Engineer class for Humans?

  • So, as many of you already know, the original DBO was going to include a human class called: "Engineer". Because the game was never updated however, it was lost forever.

    According to what I have read on wikipedia (could be completely incorrect), the two sub classes for Engineer were going to be "Gun Maniac" and "Mech Maniac".

    Now, my suggestion is to include Engineer in DBOG, while yes it could make it differ from the original, Engineer was going to be included in DBO anyways (which makes it somewhat original).

    So what do you all think, should Engineer be made a class?

    For anybody who would like to inform themselves, here is the link to Wikipedia page


  • DBOG and DBOR once said that there could be a possibility of them entering the game. I know DBOR mentioned that they were missing a few files? Maybe not, but fact of the matter is if they do implement it into the game I don't care. At the same time, I'd like to make a class to see how they function and what not, then of course, crush them later on.

  • DBOG and DBOR once said that there could be a possibility of them entering the game. I know DBOR mentioned that they were missing a few files? Maybe not, but fact of the matter is if they do implement it into the game I don't care. At the same time, I'd like to make a class to see how they function and what not, then of course, crush them later on.

    Unfortunately it doesn't look like Engineer will make it to light as there are only a few bits of artwork and possible files. I presume that it was an idea that got scrapped because of the whole "unbalance" deal or some nonsense.

  • Unfortunately it doesn't look like Engineer will make it to light as there are only a few bits of artwork and possible files. I presume that it was an idea that got scrapped because of the whole "unbalance" deal or some nonsense.

    Yeah, now that I think about it for a little bit, I do think that adding Engineer would make some things unbalanced. Such as, other races only have two classes.


  • I wouldn't want engineering humans to overshadow poko's with machine "pets". Besides, guns and bombs shouldn't be relevant in Dragonball, especially not when we have Super Saiyans and Pure Majins running around this exact same world.

    I'm glad they were never implemented.

  • I wouldn't want engineering humans to overshadow poko's with machine "pets". Besides, guns and bombs shouldn't be relevant in Dragonball, especially not when we have Super Saiyans and Pure Majins running around this exact same world.

    I'm glad they were never implemented.

    To be honest, this is something I discussed with a few people. At the end, we ended up saying that Mech Maniac will most likely be the better "Poko" because they will be having a mech around helping them.
    Also, it would only make sense if they have big Cast times (Making a mech and such)

    So I agree!

    Also, huge mechs were always defeated easily...heck, Nappa destroyed a few million of them for passing time...and we all know our power level is above 9000 (or 8000 for you freaks out there :) )

  • Lol TFW we have bulmas working w/ Piccolo's and Vegeta's in combat

    Yeah Engineer types just seem out of place

    Well yes and no. There was a part in the timeline where the Budokai Tenkaichi created an "Ultimate" branch for fighters who wanted to utilize machinery and weapons. Considering how often we also see mechs and armed mobs ingame, I'd say Engineers would fit pretty well in DBO.

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