I'm level 50 fighter and I'm kinda stuck.
All the quests I do give me little exp and it take so long to level up.
Is there any way I could level up faster?
I'm level 50 fighter and I'm kinda stuck.
All the quests I do give me little exp and it take so long to level up.
Is there any way I could level up faster?
grind grind grind till 55. After that quest + grind grind grind till 60
UD3 first floor Spam is the best way so far since it gives good exp
UD3 first floor Spam is the best way so far since it gives good exp
Agree with Vapid, Spam it. You can have some1 higher level help you out, like a Turtle or something
do the uds' or tmqs' to level up fast i did it
Thanks for the answers everyone!
Thanks for the answers everyone!
anything to help out a new person
If I recall correctly, a lot of people were spamming tmq 4 on TW dbo to level up faster, even I did, not sure if it was 50 though but I think it was.
Don't know if it's still worth it however
If I recall correctly, a lot of people were spamming tmq 4 on TW dbo to level up faster, even I did, not sure if it was 50 though but I think it was.
Don't know if it's still worth it however
I think your confusing with stones. Ppl use to farm tmq4 only until the turrets for the stones, ud3 was always for powerlevling... thats how i remember it though
I think your confusing with stones. Ppl use to farm tmq4 only until the turrets for the stones, ud3 was always for powerlevling... thats how i remember it though
Just to correct you, they are generators, it is true most people use that area to farm stones and what not, but there are some people who use TMQ 4 for exp farming because it doesn't take long to complete. Usually people who are new to the game and doesn't have an OP friend.
I'm level 50 fighter and I'm kinda stuck.
All the quests I do give me little exp and it take so long to level up.
Is there any way I could level up faster?
This is more a question about efficiency and what ressources you have at hand. Find a good Party for TMQ4 if you have no OP friend that will carry you in UD3.
gimme a level 70 level up item i hate levelling
Normal CD rings and earrings (6-8CD in one accessory), max Storm Strike and use RP Ball for CD Reduction. Lure mobs and just spam this skill. (Two days if you are fast) With buffer is much easier. And drop stones is guaranteed. ;P
If you have someone friend lvl70 for example from guild, go with him spam UD3 (50-55lvl in one-two days)
And i recommend grind in weekends (50% boost).
TMQ4 is more boring than grind and you still need a tmq crystals. This is wasting time imo.
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