Posts by ainttoxic

    First of all get over the fact that I am probably more free 2 play than any of you guys, I dont have to prove anything you can keep ranting and flaming that I am casher but if this is your only point then this is kinda weak I guess. Whoever came up with this term 'self proclaimed f2p player' has to have low intelligence.

    You can't destroy gear at all besides throwing it away, you drop more u70, much more u70 stones, u70 whites are obtainable through pve, property balls rare and excellent are obtainable through pve.

    Inb4 toxic noskill kids want to drop wagu coins from like every monster and cashpoints aswell.

    I would appreciate if you guys would keep the server up without getting any benefits lol
    Kiddos it reality if you want ur 2 hour till max gear max stat server go ahead create one urself.

    well , i will maybe nominate u in decemeber 2018 to earn the " Most non-sense comment of the year" , i think i have never seen more contradictions in 1 reply in my life ... , u don't want him to bee offend but u say " keep you'r personal opinions for you'r self " , you want him to give he's oppinion but not as human but as staff member aka a kind of bot

    btw i don't wanna offence you when i said that you'r comment have so much Non-sense ^^ !

    Why do you try to be mature and all that and spamming those kiddo emojis and rant everyone about their own opinion?

    Dude, people have school and work. Some people don't wanna pour in $10k just to be strong at the game unlike somebody. And coming back farming your ass off for straight hours without sleep and getting no good equips or brown boxes, while the server is filled with messages of whales that just have better computer overall and to top it off cashing like mad. Doesn't have to earn the money they have. They just have to sell their dogis, brown boxes, dogi balls, whom do they sell them to? To us f2p players! Sitting around afking with multiple alt accounts, while you're running around in fields trying to get zeni. IN the end where does that zeni go to? Again back to them, the game is not hard. It's insane. But I guess you wouldn't now that right? Self proclaimed f2p.

    Edit :

    It's kind of true, they sometimes do give warning to people that are analyzing the game objectively, but they take the review of cashers instead. Just because casher dont get their way, they whine about making the game easier for them. They dont give a damn about grinding or anything like that. The obscene things that they suggest aint even related to grinding to obtain those stuffs, just things that help them ease upgrades and market fluctuation towards them. The whole circle that they intend for feels like a dictatorship where we are the zeni mules.

    Wtf do you expect?
    Cash shop is there for people who work so they can still compete with people who are playing 24/7. This is not LoL or any other MOBA it's an MMORPG get over it, cash shop in MMORPG's are always like this. As long as you can get all the gear its just a matter of time.

    a perfect example of a player who is unable to comprehend what is happening around him.Maybe next time read 2 or 3 times so you understeand the meaning of this thread. wait until lv 70 cap? yeah man you are bleeding so wait until you bleed out and see what happens , is that what you'r suggesting ?You are delusional big time

    no u.

    Disagreeing with another member is now flaming? You sound deeply offended for a F2P, and you're always on these kind of threads defending the obvious heavy P2W aspects of this game. Hmmm... Honestly I wouldn't mind if Excellent and rare earrings had a better drop rate and legendary stayed around the same. Because right now the best viable way to get great earrings/necklaces is cashing and hoping a legendary earring/necklace drops your way~

    because apparently everyone wants item stuffed up their asses and cry about how hard the game is lmao.

    Lmao , so fun peopole talking about "Flaming" while they are the one Flaming , i geuss some peopole doesn't understand why brown boxes are making the game die

    Let mee explain something ^^ :

    the brown boxes if they will still non - binded they will become the main currency to buy" good " items in the game same as in POB ... Nice pleas if u don't agree with mee tell mee why and Quote mee .... ,now here is another problem ^^ ! when they bind the brown boxes we need to deal with how non - casher's will gonnna get there brown boxes ^^ !! well u can add the chest's / world boss / CC'drop / tmq / bid drops .. ^^

    I'am still waiting for the Daneos Tempest Box-head(boxbox) Aru answer , guys pleas stop ignore this kind of theards ^^

    :D :D :D :D :D peopole dont bink so becoose i now teh game wonnt dye if u donnt get brown boxes x1000 thet eiszy through pve

    You're clearly just another cash whale defending his P2W. +13 Gloves less than 1 max stat earring is good? People keep ignoring that arguement I wonder why.

    go ahead delete cashshop idgaf I never cashed and don't have any intentions to do so.
    As I said stop flaming around before the whole game with all its content is released.

