DBOG 1.0 - 2.0 Uncalled for changes!

  • Do you like this changes? 89

    1. No (33) 37%
    2. I like some of them (29) 33%
    3. Yes (27) 30%

    Alright, lets now see who from community like this "Daneos Changes" and who does not like in DBOG 1.0 and DBOG 2.0 , since most of old changes will end up in DBOG 2.0.

    Lets list major ones, shall we:

    1. Aggro System

    2. Majin Spins

    3. Property System/Attributes

    4. Dogi Balls and Brown boxes in CCBD

    5. Changing Craft Rates

    - Aggro System

    Old Aggro System was based on total dmg and aggro buffs someone have and taunts to gain back aggro.

    Benefits from this system - You are not forced to make party with close range tanker and long range entire party, it means almost anyone could be part of the party.

    Aggro was also stabile and easy to control.

    New Daneos Aggro System it is based on position of characters, closer ones will gain more aggro plus it is based on most of debuffs/dots you stack and taunts.

    Disadvantage of this system - You are forced to make full long range party with close range tanker if true tankers are needed.

    Aggro isn't stabile, since you can not take someone who is close range in party since boss will target him and even if party is long range, it can happen that even if you as tanker have 100% aggro, it targets someone random in party.

    - Majin Spins

    What was idea to turn support class into DPS class that out-DPS every race/class in-game. For reason NTL nerfed them to prevent this to happen.

    If you want to enable majins to be able to farm, reduce SPIN dmg and reduce any defense benefit from spin they have, since they dodge everything in that form, it is too OP.

    - Property System/Attributes

    Daneos told us that he wants to remove RNG so that is why he removed them. It is sad that Daneos really do not even know what RNG even stands for and property system isn't even RNG based. There is nothing random number generated there or any luck, there is pure advantage and disadvantage, and you could easy fix that, since you can always check someone you are facing and take armor with attribute that gives you advantage and more gains in defense and that is one of the reasons why you need more than 1 set.

    Disadvantage here is obvious to everyone, everyone will be squishy and humans will suffer the most since I doubt that Daneos will change every boss dmg, every mob and super mob so that humans can take any part into PVE activity, not to mention disadvantages in PVP.

    He could fix prop and attribute issues in other way if he find them OP in PVP, and I don't want to teach him that here since he have "experts" around him.

    - Dogi Balls and Brown Boxes in CCBD

    We all can agree that only small percent of DBO community in general loves this boring, time consuming dungeon where ultimate goal is, wait for it, GET THE BEST GEAR IN THE GAME. Yes, many of you, newbies maybe, do not know that, but that was and is only reason why people even doing that.

    Daneos and his team of "experts" figured out that there isn't enough of PVE activity so he listen to that small percentage of no lifers and added that feature, forcing everyone to be bored of that CCBD and even limit race/classes this way since only speed meta without need for tanker is suitable for that.

    He could add option for everyone to get them via quest or inside of other dungeons/tmq and BID's where everyone can take part.

    Still Daneos did great job adding this feature, since that CCBD no life community remain in-game while almost everyone else, quit the game. Smart way to improve game activity Daneos, I sometime envy you...

    - Changing Craft Rates

    Since I am not only one from retail and many come to me, proving me that I was right about rates, and even if visually there in-game stands 80% excellent and 20% rare, it is lower than that since in retail, rates of rare gears crafted and even rate of rare gears with max stats were higher than this in DBOG 2.0.

    Now when you look at this, you wonder... Does Daneos want to bury this project of his or he is trolling the community?

    Since if it continue like this, what is left of this DBOG supporters that even turn blind eye on corruption and bad shits inside of staff circle, will lose any hope into this and leave.

    "You can not take from retail stuffs you like and add it, like I said before, even NTL isn't that stupid, even they nerfed and changes stuffs for better, while you took stuffs they nerfed and added them back just to fk up PVE and PVP balance even more... wow"

    Change your mind Daneos and DBOG Staff, start to listen to community and start doing stuffs how community wants it or you will end up playing it alone with your e-girl.

    "All of those who voted for 3rd option, please state in post what do you like and what do you dislike. Thank you!"


    “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who i’m not”
    IGN: Iceman 19_small.png Shadow Knight 19_small.png
    IGN: Iceman
      13_small.png Dark Warrior 13_small.png
    Discord: Iceman#8402

    Edited 7 times, last by Iceman ().

  • All of those who voted for 3rd option, please state in post what do you like and what do you dislike. Thank you!


