Posts by adrian on fire

    The main thing is about the team is that you guys don't listen to feedback at all you guys say you do but you don't. This same props thread was made like twice 7 months ago when the first actually update happen, then after that maybe like 5-8 thread got created. here 2 for example My case for global properties Property and dmg broke.


    Thousand Slashes nerf thread Why nerfing 1k slashes? You guy didn't take any feedback from that thread and them you guys decided to closed it even though no one was going off topic neither was anyone flaming anyone. Therefore the crane class was heavily nerfed and was never touched again. Also you guys had awful reason to nerf that skill in the first place and which none of those reason included or address the skill for PvE, which people pointed out to you guys and you guy just seem to brush it off and ignore it.

    Armor Bind update This Needs to Be Said

    This thread had over like 100 replies in the same day the thread was made and you guy still went through with that update

    Thanks for the feedbacks, i will discuss with the developer and the rest of the team about this subject and hopefully we will resort to a valid decision that will make the players satisfied even though there will be always few unsatisfied people.

    a lot of people were unsatisfied with the prop update in the first place since it was just a plain nerf then got made into a huge buff for non dps class.

    It's the same to have 19.5 (with full prop) to have 26 (13 *2)?

    It's the same 6.5 prop than 13?

    If you get to the limit, there are other jewelry you can use.

    Capping it would mean you wouldn't get any benefit from ultimate 18 prop buff. The problem is the fact that people would still get 1 shot from fighters or w.e. read what echoson said on the first page

    I figure It was same thing that led to thousands slash nerf too. I want to know who is deciding these awful updates and won't take feedback consideration from the community it can't be daneos the dude barely ever touch retail dbo

    capping props to 26% is the same as having prop as 0.5 : 0.5 it won't slove anything.

    Fix the damage on skills, like a new damage and defense formula

    exactly this they need to find a better damage and defense formula instead messing with properties, Its obviously not the right solution to balance classes

    maybe you

    I have a video of me using like 23 boxes to get 12 con on a tmq1 pants and like 40+ boxes to get my boots to like 10 con I might of delete that one like last month, but anyways sometimes you get lucky most of the times you don't that just how it is was with a box that give random generated stats. I cashed for those boxes too fyi

    In retail dbo the majin had 100% chance of dropping silver coins but that not the case in DBOG

    adrian on fire you didn't understand the problem. It's not just about pve it's about this game getting to easy. Normally even the existence of brown boxes is wrong but well if they wouldn't be here many of you guys would cry. You are going to bring even more brown boxes into this game well no thx please stop it. It should take an expierenced veteran player a few years to get everything on max but in dbog right now it will only take a few months. Yeah now you will cry but as a new player it's boring but hey please don't forget this is a mmorpg and if you don't like how mmorpgs works then you are wrong here.

    "A few year to get everything max" grindy mmo like that are dead for the same reason you think these update are easy and isn't need.

    This by far the worst argument I've ever read on the forum. Do you expect $1k+ gains with some ads or youtube videos lol? Do you even know how much money you get for 1k views xD?

    No one would ever fund or become a patron if they won't get anything back.
    Stop that nonsense, and get over it that the cashshop is essential, as in every game, to keep to game alive. Why do people flame anyways about some brown boxes? Back in TW there was not a single way besides cashing to get brown boxes. Although it is hard to acquire one through the Boss event it is possible.

    I don't think you know how youtube monetization works or the effect of having youtube channel advertise your game or how patreon works. If they DBOGlobal team was actually active with their youtube channel releasing like 20 random videos about dbog a month since the start the pre-open beta they would have more then 10k subscriber right now which will lead to more people playing the game, leading to more people possible donating, plus the ad money you get from uploading videos. for Patreon comment daneos could of added the founder pack to that. Moral of the story money adds up if you know how to money through advertise your products

    " Although it is hard to acquire one through the Boss event it is possible. "    

    ~~~ that why people are making suggestion

    In TW they gave gold key in webdepot which gave you a chance at a silver boxes

    I think I have a solution.

    I think the two main concern that people have against this suggestion is that it will ruin PVE (via stopping people from farming non stop for gear because they can just use around 30-80 brown to obtain the stats they) & second that it will devalue the amount of zeni you earn for cashing/donating for someone who doesn't have enough time to play the game, but wants to play the game.

    Now this is what I suppose.

    The developer team did a good job with giving extra incentive to keep people spamming CCBD to earn either dogi balls or unseal coins which were also binded and untradeable meaning people who wanted to making zeni from buying the trade-ble version from cash shop still had a decent way of making zeni to sell to people who didn't want to spam CCBD for dogi ball & unseal coins via cashing.

