[EN] Patch Notes - 2021-01-04 - Cap 55 Preparation/Anti-Speedhack Tweaks/Free Shared Storage/Legacy Founder Rewards!

  • patch_notes.png

    Hey Everyone,

    We're back with another patch to begin to prepare for cap 55, and we have a lot of updates/bug fixes to send your way!


    • Z20, Z24, Z28, and Z32 Capsule Kits are now tradable
    • You can now sell Z20 Capsule Kit for 100k Zeni
    • You can now sell Z24 Capsule Kit for 150k Zeni
    • You can now sell Z28 Capsule Kit for 200k Zeni
    • You can now sell Z32 Capsule Kit for 250k Zeni
    • Upgrade stones have been removed from the level 44 Popo Gift Box
    • All new accounts now start with 1 Cash Point
    • Yardrat Warehouse Keys have been added to the Cash Shop for 1 Cash Point
    • Founder dogis are now account bound instead of character bound
    • The Christmas event has ended
    • Legacy founder rewards are ready for distribution
    • The Saiyan Pod in the Legacy founder rewards has been replaced by the Black Dragon Bus
    • Stone quest rewards replaced with autopots or weapon/armor coupons


    • Fixed a bug causing Majins to spawn from the Christmas loot bags
    • Fixed a bug allowing players to invite themselves to parties
    • Fixed a bug causing players in buses to be incorrectly flagged for speedhacking
    • Fixed a bug causing players targeted by knockdowns to be incorrectly flagged for speedhacking
    • Fixed a bug causing players using Quick Attack to be incorrectly flagged for speedhacking
    • Fixed a bug causing players using Flash to be incorrectly flagged for speedhacking
    • Fixed a bug causing players using Flash Slash to be incorrectly flagged for speedhacking
    • Fixed a bug causing players using Ultra Speed Attack to be incorrectly flagged for speedhacking
    • Fixed a bug causing players using Shout to be incorrectly flagged for speedhacking
    • Fixed a bug causing players using Charging Fist to be incorrectly flagged for speedhacking
    • Fixed a bug causing players targeted by Mystic Attack to be incorrectly flagged for speedhacking

    Thank you for playing and supporting us everyone! The new upgrade system will begin testing soon, and we'll try to add a few more good changes before the cap 55 patch. Expect more changes to current events, new event types, and a few new more systems during early cap 55, like the new upgrade system. We'll see you all in game!

  • Amazing, really happy to be again part of this project!

    Thanks mazzod!

    it cost zeni to craft the kits? and if your craft level is 1/35 u have to start from lowest kits first until u can craft the kits for the level u are? is the craft level the same like from crafting gear? for example u crafted gear before and reached high craft level so u can also craft high kits or will all players start from same craft level for the kits?

    You're talking about the upgrade kits? Those aren't in this patch. We're still working out the crafting levels.

    another question. can u change the xp from mobs in dungeons and make them very low mybee? so people cant powerlevel fast. in my opinion the game is made to do also quests and not just enter uds use xp boosts and level up very fast. ?(

    Maybe. I think it's probably better to incentivize people to play in other ways, rather than nerfing what currently works. I'll know more when I get ready to do the big XP overhaul.

  • another question. can u change the xp from mobs in dungeons and make them very low mybee? so people cant powerlevel fast. in my opinion the game is made to do also quests and not just enter uds use xp boosts and level up very fast. ?(

    If he does that half of the community won't play because 45-55 is a pain to level with quests.

  • another question. can u change the xp from mobs in dungeons and make them very low mybee? so people cant powerlevel fast. in my opinion the game is made to do also quests and not just enter uds use xp boosts and level up very fast. ?(

    i am against this suggestion, many people are busy with live and also wanna play and other are lazy to lvl up you cant take their right to play, the game is not based on selection

  • If he does that half of the community won't play because 45-55 is a pain to level with quests.

    from 45 to 55 is just UD3 spam no matter how you look at it get someone to powerlvl you or make ulti strong to do the job for you lmao ngl 60 cap would be better choice but again people voted for 55 so lets enjoy waiting few more months for new content..

  • So does that apply to the cash shop exp boosts? I know that the ones you get from capsules are for a limited time and assume the cash shop ones are the same but thought it was worth an ask (i agree the duration stuff in most circumstances can really suck).

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