<DBO revival projects>Hate against DBOG?

  • Hello guys im doing this thread because... i was reading some opinions from others dragon ball online revival projects Revelations and they are saying "DBOG make a tons of illegal things, bad people, the cash in game are twice then Taiwan" but... ¿why? Daneos (All DBOGTEAM) dont do anything against other projects Revelations , why this hate ? Why they are saying all this project its the "worst thing can do against DBO fans" :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

    I dont post the discussion they do because... well its in spanish and its very long.. so i like to see your opinions, ¿other projects are jelous from DBOG? ¿DBOG are the nazis of DBO? (sarcasm please)

    im a spanish speaker, excuse me if i have grammar or something bad;) on this thread

  • Let’s just say the GMs are shit. Doing nothing but going online to punish people they don’t like. Original plan suddenly got changed and they don’t listen to the players.

    1. Please tell me what you think should be the role of Game Masters.

    2. What is it that you dislike about the change of plans?

    3. If we listened to all the players we would be nowhere, considering there are many contradicting opinions. In the end there are decisions to be taken, even if those aren't necessarily the best ones.

    We aren't perfect and nor the community is, but the reality is we are still here and working towards a complete game.

    To reply to OP: Hate or dislike is part of the job. To be truly honest, if there is another project that actually has progress I wish them luck.

  • which game is more popular? dbog or dbor?

    DBOG currently has bigger attention currently because we have a running open server while DBOR doesn't.

    However, DBOR is still working on their server as far as I know, and if they manage to launch a server their popularity could rise considerably.

    If you really like the game we shouldn't oppose both projects, but consider them both for what they can offer, whenever they can.

  • 2. No one told us before hand especially how throughly you guys was for months about it too, then you guys just added like here "we're doing it, I know we said we weren't going til open beta for like 8 month straight, but we're doing it anyways!" Do not you see the problem with that?

    Communication & talking to your fan base is keys to making a game successful and grow especially with a community of this size, that key into making a great community game instead doing w.e u guy are doing now.

  • 2. No one told us before hand especially how throughly you guys was for months about it too, then you guys just added like here "we're doing it, I know we said we weren't going til open beta for like 8 month straight, but we're doing it anyways!" Do not you see the problem with that?

    Communication & talking to your fan base is keys to making a game successful and grow especially with a community of this size, that key into making a great community game instead doing w.e u guy are doing now.

    I already accepted and apologized for that the lack of communication on our side on another thread, but I think it is unfair to say to depict the making of a great community that way, and more so in a private server. We have to work together on this, and the community threatens us every time they can with whatever they feel like.

    We are working on a game for a community that we also belong to, but you and I know how tough is it to deal with DBO community, I think that's no secret to anyone.

  • 1. Cash shop is more P2W than before with better items and more lottery based. (Proof: wagu wagu machine)

    2. You get banned for telling the truth and speaking your mind. (Proof: TonyEffe)

    3. Players who are terrible at this game and that take this game on a personal level are being promoted as mods/GM, this is a huge issue too since they don't know much about the game and take things serious as if this was real life by holding grudges. On top of that they run everything poorly and all they do is delete posts/threads and mute players. (Proof: Post will get deleted if I provide proof for this one but they know who they are)

    4. Daneos never played this game before (lets not forget where he came from, ragezone, not dbocom) therefore there is only 1 logical reason he'd even bring this game back. ( I wont name it since TonyEffe has said it and got banned but its right in your face) On top of that since he knows literally nothing so you got the staff who also barely knows anything behind his ears telling him nothing useful.

    5. DboKakarot and Tempest are the only staff members that have proven that they atleast know something about this game. (Atleast for me)

  • 1. I would like to know which are the better items that are now available in cash shop, considering that now F2P players can get the following in game without CP: White stones (drop), Equipement boxes (boss event), Dogi balls (CCBD rewards).

    Also, if Cash shop is "lottery based" now, doesn't that mean that you can't pay to win straight by buying boxes or dogi balls to get the items you want in exchange?

    2. TonyEffe was banned because he spammed the forums even after being warned about. There are rules to discuss things - like we are doing right now - in order to allow proper discussion. Spamming many threads with the same post or similar even sometimes on off-topics isn't the proper way to "speak your mind" in a forum.