    For brown boxes I propose that you can obtain untradeable like 5 browns at maybe a 20% chance for full completing either TMQ5-6-7. This mean F2P will have a chance to obtain brown boxes that are untradeable and give a incentive to keep doing PvE content like TMQ5-6-7. Which will bring more people to keep spamming PvE content which will bring more TMQ unique into the game and to serve as a money maker for everyone who want to spam TMQ. Also with the brown boxes being untradeable casher wont see a big decrease in value from brown boxes since brown boxes are universal and needed are in a lot of part in this game for item with set stats like CCBD gear, Dragonball hunt & scramble accessories/armor, Mudosa accessories/armor etc

    DreameR68  2pro4u  Ultranovaxstyle what do you think about this

    Also, let me remind you that even with a much more P2W system (which means they were probably MAKING MORE $), DBO TW shut down and we certainly do not want that to happen again, or do we? The bottom line of everything is always business, aka $$$$, please do not forget that.

    They're plenty of way to go about getting money for the server through forums ads, patreon, go funds me, Youtube-monetization etc but I'm pretty sure money is never going to be the issues in this case since this is an private server and it seem daneos and supposedly one other guy is working on it

    Making the game easier won't help it to survive it will only make it die much earlier

    It the opposite and mmo are a dying genre but anyways look at a successful currents mmorpg like oldschool runescape for example their player base keep growing and growing because of they how take successful community idea updates and implement them into there game and the progression is easier. They even poll what comes into the game too. The only updates that involve the community input was the token shop and the new PVP platform arena those were well receive by the community. After that mostly every other update just cause backlash and people raging on forums(nerfing random classes skills,props nerf, bind armor update etc etc)

    EVENT ITEMS that only come from the cash shop(aka spending money), the one from the boss event are untradeable and only can obtain 1 a day 2 if your on the game for at least 8 hour for another boss event to spawn. Crafted armor there literally no point in using a brown box on when it in fact would be cheaper to keep crafting the armor to get the stats that you want. TMQ BID okay you have a point, but that why you add extra incentive to do these dungeons, like how CCBD now drops dogi balls and unseal coins.

    CCBD armor and accessories from CCBD come with garbage set stats and that means that you can't obtain other stats on it by farming it non stop. That were brown and silver boxes come into play. Catering to people who have a elitist mind set like you guy kill off this game for sure.

    That upgrade system thread that you want to see already happen, I think it got closed for flamming but I'm not sure

    Stop trying to make this game easier and noob friendlier than it already is lmao

    The game Mechanic is easy and noob friendly, but actually gearing your FULLY character is a different story. The noob player will quit after stomped by tryhard Vet or by player who think there good but are actually trash asf. The game will be dead within a year without any good changes or updates. This game is a unoffical mmo that died years ago people need to remember that.

    Like i said before new player will just fine a different game to play. Yeah your right this is a mmorpg but it also a mmo that died years ago and now came back as a community base private server. What wrong with a private server being less grindy to play for casual? also in fact this game attract a lot of them.

    no one shittalking either man my god yo. Did you know dbog is currently a pre open beta meaning were suppose to test stuff and find bugs and report it on forums so you need clam your ego down and look at it from a different perspective. I've been finding and reporting bugs since pre open beta started because it would make the open beta come out a lot faster and I knew that if grind super hard for shit on my character it would get wipe anyways BECAUSE IT A TEST SERVER. So don't ever bring up what other people personal did during this test server,

    oh yeah btw you never address why it should be a good thing for casual player to keep it the same. You and the other people who like your post just keep going on how about how it devalue their hardcore non casher grind which laughable compare to someone cashing on this game

    I'm a student and I work after my lessons + I have alot of work to do at home for university. I don't think that I can spend 15+ hours a day for anything.

    I was just saying in general, I wasn't directly pointing at you. Proxymime while you had to log on everyday for a month straight to get around 30 boxes while it only took me like 5 minute to get 50 boxes just by donating. Do you see the differences in that? or that just hard mode for you

    Well we will see. I'm 100% sure that I will need only around 1 month to get full gear with the current state of dbog and if these changed come it will be alot easier. But as I said we will see when the OB starts.

    P.S. I'm not a casher

    This is a private server and shouldn't be balanced around the people who spend 15+ hour a day on the game. Cool man you will get your all gear within a month or faster if its changes, good for you, but you getting your gear won't effect anyone gameplay or ruin anyone PvE experience.

    Like I said earlier the newer player will just find a different game if stuff stay the same