New player likes to say "HEY"!

  • Hello everyone, I've been playing this game for almost a week now and I LOVE it. While playing it, I've been closely reading the different posts on this forum, only to see that you guys are so nice and friendly. So this morning I was like "Hmm, let's make my introduction official". So yeh, here I am rocking a Shadow Knight at the moment and hoping to catch you all online some time to play! My IGN = Brecht (Hehe Belgium names are always available xD)

    PS: Ayame, yesterday I stumbled upon your shop while scrolling through the recent posts and I just wanted to say "GREAT WORK!!!" :D

  • Hey Brecht!
    Have a fun time in the game.
    1- What lvl are you? (I also have an SK, along with other characters. You can always hang out!)

    2- Don't forget to use the top-right hand side of the forums for your questions (Search)

    3- Best of luck to you in the game.

    4- Be a helpful part of the community!

  • Thanks for all the nice messages

    @B4DA my namekian is still only lvl20 as I am currently lvling him up. When I mentionned the SK, I actually meant which AC my goal was

    Since you still haven't chosen the master class, I would recommend you go DW because the bugs seem to support them much more than SKs (Also Bold Strike isn't as strong as it was)

  • Since you still haven't chosen the master class, I would recommend you go DW because the bugs seem to support them much more than SKs (Also Bold Strike isn't as strong as it was)

    Hm, I see. Well like most new people I read a lot of forum Posts to see which class had which task and weapon. After reading through a loot of comments I chose to pick SK, SM (trunks fan) and fighter (Even tho fighting with a stick is less appealing to me)

    I was like yes I am new to this game so lets use this pre open beta to learn jouw to play AND get some knowledge of THE classes I am interested in.

    So sure SK being one of my fave I hope these bugs get fixed before open beta because SK class Is more appealing to me and I would always choose a axe over claws. This pre open beta is like a rehersal to get used to to them before open beta starts xD but ay thanks for your advice, Ill be sure to check DW out aswell :D

  • LoL Someone who understands

    This pre open beta is like a rehersal to get used to to them before open beta starts xD

    Being a new player is a huge deal when you are in pre-open beta. It gives you a very useful head start to tryout most classes you might be interested in.
    I know SK is awesome because I main SK (with SMs....but I don't like SM that much :( )
    Building and getting gear is a much harder task than most other classes. In fact, I find that Namekian classes are the hardest to build, but a lot of people say that Buffer majins are (Ultimate and Grand Chef Majins).
    Anyway, have a fun time and tryout all the classes you can, I can recommend Dende Priest and Karma majin, but those are just some of my personal favorites
    If you want any help building an SK or other classes, just send me a Conversation, I am quite active!

  • Will do. I personally dont really like long ranged classes, I rather be up close and stay on the offensive as this is a playstyle I enjoy a lot but maybe the long ranged classes in DBO will change my opinion. :)

  • Hello everyone, I've been playing this game for almost a week now and I LOVE it. While playing it, I've been closely reading the different posts on this forum, only to see that you guys are so nice and friendly. So this morning I was like "Hmm, let's make my introduction official". So yeh, here I am rocking a Shadow Knight at the moment and hoping to catch you all online some time to play! My IGN = Brecht (Hehe Belgium names are always available xD)

    PS: Ayame, yesterday I stumbled upon your shop while scrolling through the recent posts and I just wanted to say "GREAT WORK!!!" :D

    Hey there buddy! Will your character has the same name when open beta comes?

    Have fun, while its pre beta that is!

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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