    “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who i’m not”
    IGN: Iceman 19_small.png Shadow Knight 19_small.png
    IGN: Iceman
      13_small.png Dark Warrior 13_small.png
    Discord: Iceman#8402

  • Your description is too long and complicated ... Only "experts" can understand :D

    I cannot remember the changes you mentioned in DBOG 1 & 2. Official DBO was many years ago. I cannot remember it's aggro system, power of spin, and craft rate...

    For DBOG 2, CC seems still buggy and I am lazy to level up and earn zeni, so I have not tried.

    What I can remember is:

    1) DBOG make every one can fly freely, I like it

    2) Leveling is much faster and easier than before by using powerleveling, I like it

    3) I have not finished CC100 and UD6 when I played DBO, but I can play them in DBOG within a few months. This is because the game provides free white stone and free brown box, so the gameplay becomes easier. I like it

    4) Earning zeni is also easier than before, Idk why, may be I am too stupid when I played DBO, anyway, I like to earn zeni fsater

    5) DBOG do not have sky dung, I miss it

    For my opinion, as a private server, DBOG did a great job, I have tried many new things that I have not tried before. I highly appreciated what Danoes has done and what he is doing.

    For DBOG 2, I hope Danoes can provide real new features, rather than just tuning the parameters of aggro system, craft rate, rnd, etc. Without new features, old people, in particular who have tried everything, may not come back.

    Therefore, I did not vote because the options are not what I care about. My main concern is new things rather than old things. Without new things, I may not spend to much time on it.

    Btw, if Iceman you want the vote to be more meaningful, I would suggest separating the items one by one and explain the concrete details about before and after the change. For example, what Property System/Attributes have been changed? In DBOG 2, property seems change quite a lot, I prefer the one in DBOG 1. So, may be I should vote some of them. :P

  • It is already considered and I name it DBOG 1.0 and DBOG 2.0, because DBOG 2.0 is 1.0 just with scouter chips and older client core.

    He simply copy from latest patch into old KR client and turn it into DBOG 2.0 we all know.

    You already went too off-topic here since I already listed the changes and it is funny that people who never played DBO in retail, comment on stuffs they know nothing.

    This is already proof that DBO veterans already give up on this project and what is left is DBOG people.

    Since when you take leveling as something important, you level in 1 week or 2 weeks it makes no difference.

    You claim that "Your description is too long and complicated ... Only "experts" can understand :D" , it is long for reason, to explain what was before and what is now.

    How can you vote if you do not know what is all about? I guess in your country you don't even need to see the people you vote to be president of your country, you do not even give af if you vote someone radical, right. Who gives af?

    "Btw, if Iceman you want the vote to be more meaningful, I would suggest separating the items one by one and explain the concrete details about before and after the change."

    Already done, I think you need to even check the eyes.

    Next time before you do comment/reply please take your time, if you do not understand the english, even if it takes few days, read it all and then make post.



    “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who i’m not”
    IGN: Iceman 19_small.png Shadow Knight 19_small.png
    IGN: Iceman
      13_small.png Dark Warrior 13_small.png
    Discord: Iceman#8402

  • Threads never was effective , for change this game,and will never.

    Sometime threads did change the course of this project, since Daneos like it or not, players are what make this game alive.

    If he add stuffs that players/community does not like, it will die.

    Look at POB when was filled with retail stuffs and look this OB with stuffs that never existed in retail, it is dead before even wipe was announced.

    Now think that will be in this "DBOG 2.0" when he add even more changes that will chase away even more people.

    So now point of this thread and the vote is mostly to see what you guys think about this changes and to really weed out those DBOG Fanboys who supported and still support downfall of DBO.


    “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who i’m not”
    IGN: Iceman 19_small.png Shadow Knight 19_small.png
    IGN: Iceman
      13_small.png Dark Warrior 13_small.png
    Discord: Iceman#8402

  • Go play another one game mr fantastic if you want only blame Daneos. That's not your first post with your cry about craft rate etc. Daneos is doing good job and ppl re only crying. That's make crazy everyone. Don't ve real life except playing DBOG or crying forum all the time?

  • Go play another one game mr fantastic if you want only blame Daneos. That's not your first post with your cry about craft rate etc. Daneos is doing good job and ppl re only crying. That's make crazy everyone. Don't ve real life except playing DBOG or crying forum all the time?

    Sorry mate but not even google translate helped me to understand what you just posted there but I will do my best to decrypt that.

    How much I could get from post you made, is that you enjoy playing DBO Offline game, unlike rest of community who wants to play it with people, ONLINE.

    Since that is "good job" from Daneos.

