New Cash Shop Item Suggestion Thread

  • Hey everyone,

    I have a general idea on some of the cosmetics for the new cash shop, and some of the items, but I could use some more ideas. Please use this thread to suggest new things you want to see in the cash shop! Keep in mind, the cash shop is going to be mostly cosmetic/superficial stuff only, so there will likely never be any pay to win stuff in there. Please help me with more ideas!

    Edit: I specifically need to know which items (that currently exist) that you'd like to see in the cash shop, namely vehicles, backpacks, and dogis. This isn't a suggestion thread for new dogi/feature ideas, although we should probably do one of those.

  • add costume for weapons ( i like chef but i dont like his weapon haha )

    No no, I need to know which currently existing cosmetic items you guys want to see in the cash shop. We're not currently asking for suggestions on new features.

    Oh, okey i dont see them, maybe my client didnt update.

    I want Frieza and Cell class! but i dont think its possible tho :D

    They're not in the cash shop yet, but they exist in the game. I'm asking for suggestions on what to put in the cash shop, from cosmetics that currently exist.

  • 33649-list-of-all-dogis I've seen a few servers that were able to get lots of dogis which we have not seen in-game before(Don't know why Daneos never released them) would be coool if you add those in cash shop.

  • I love that you guys are asking for help from the player base :)

    My ideas:

    Dogis that changes every week or so

    Vehicles cosmetics

    Name Changer

    Class Changer

    Guild Name Changer

    Race Changer (idk if that exists)

    Kid Clock

    Also I think there should be a pay for convenience section that includes stuff like:

    Lv. UP 30

    Flight Skills

    All sorts of Revive Popo stones

    Seal Coins

    Skill Book Reset+

    One Point Skill Reset

    Yardrat's Memory

    Z32 Capsules

    Fuels that give you boost to vehicles (I think its should be faster than flying if someone is playing for it)

    EXP Boosts

    SSJ, Namek and Kid Boo Majin Potions

  • I'm on the fence about pay for convenience. I think skill reset is just going to be free, and things like seal coins will be fairly abundant, same with z32 and XP boosts. That sort of thing will be saved for drops/token shop. The transformation potions are staying locked for now, for pvp reasons. Level up 30 will probably be in the token shop/a late game drop. I want to make it as free to play as possible. I'm more looking for which dogis/vehicles you guys want the most.

  • I'm on the fence about pay for convenience. I think skill reset is just going to be free, and things like seal coins will be fairly abundant, same with z32 and XP boosts. That sort of thing will be saved for drops/token shop. The transformation potions are staying locked for now, for pvp reasons. Level up 30 will probably be in the token shop/a late game drop. I want to make it as free to play as possible. I'm more looking for which dogis/vehicles you guys want the most.

    I see, currently i'm like the only active Goku Founder player in-game and the vehicle I got is Prototype Saiyan Pod, I really like that one and I would love to pay to get it :P

    Also what's your opinion on fuel being faster than flying?

  • I see, currently i'm like the only active Goku Founder player in-game and the vehicle I got is Prototype Saiyan Pod, I really like that one and I would love to pay to get it :P

    Also what's your opinion on fuel being faster than flying?

    I'm saving the saiyan pod for later I think. I don't mind fuel being faster than flying in the overworld, but idk about being able to skip past things in dungeons. I'll have to look at all that later. I'm not even sure I can change that on this client.

  • Verdant eu penso que você deve colocar coisas boas na loja de cash para que você receba dinheiro pelo seu trabalho, é algo que você gastou bastante parte do seu tempo se dedicando, não coloque tudo de mãos beijadas pros jogadores, isso vai acabar se tornando chato de se jogar!

    Outra coisa que tenho a pensar é o fato de receber tokens: acredito que seria melhor ganhar token por essas opções abaixo (algumas ja existem)

    1 - Tempo online

    2 - Matando os monstros

    3 - Upando de lvl ( quanto maior o level upado mais token você ganha)

    4 - Fazendo quest

    5 - Fazendo TMQ

    6 - Fazendo UD

    7 - Fazendo Budokai

    isso expande bastante o leque de possibilidades de receber tokens, mas não facilite a loja de cash do jogo!

  • The chests which are available on cash shop are pretty useful stuff and should be obtainable somehow as they are great QoL stuff. However with some adjustment as they drop stones and we don't want that. However, they give the cash shop potions and senzu beans which are all very important, on top of possible jewels (for the glorious ones, not sure about the name but it's the one which gives a Jewelry Chest.) therefore they should definitely be obtainable in some way, perhaps both in cash/wagu as well as token shop, or mudosa etc? I think that they definitely should be obtainable.

    As for cash shop itself... This outfit :saint:

    Oh and other typical QoL stuff, such as brown reset books, exp scrolls, ccbd tickets, name changes guild name changes 20%LP scrolls etc etc... Perhaps even some weak tickets such as +6 since upgrading will be a real challenge early on (I predict that each cap will be great fun without anyone getting crazy gear, then eventually on the last cap people will stack up +15 as it's not about bullshit RNG anymore.)

    I think that dogi balls, as they are the last real RNG affecting gearing (since upgrade is adjusted as well as boxes), something should be done about them, as they are as frustrating as brown boxes.

  • I think a lot of this will make it into the token shop. I don't like selling gameplay itself. I have that dogi marked for removal as it's very similar to other dogis. You guys think we should keep it?

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

    • :)
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    • :huh:
    • :rolleyes:
    • <3
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    • :cursing:
    • :thumbdown:
    • :thumbup:
    • :sleeping:
    • :whistling:
    • :evil:
    • :saint:
    • =O
    • :!:
    • :?:
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