    3. Players who are willing to spend their time to help the project are those in staff. There are better players out there no one will deny that, but guess what: they haven't applied to join the staff or even do not have other required skills to be a moderator or a game master. Then again, you don't seem to understand how to communicate in a forum environment, because calling out a staff member - or a regular member for that matter - publicly isn't the way to do so. If you have a particular problem with a specific staff member send me a message with the details and I'll check it out, because that is how we should do it. Not name-shaming people without a discussion beforehand.

    Also, if you believe you have the knowledge and the skills to be a moderator I encourage you to send us your application next time we are recruiting.

  • Oh let me add this last one and this is a huge one everyone should take notice on. Tmqs/UDs have been dropping ONLY superior (you know, the next to useless type) earrings/necklaces for over a YEAR now, while Bacterian weapons were added within DAYS. And this is to force players to cash and brown box dragonball earrings. Have fun farming 4 Gold coins for 1 brown box free players!

    Daneos is literally purposely milking the players dry of their wallets and no one is noticing, im honestly surprised no one has mentioned this before except me.

  • Oh let me add this last one and this is a huge one everyone should take notice on. Tmqs/UDs have been dropping ONLY superior (you know, the next to useless type) earrings/necklaces for over a YEAR now, while Bacterian weapons were added within DAYS. And this is to force players to cash and brown box dragonball earrings. Have fun farming 4 Gold coins for 1 brown box free players!

    Daneos is literally purposely milking the players dry of their wallets and no one is noticing, im honestly surprised no one has mentioned this before except me.

    4. I didn't know that having played a game before it was shut down was a requirement to be interested in a revival project. I already told you why I believe that the cash shop is less P2W and actually will mean less cp bought, so I will wait for your reply about that so we can continue to discuss about the reasons why this server is being run.

    5. I do agree that Kakarot and Tempest are great additions to our staff, but I can vouch for the value of each of our members, wether they are GMs, Mods, Translators, Bug Trackers and let's not forget: POB testers.

    The accessories issue from TMQ and UDs has been discussed previously, in fact one of the update changes in regard those drops was to add the items but it didn't work. No one was forced to cash anything.

    I've said this elsewhere, but recently I've been having more time to play the game again and I actually do enjoy having the opportunity of getting Brown boxes in boss event, I've made a good chunk of money out of it. I'm sorry if it doesn't work out that well for you.

  • respect to aru for responding and actually holding a conversation instead of locking the thread like some other mods.

    It's come to that point where we gotta thank mods for not muting us. +5 respect tokens to Aru.

    The mods on here love to get angry and close threads they dont agree with
    take the DBO history thread for example box box and Iceman getting offended because no Pre Open Beta Players were featured

    This, you can't even have a damn voice in this forum without a mod getting triggered especially Iceman how is that kid even a mod? He's closed like 20 threads last month. And that thread I made was solely for the new players and to give credit where credit was due and they couldn't handle it. They couldn't handle that I was speaking the truth, they knew it. They're that desperate to brainwash the community that these newer players are great in a nothing but P2W cancerous server and I find it quite pathetic.

  • It's come to that point where we gotta thank mods for not muting us. +5 respect tokens to Aru.

    This, you can't even have a damn voice in this forum without a mod getting triggered especially Iceman how is that kid even a mod? He's closed like 20 threads last month. And that thread I made was solely for the new players and to give credit where credit was due and they couldn't handle it. They couldn't handle that I was speaking the truth, they knew it. They're that desperate to brainwash the community that these newer players are great in a nothing but P2W cancerous server and I find it quite pathetic.

    Sirab, we appreciate your feedback, but we can't take you seriously if always saying "P2W" if you don't tell us to you which is what you see of P2W in the game. Tell me and I'll give you my opinion of what I think about it.


  • Sirab, we appreciate your feedback, but we can't take you seriously if always saying "P2W" if you don't tell us to you which is what you see of P2W in the game. Tell me and I'll give you my opinion of what I think about it.


    Okay explain to me how everyone was preaching they were gonna quit this game with bind update and then Daneos slid waguwagu machine into the bind update and everyone shut the hell up and continued playing? That alone should tell everyone everything but I'll continue. Like I said before, you need to brown box Dragonball earrings/necklaces to even have decent earrings/necklaces as a free player, yeah you can get 1 free brown box with 4 gold coins but quest gives only 2 coins and you need to have world boss spawn and killed to turn in the damn thing. Lets say you no life this game, there's 365 days in a year, lets say every other day you get 1 brown box, that's only 182 brown boxes in a whole year. A casher can get x50 in a day from waguwagu machine.

