I asked staff about it and was told that they stack. and then it was confirmed via Daneos.
Posts by Cosmo
Crit % on gloves doesn't mean it only affects moves that use gloves. they stack together. So does crit rate.
I personally just like the sub weapon appearing more powerful. doesn't matter which one has the stat on it
The 'game' hasn't started yet. This is where bugs and hacks are supposed to happen so that the development team can fix it.
You're playing in a test phase where everything will be deleted and everything will be new and bug-free. If somehow people can bug or hack in open beta and onwards they will receive instant permanent bans. no excuses.
I donated around 550 usd on this game because i love it. I don't want some buggers to ruin it for me...
The subweapon only accounts it's damage stats for skills that use it.
aikarsa Yes. All classes benefit from upgrading their gloves. Any kid skill you use will use your glove stats, As well as any adult skill that doesn't use your subweapon. It's likely that you'll at least use the 2 stuns from the martial artist tree, and the extra damage you get on top of the stun could very well be the difference between you winning or losing. However focus on your sword first and gloves after.
MikaelleSan the sub weapon gives you attack boosts for your skills that use it. The base attack of your character doesn't increase on your Character window "C" because your character uses only their gloves in auto attacks. If your weapon has something like FOC or SOL or Crit Rate on it then you will see those values go up when you equip it.
depends on personal playstyle. Do you want to be critting loads or do you want the crit damage when you do get one to be higher damage?
Personally, with Fighter, i'd go crit % on the gloves and crit % on the stick.
Then Swordsman, crit rate on gloves and crit % on sword.
For Crane, physical crit % on both gloves and dan.
in regards to the Grand chef and ultimate, i'd go for Crit % since they have access to a crit rate buff via the mighty majin tree.
Every one and their mother knows those items were duplicated by now. The issue here is that you want them all to reset to +0 that is unfair.
Every user who has one of those weapons or pieces of armour now has it because they bought it from a vendor, Auction house, Or they traded for it from someone else. Whether or not they knew t was bugged at the time is irrelevant. any weapon, item, or armour piece you get from the auction house could have been bugged so it would be unfair to reset it just because it is bugged. That's the point i'm making here. All users who were caught abusing the bug or using 3rd party software has been perma banned so justice was done in that area.
Lolll, I am jealous? Are you retarded? aikarsa . I understand now that that's not enough reason to ban them since they could have gotten it from someone else but the items were clearly duplicated.
To change the channel you need to 'exit the world you're currently in' The change channel menu works by logging your character out and then logging them back into the new channel you clicked.
So the system you want is unlikely to happen due to how it works. SSJ is not essential and more often than not limits your gameplay due to the ep drain. The idea sounds nice but i don't think it would be worth investing time into.
I think it could be the HDD? my computer ran fine until my SSD broke (cousin used my computer while i was away and messed it up) so i'm using my regular HDD now and get a freeze sometimes for about 3 seconds. but the game still runs at that time so when the freeze stops everything that happened al goes fast at once. i've tried reinstalling windows and updating all drivers but no changes.
i will include my laptop specs at the end but i just formatted my laptop and installed win10 i was using 7 before it didn't make much of a difference really , i lowered all the settings and i was running at 60fps in pretty much all map but still every 20-30 seconds a lag spike, the game doesn't slow down just freezes for 5 seconds sometimes 10 anyways the strange thing is i cant understand obviously the slightest of the issue maybe because due to the fact of the game channels still so, whenever lets say i'm landing or killing a mob by the time i will unfreeze the mob would be dead
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU Q 720 @ 1.60GHz (8 CPUs), ~1.6GHz
6gb RAM
graphic card: nvidea geforce 330m gt 4gb
500gb HDD
First of all. Naming and shaming is against the rules. If you have a player report you need to write to staff directly here https://forum.dboglobal.to/ticketsystem/ .
Second. Simply seeing someone with the same weapon or armour, etc. Is not 'proof' that person bugged it. What happened was that a few individuals bugged their items and then put them up on the auction house and gave them out to their friends and guilds. These people who received the items did not bug or hack. and most are innocent.
How would you feel if you bought a +15 item and then because someone scanned a few peoples gear and complained, you lost it? Not fair to you so it's not fair on them Those who actually used the bugs and hacks to make/clone these weapons have been banned.
Now if you would like an opinion from the moderators you can click their pages to PM them by clicking these, Aru Celestial Titania Tempest Ayame
If you have proof of this feel free to send it to staff in a ticket and they'll be dealt with.
7 noes from chinese buggers who get their monthly salary out of selling +15 items
I have a Crane, Turtle, and a Swordsman all with SSJ
i tend to use my DW and karma at the moment though. easier to farm with.
I think the Super Saiyan title here just means i never shut up?
BTW i'll be back on discord in a day or two, i'm not at home for now
Oh dang it i saw ssj hahaha my bad but I know you from discord too and in game you aint one.
Any and all unbannings have been done so after their bugged items have been discarded/removed. If they have more that means someone else has given more or that they used more stones.
People who hack or use 3rd party programs get an instant perma ban and no chance of getting it back. People who abuse bugs are given 1 temp ban and then a perma one if caught again. It's on the game policy page for all to see.
Funny they say its perma ban but many accounts have been unbanned lol
I wish
I found out about this project August 2016, Too late to get founder pack XD
But I would have gotten one if I found out about it earlier!
And why would cosmo be bugger tf. He is super saiyan founder. Can you think a bit with your head?
No it's not. If you want him to see your comments you write to him in a ticket. he only looks at and sees threads that are alerted to his attention.
Simply owning a +15 weapon is by no means against rules. However, if you see a player trying to sell anything in-game for real money (account, item, character) you screenshot or record it and submit it in a ticket to him with the level of "major" and staff are all sent notifications. Then they personally go into the game and stop it. If the player is seen doing it again they get a perma IP ban on that character.
Again. If you read the rules you'd know this, Sorry if what i'm saying seems rude, I'm not going to sugar coat something we're all tired of having to repeat and say time and time again.
No offence, but you must be new here.
The forums are a place for information, helping others, and guides.
I don't cash. I never will. I don't own any +15 weapons nor any white stones, I don't abuse bugs, i record and report them so that they are fixed.
If you looked at the website or the forums you'd know why there is no ETA, The only reason the server was opened to the public was so that players can help find and report problems and bugs to get the server ready for open-beta faster. Just because a lot of players decide not to do this and play regularly instead doesn't mean he should stop or change what he's doing to accommodate them.
If you want to get Daneos' attention you could have written a ticket to him explaining why you feel like this, how he can 'solve the problem' and you will get a reply from him. There's no need to create another thread on this subject as there have been many in the past.
You, as well as every other user who cries about this on the forums, will be told the same thing.Unless you submit proof of the individual you say bugged this or that then nothing will happen.
All their items will be removed along with everyone and everything else in Open-Beta. This is a testing phase so don't get so caught up on it.
Dudes. There are already 3 other threads complaining about the last updates damage changes. Please keep in mind this is an alpha state server which is testing new equations and code to try to make damage what it was like in retail. This is obviously wrong and will be changed before OB.
If you want to make a thread please use the search bar to see if similar or the same topic has already been posted, please.
It sounds more like you crashed or had an error when logging out or changing channels, Lots of people get this from time to time.
Contact a staff member via the ticket system and they'll be able to tell you what will happen to unlock it.
Yesterday I wanted to log in to my user and it showed me that someone was already inside so I went into my brother's user and saw that my player was not logged in. Someone was logged in to the user but you could not play. Can someone help me?