it happend a pure lucky crane win cause of budokai was bugged ok how he got 3 wins idk but still thats shame to see i expected more from a ultimate players...if he lost to that crane fair fight then all i can say is ok GGWP hope not to see him in future some i will anyways its was one of the bugged budokai days that we all who enjoyed to try to play... meanwhile me (no tp k)

    for people to enter budokai solo there is a limit how many people can enter idk but there is ofc the number that increase above the limit but this system will basically fix that issue ...

    I would say something but Sendoku pretty much said everything:

    Are you that dumb ? this budo had 0 fight happen, everyone crashed every fight


    TBH i dont think anything is wrong with allowing just the best players from mudosa , makes the torneys harder and more competitive.

    Yeah, that will happen, for sure... but no
    You will have lot's of players that are good but doesn't have enough time to play during the week to farm a high rank and because of that they will never participate in the Budokai in this new way. In the other hand, you will have bad players farming high rankings with friends (even if it's illegal will always have players who do it) that will enter in the Budokai because of that.
    But even if what you say is true, this new way are just saying for those who doesn't have enough time during the week that they will not play Budokai Solo anymore. Just like that, it's not the right thing to do. If the problem is the number of players trying to participate, just put a limit to the entries (just like the official was) and call to enter by the registration number (first to apply, first to enter).


    I said something about this change in Budokai in my post, yes, but the main reason for the thread is not fixing the "NoClip Monters" problem

  • wow a random... Well everyone is soo say a noob specially those some are lucky to come far but dont know how to deal with other classes...

    and this picture says everything from seeing that day it happend a pure lucky crane win cause of budokai was bugged ok how he got 3 wins idk but still thats shame to see i expected more from a ultimate players...if he lost to that crane fair fight then all i can say is ok GGWP hope not to see him in future some i will anyways its was one of the bugged budokai days that we all who enjoyed to try to play... meanwhile me (no tp k)

    for people to enter budokai solo there is a limit how many people can enter idk but there is ofc the number that increase above the limit but this system will basically fix that issue ...

    I wasnt calling you a noob, let me make that clear. Its just that you can be good in Budokai, but you need to have a lot of luck also.

    Thats what i was referring to. I do understand the better Budokai vs better Budokai argument tho ;)

    But we are talking about evrything besides the important thing adrian posted.

  • Are you that dumb ? this budo had 0 fight happen, everyone crashed every fight

    that dosent answer the 0 - 3 but yeah i know its was bugged from the starts smh

    I would say something but Sendoku pretty much said everything:

    random reply k

    I wasnt calling you a noob, let me make that clear. Its just that you can be good in Budokai, but you need to have a lot of luck also.

    Thats what i was referring to. I do understand the better Budokai vs better Budokai argument tho ;)

    But we are talking about evrything besides the important thing adrian posted.

    ik you didnt call me noob just i just reply lel

  • Split Solo budokai in more days a week so all players dont be forced to go on the same day??? Nah, lets just make a system so the same players go over and over and new players doesn't even have a chance to fight.

    Just fix budokai crashes and make more events a week for god sake.

  • best way to fix budokai problem is to do it like Taiwain .. party and solo budokai in same day , we got 2 day's for that Saturday and Sunday chose a time when everyone can play ... ^^!! i don't know who is suggesting idea's like that but honnestly the staff shouldn't listen to them /him ...

  • "- <Tournament> Since there are so many people wanting to participate in the Tournament, I've made a change, that people with the most ranking points will be able to enter. Please note that this only applies to the solo tournament."

    Why this? Just why? So, now people who only wants to play Budokai and not ranked need to play ranked to have a chance to participate? This is just stupid.

    Why change something nobody complains in the original DBO? Now people need to keep doind CC battle all days to farm ranking points and play in the Budokai. Who can only play a little time per day and weekends? People who doesn't like CC Battle and likes Budokai? You guys realy think before change something in the game or just throw the first thing that comes to your mind?

    This new system was planned by the DBO G Staff months in advance, in which it was mentioned in the Open Beta 2018 FAQ, so the idea and feature wasn't exactly created "on a whim".

    There are plans to hopefully implement a new system that will connect and tie in ranked matches to budokai.

    However, to answer your question directly, players who reach level cap will still have the advantage at winning. If a low level player wants to succeed in adult budokai, then they must level up for a more fair chance at winning. This will remain the same, just like in retail.

    Just increase the number of people who can enter into the preliminary and call the first people to apply until the spots are over. Who enters fight, who doesn't try again next week. My God.

    Before Open Beta, it was predicted that there would be issues with the preliminary round and it's exceeded capacity (due to the high server population). Obviously increasing the number of participants each round was experimented with and was tested because this would have been the easiest solution, in which it was found to be impossible as it would crash the client. The client in regards to budokai can only fit so many participants.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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