    Also same with dogi balls, okay cool they made it free to obtain, but then they added a new feature which makes it have a 20% chance to fail, so now you need even more. No problem! Waguwagu machine gives you tons of those and even rare ones! What happened to the Legendary dogi balls and silver boxes as PvE drops only that EsDeath was talking about? Funny how you're asking me to explain this but you chill at plat, didnt you see all the happy cash skipping around with their purses talking about how OP waguwagu machine is when it was added?

  • Okay explain to me how everyone was preaching they were gonna quit this game with bind update and then Daneos slid waguwagu machine into the bind update and everyone shut the hell up and continued playing? That alone should tell everyone everything but I'll continue. Like I said before, you need to brown box Dragonball brown boxes to even have decent earrings/necklaces as a free player, yeah you can get 1 free brown box with 4 gold coins but quest gives only 2 coins and you need to have world boss spawn and killed to turn in the damn thing. Lets say you no life this game, there's 365 days in a year, lets say every other day you get 1 brown box, that's only 182 brown boxes in a whole year. A casher can get x50 in a day from waguwagu machine.

    Also same with dogi balls, okay cool they made it free to obtain, but then they added a new feature which makes it have a 20% chance to fail, so now you need even more. No problem! Waguwagu machine gives you tons of those and even rare ones! What happened to the Legendary dogi balls and silver boxes as PvE drops only that EsDeath was talking about? Funny how you're asking me to explain this but you chill at plat, didnt you see all the happy cash skipping around with their purses talking about how OP waguwagu machine is when it was added?

    First, the bind update has nothing P2W, the coins are used to remove the binds of the gear, nothing else, even can be easily obtained through CCBD, UD and TMQ.

    About brown boxes, this item is used to change the effect of the gear / jewelry as you know. Normally they are used to change the stat in the jewelry as the default effects they have are always the same, you can never get with DEX, CD, etc (in the mudosa machine), but I'll go suggest that apart from the default jewelry, that can also be obtained random effects as it was in the official game on mudosa machine. Anyway, currently you can get jewelry with zeni, the same with brown boxes. And, in a little while will release the BIDs level 70, where you can get random jewelry (less the default rings).

    Well, regarding the dogi balls, the 20% fail system affects all players, not just those who don't have cash points.You can easily get dogi balls by doing CCBD, even with a 100% chance you can get a rare dogi ball on the f100. I assure you that it's not easy to get rare dogi balls in the wagu machine.

    Conclusion: P2W means that the game has exclusive items only for players who donate to the game. Everything you have mentioned can be obtained without donating.


  • The mods on here love to get angry and close threads they dont agree with
    take the DBO history thread for example box box and Iceman getting offended because no Pre Open Beta Players were featured

    That thread was closed because it was a recipe for flame, it was the same with the last threads on rankings on best players from dbocom. This is also a reply to you Sirab ; many forum users create threads to "voice their thoughts" but don't understand that a forum is made for useful exchange and some subjects will 99% become flame wars, I say this from experience not only in this forum but in dbocom.

    Many +15 items were created with a duplicate bug, this won't be the case in Open Beta. Seal coins drop rate is good I think, it mainly encourages players - of all skills and gears - to go to these PvE instances more often, I know it did for me and my friends.

    respect to aru for responding and actually holding a conversation instead of locking the thread like some other mods.

    I also do lock threads, and I trust that my staff-mates had reasons to do so when they did. Yes, sometimes we mistakenly do that, but we are human, and sometimes locking a thread can help cool off the spirits so a civil conversation can follow up.

  • Conclusion: P2W means that the game has exclusive items only for players who donate to the game. Everything you have mentioned can be obtained without donating.


    And by that logic, if a casher can get loads of great items in a day, it's still not P2W, as long as a free player can get that in months. And that's the main issue here. Everyone talks about it but I actually have the balls to say what others don't have the balls to say. It's funny, Battlefront 2 has this same problem, cashers in that game grew light years faster than non-cashers and everyone banded together to stop it because it's a problem. Do you guys really think it makes you guys look good when you guys use 0 logic? No, we see that and laugh at it, me and many others have been putting up with you guys for months and months now, reading posts that seem to just be half assed and thrown out and it seems it's just to boost your guys's post count. While someone like me is actually trying to post things with substance and logic, it's just no wonder why this forums only has like 7 frequent posters, me being one of them.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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