    Like I posted before and like most of everyone knows, including the staff members who are also participating into this thread, that this project went into wrong path, unless it is changed, it will be dead.

    Only guy who is crying here is you mate, talking about real life and playing DBOG? What the fk you doing here?

    Quit game and spend your free time in real life.


    “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who i’m not”
    IGN: Iceman 19_small.png Shadow Knight 19_small.png
    IGN: Iceman
      13_small.png Dark Warrior 13_small.png
    Discord: Iceman#8402

  • Just gonna drop my two-cents rq, but only briefly:

    - Aggro System.

    Seems pretty fine to me the way it is now; aside from any bugs it seemed fine when I did more than 100 runs of CCBD.

    - Majins.

    I hate the absolute beasts that is UM in DBOG. Everyone hates playing against them in Budokai etc because of how broken they are, so they definitely need some sort of nerf. Yet, I'm not sure where spins come into this? They're pretty good for PVE - I wouldn't call them 'broken' in that regard.

    - Props/Attributes.

    For simplicity's sake I would've kept the prop system the way it is if I were Daneos, atleast for now. This is because just by changing props, he has to change PVP drastically as well as PVE, and this not only effects skill-trees but damages dealt by bosses, mobs etc.

    Moreover, there are not a lot of people equip on the Dev Server to test out these changes - as many do not have props or adequate gear with props, and just in general there are not a lot of people doing ranked on there.

    There were workarounds to the prop differences in PVP and there are - but I can see why he wants to change it: to decrease the RNG element in PVP.

    If he truly is fixed on changing the prop system, it shouldn't be now considering there is other aspects of the client that have to be brought up to standard first before he can add new features/change existing ones.

    - Dogi Balls/Brown Boxes.

    Being able to get Dogi Balls/Boxes from CCBD has been really convenient - especially for F2P people - and it makes things much fairer for everyone.

    However, I do agree that more can be done. For example, getting one box from the World Boss really isn't enough especially because of the RNG element of boxes and how many coins a single box costs.

    So yes, I do agree that he could add some alternatives, such as some special sort of quest or as Dungeon/TMQ rewards for F2P players.

    - Crafting Rates.

    These could do with some minor tinkering I suppose - they shouldn't be too rewarding but it shouldn't be to the point where everyone has garbage/overpowered stats.

    From what I've heard from friends that are heavily into crafting on the Dev server - they are pretty trashy right now, and take a lot of time/resources that have to be sunk in to get something far from max stats.


    Whether or not these were asked for or not, the priority should be getting this new client up to standard before we - as a community - decide what we want changed or not.

  • UM Rant:

    Versatility to some extent is always a good thing ,but making just one class absolutely OP in every aspect of the game is ridiculous and needs to be changed asap.

    Still,it's a very popular class that many people main or at least have as alts,so it's understandable why not so many complains have been given-at least not nearly as many as for karma majins ,even though ultimates are way more broken.

    Imma try to prove my point by short comparison of the utility:

    PvE (farming) :

    Ulti-have spins that can kill mobs easily without almost any upgrades on weapons ,great resistance and durability ,OP buffs for attack and defense....and as a cherry on the top of the cake -a spammable heal.In my opinion ultis are easily one of the best grinding classes in the game together with turtles and dws.(just think about it- turtles have dmg ,dark warriors have immortality... and ultimates basically have both lol)

    Karma-can either farm with their crappy aoes (low damage,either long cast time or bad range) ,or with speed auto attacks (expensive gear) which makes them about as effective as pokos for the matter (lol).Durability and defense of the class is garbage -they die as easy as turtles.Their HoT skill maybe can be used instead of food sometimes ,but thats about as far as it's use goes.Tbh the only reassurance u have is that play dead-epic troll skill ^^

    Conclusion for this aspect: Ultis>>Karmas

    PvE (dungeons):

    Ulti- absolutely needed as buffers for any type of dungeon play ,can even serve as tanks bcs of durability and taunts or as aoe dps with spins.

    Karmas-speed buff which is needed for speed party .If you are playing a dungeon or tmq without speed ,karmas are not needed for jack shit ,which means they are not mandatory and that already puts them behind ultimates on my paper.

    Conclusion : Bcs of the popularity of speed,karmas are indeed good for dungeons and tmqs ,but ultimates as buffers are the 2. most needed class after dendes so they definitely win here as well (Ultis>Karmas)

    PvP: Both are a huge pain in the ass for all other classes and i don't know which one of them is harder to deal with if you are a fighter or SK ,but in PvP Karma vs Ulti -ulti is the winner like 85% of the time -can resist all stuns and control skills ,tank out all attacks karmas can throw at them.Only option for karmas is KD out of the arena ,but i'm not sure how good will that work taking all previous arguments into account.