    Apparently everyone is F2P on forums. There's no denying you need multiple sets of earrings and necklaces in this game. And the only way to obtain those are through casher's brown boxes.

    This isn't just P2W, this makes the game itself expensive, cashing $50 isnt even enough these days, try $100+. Game will die being that expensive.

    Since you can drop them, this argument is just trash.

    Since you cant read either, I am a 100% f2p player and never spent a single penny on DBOG. Yet I am not as spoiled as you 2h "hardcore players" are. Do you expect to have endgear in like ughhhh 2 hours? Be happy you can buy boxes from other players and don't rant that you want them as easy as possible lmao.
    Neither lv 70 cap nor CC150 was released yet you flame about boxes. Look at CC 100 rewarding you rare dogi balls, which were unattainable in PvE without events. Just wait till lv 70 cap and stop complaining about the stuff you cant get because of some illusions and wishes.

    you make so much nonsense? first who flamed ? that is an opinion. Second i will again use the most used quote by staff members"this is DBOG not tw'' so stop with the nonsense ok?

    Cool nice quote why not give everyone GM commands so they can command their items?
    Would fix every problem :v )

    "They should be worthless and easy to obtain [...]""Want to balance game [...]"
    You cant even break your gear anymore yet you flame that the game should become easier than it already is? Especially compared to Taiwan DBOG is so much easier.

    The critdamage was nerfed due to players complaints.

    In order to satisfy some tanks who got oneshot by prop building DPS, you delete crit from pve and almost pvp?
    Crit oneshots are healthy vs tanks.

    Taking here turtle as example since he was DPS who build prop.
    You take the risk to cast a spell with 45 sec cooldown, without crit you deal 2-3k dmg, with crit 1 shot which was good.

    Now you take the risk to cast a spell with 45 sec cd, without crit you deal 2-3k dmg, with crit like 10-15k which absolute garbage.

    Meanwhile SK 1 shot combo pre propnerf and after propnerf vs turtle.
    Of course those tanks are going to complain because its for their own sake, dont see how the prop change was satisfied for anyone else.

    The dev don't want to because Prop would be meaningless and prop users will complain either way so we will still have unsatisfied players.

    What about critdamage then? Why are there 130k gaps, that's more than ridiculous.

    And prop was not meaningless, it was counterable like any stats in general.
    Prop becomes meaningless if you nerf it and take diversity of the game.

    .5% is a good idea because it makes tanks with high-end gear more vulnerable

    1% is good it will make my favourite class's more stronger and fighter 1shot outta nowhere won't be a thing

    Not everyone is a quitter though, they say go hard or go home.

    What would be the problem if you would enable N prop and revert prop to 1%?
    Fighters could easily leave their weapons on N and deal 5% less damage but still ridiculous amounts of it since busted dex stacking and low cd spells without casttime.
    PvE wouldn't be that shitty either because of what DreameR showed us, 30k damage is a joke. That's what a SM can deal with burning attack spam and eng atk gear.

    No, i do really support it because i can adapt myself to both 0.5% - 1% and if the players wants 1% so be it and i think 1% is even better for me since i don't play fighter.

    xD Then stop trying to convince the people which are playing this alpha stage to balance out things that .5% is a good idea and how everyone can "adapt" to it, it was one of the worst changes and some are trying to tell you this. Of course everyone has to adapt to .5% but in the end if the game will be unplayable with changes like this eventually noone will continue to play that game. Besides of everything being impossible or very hard it is taking a lot of fun.
    It ain't fun going in CC with poko and miss every hit due to 9000+ dodgerate or playing turtle and dealing 30k crit, or getting 1 hit by any fighter as a tank because they crit with almost every single ability. It's just getting more and more frustrating over the time.

    each mob has their own attribute so having high attribute to their corresponding weakness gives the player an advantage in terms of strength and defense so a player lets say has property 13x2 earring and would have 26 property advantage over them dealing more damage also with defense their attacks would be weaker on the player. Take in account necklace also has increase damage in attributes

    They all are N property. On TW that was -5% defense and attack vs any other property. That means all that prop gear and buffs doesn't matter at all.

    I want 1:1 prop too, i'm supporting you from the bottom of my heart.

    Yes, we can clearly see how you support us by baiting to believe in some gamebreaking lv 85 gear that is like 2000 years in the future.