Day & night mode?

  • Hello dear DBOG Team,

    In some MMO games there is a day and night mode and with weather conditions.

    How about integrating something like this into DBOG?

    In addition, you could still migrate a time or chat that other players from other countries know when the events are taking place.

    It would be nice if a day and night system would find a way into the game in DBOG.

    In German

    Hallo liebes DBOG Team,

    In manchen MMO Spielen gibt es ja ein Tag und Nacht Modus und mit Wetterverhältnisse.

    Wie wäre es wenn man so etwas in DBOG mit rein intigrieren würde?

    Zusätzlich könnte man eine Uhrzeit noch mit rein intigrieren oder im Chat das auch andere Spieler die aus anderen Ländern kommen wissen wann zu welcher Uhrzeit die Events statt finden.

    Es wäre schön wenn ein Tag und Nacht System einen weg ins Spiel finden würden in DBOG.

  • A day and night mode could be put in because there is something like that in many mmo games.

    Sure in Dragonball there was no day and night the sky was only dark when shenlong was called but since it is a mmo game I would not think it bad if there would be day and night

  • its a nice idea i think it would give the game alot more to look at.

    Imagine once they add "HOPEFULLY" Kamis Lookout and you have mr.popo kami Dende piccolo etc. there at night with star animations.

    That would be dope and see the sunrise come etc. imagine they can pull it off if they want to

  • i agree that would be totally awesome the game would become more immersive and atmospheric that is for sure would give dbog another face and feeling for an example some games like moonlight blade or age of wushu have certain types of events when some weather is triggered by the game like if is raining too heavy at night or its foggy they put a specific event to happen that would be damn cool if dbog could pull this off and add this system to the game i mean the game itself already have something similar when people call shenlong the sky gets very dark and this mechanic is very cool so i assume its not impossible to do that for example if the rain its too heavy and its happening at night time we could have some worldboss spawning at specific place with specific drops that only this worldboss have or i dont know maybe put some rare mobs to appear at this specific time or put some new dungeon that only could be done at this time and so on the possibilities are endless i really think dbog should do that if you stop to think about it its something so basic to have on whatever mmorpg to give immersion and feeling of that the time is really passing its really strange play in a mmorpg world where its day everytime or night everytime for me at least the details can make the difference but i really doubt that would be done like this year it is something far a way to happen unfortunately but still a good ideia to put into perspective.

  • I dont know why so many times players ask for day/night mode (as often as for new transforms). I like when its day only and night when shenron is summoned, but its only my opinion. I dont like night in games so much. Also i like that there's night in specific places like "Dark Namek" map. Makes unique atmosphere.

  • I dont know why so many times players ask for day/night mode (as often as for new transforms). I like when its day only and night when shenron is summoned, but its only my opinion. I dont like night in games so much. Also i like that there's night in specific places like "Dark Namek" map. Makes unique atmosphere.

    in my opinion it seems very superficial just day everytime seems nonsense for me and i like atmospheric stuff.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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