    I have read comments from people saying that they would rather face ulti than karma bcs against ulti they can at least hope to do something,but i think that just comes down to personal opinion.If u are a fighter with high enough doge ,karmas definitely aren't a wall u can't climb over and SK would have serious problems in both cases... so conclusion for this comes down to:

    Against other classes : Ultis = Karma

    Against each other: Ultis>Karma

    U should notice here that Ultis in this game dont have a class which they are particularly weak against (actually they are a hard fight for anyone) ,while Karmas have Ultis in that regard.(almost full counter)

    I just think it's not fair to talk about nerfs for karma all the time,while it's completely fine to leave Ultimate majins as Gods of this game and ignore an elephant in the room.If we are even going to discuss balance and nerfing classes ,Ultis should definitely be the starting point.


  • RinDinSan I agree with you in part regarding ultimate majin.

    It does not need any gear to out-DPS any other race/class in PVE without need to even heal or use food to heal or any potions.

    Still I wish, because you vote that you like some of them in the thread, to make post with information what of those you like or dislike.

    Revenge - regarding ultimates, you can see in post above.

    They shouldn't even have taunts since they are SUPPORT and that is their role.

    People need them for buffs and debuff removal and some healing if needed.

    Regarding the aggro, I told you that it is based on close range, and it does have other disadvantages explained in the thread.

    Retail aggro was better by far.

    Regarding dogi balls and brown boxes, "Being able to get Dogi Balls/Boxes from CCBD has been really convenient - especially for F2P people - and it makes things much fairer for everyone." , yes if everyone will invite you in party to even do it. People will always choose those with who they can do it faster. Speed Meta bro!


    “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who i’m not”
    IGN: Iceman 19_small.png Shadow Knight 19_small.png
    IGN: Iceman
      13_small.png Dark Warrior 13_small.png
    Discord: Iceman#8402

    Edited once, last by Iceman ().

  • I only voted that i ,,like some of them" bcs i thought that change of property system is gonna be for the better ,but after actually reading what you and some of the other people wrote on the subject ,i'm not so sure about that anymore.(prob should have read posts before voting...rookie mistake) .I'm changing my vote to ,,no" for now (i hope it's possible) ,at least until someone with solid arguments convinces me otherwise.

    As for other changes :Aggro system was better before,obviously craft rates as well. I don't really care about CC (as u said ,finding party is a bother with all of this speed rush in the game) and i already expressed my opinion about Ultimate Majins.


  • this guy make a post ask for people to give him his opinions and after that start to attack all who doesnt think like him... but ofc ending post with a "cheers" make all good .....
    genius :D

    You are blind or what?

    It isn't my fault that people do not understand english or turn their posts into off-topic or another subject that have nothing with this thread.

    Tell me are you MaoMao alt account of friend, since going off-topic with useless posts is your habit too.

    One more, if you, like anyone else with brain, elaborate in that useless post you just made, what do you like and dislike regarding issue/changes that are LISTED in my 1st thread, you would show everyone that you have brain.


    “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who i’m not”
    IGN: Iceman 19_small.png Shadow Knight 19_small.png
    IGN: Iceman
      13_small.png Dark Warrior 13_small.png
    Discord: Iceman#8402

  • One more, if you, like anyone else with brain, elaborate in that useless post you just made, what do you like and dislike regarding issue/changes that are LISTED in my 1st thread, you would show everyone that you have brain.

    Lol dude that was im talking about.. ahahha thanks mate you make my day.. btw i dont know anyone of your friends.. i always write in post that may have impact on the game. The others one i really dont care..
    Gl dude..

  • Lol dude that was im talking about.. ahahha thanks mate you make my day.. btw i dont know anyone of your friends.. i always write in post that may have impact on the game. The others one i really dont care..
    Gl dude..

    Again you quoted and again posted some useless shit and again hard to even decode it...

    At least post something on topic and constructive and thank you that you think that this "thread" not post may have impact on the game.

    Even I don't even know will this thread even change 1% of Daneos "No brain behind" updates and changes.


    “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who i’m not”
    IGN: Iceman 19_small.png Shadow Knight 19_small.png
    IGN: Iceman
      13_small.png Dark Warrior 13_small.png
    Discord: Iceman#8402

  • Quote

    So now point of this thread and the vote is mostly to see what you guys think about this changes and to really weed out those DBOG Fanboys who supported and still support downfall of DBO.


    Random question... How much zennie did you spent to support this project?

    You have no founder title...so I am guessing you...

    helped Daneos with coding and other technical stuff?

    Maybe you assisted with translations?

    Maybe you actively participated in bug testing and reporting?

    Maybe you helped moderating this forum and community?

    I am not trying to mock you.

    Just let me know what was your personal contribution to keep this project going apart from sitting and spamming stuff on this forum like everyone else because you sound like you invested so much into this project.

    You definitely not complaining about something that was and still is completely free for you... aren't you?

  • He was a member of the staff-team at one point.

    Regardless, can an active member of this community not voice their concerns? Everybody has a right to speak their mind, whether or not they've had a direct contribution to the game.

    Listening to - or at very minimum taking into account - players/customers is a golden rule for running a successful game/business.

  • He was a member of the staff-team at one point.

    Regardless, can an active member of this community not voice their concerns? Everybody has a right to speak their mind, whether or not they've had a direct contribution to the game.

    Listening to - or at very minimum taking into account - players/customers is a golden rule for running a successful game/business.

    Everything is fine about expressing concerns.

    Other thing is when people constantly bash, trash talk and do not feel gratitude for what's been done for them. I understand that community is always the most important and without it any project is doomed, but to be honest DBO community is one of the worst community's I've ever seen.

    Sorry but Daneos is dumb.

    I mean this guy sacrificed his free time to bring back dead, less than mediocre mmorpg, for DBO fanboys to enjoy who value nothing.

    So much expectations, so much responsibility, so many promises to deliver to keep people happy. And no matter what you gonna do there will always be those who complain.

    Original developer (you know NTL, company with professional developers, budget and license to produce DBO) went bankrupt while developing official servers.

    Let me remind you that official DBO had broken balance, had too many bugs and had nothing new to offer for the MMORPG market apart from Dragonball artworks and theme and it clearly was not enough to keep DBO running.

    And yet look how much you people expect from 1 random dude with limited knowledge.

    I wonder what Daneos was thinking before taking this burden upon himself?

    Did he expected to make a few bucks out of this project?

    Did he selflessly wanted to become some kind a hero for the most toxic and selfish Dragonball community ever?


    Same people. Same patern.

    Such a great community of ass kissers until something fails. Then these people praise new project and are first in line to dig a grave for the old one.

    Remember DBOCOM and how easily everyone abandoned Citrinate for DBOR? Or how people abandoned and started talking shit here about DBOR? Now these people talk crap about DBOG on DBOUR.

    DBOCOM -> DBOR -> DBOG -> DBOUR -> ???

    Why would anyone really bother to satisfy you people in the first place? You all will abbandon everything at the first glimpse of something better and give nothing in return.

    Daneos is incompetent, but he did make first playable DBO private server online. Guy doesn't owe you anything. If I were in his place I would just delete DBOG and pretend it never happened.

  • I do agree that this community is not the best, and that some people are not appreciative of what DBOG has managed to accomplish over the years. Daneos and his progress over those with the AKCore at RageZone back in the day is pretty remarkable.

    He branched out and developed the game faster than the others. :thumbup:

    However, there are some things I have to correct you on:

    - The DBO community, did not abandon Citrinate in any way.

    DBOCOM was simply a forum for a section of the DBO community. How was he abandoned, as when the game shut down he openly supported DBOR? He openly supported what was 'DBOPS' at the time, even back when they were simply a forum guild on his website.

    Moreover, if you check his website, there are links to both private server projects. He wasn't abandoned in any way shape or form - his site was simply for the original DBO, and has simply gone inactive now.

    - Abandon everything in glimpse of something better.

    Despite DBOUR being announced and what not, are there still not people playing this game? Are we not having this conversation on the DBOG forum? I cannot speak for everyone, but I know for certain there are a large number of us that are loyal to this version of the game.

    - Give nothing in return.

    This is not true in the slightest.

    People enjoy this game, and as a result they give hours - real time spent - in this game. There are people who donate hundreds and thousands of dollars - hard earned currency - to this game and Daneos.

    People make content about the game and try to help advertise it. People report bugs, moderate chats and offer their services even if they are not a member of the staff-team.

    Why? Because they care about the game. Isn't that giving back?


    Let us not forget why people are mad in the first place. Yes, there are people who whine over nothing and for no reason - but some people are fed up with being told empty promises.

    They are promised something one date, that kept getting delayed and delayed (New Client). That is what is why people are constantly bickering, but whether or not that is right of them or not is completely subjective.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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