Czarpos' Mods Thread His best work was the roshi gi retex and the invisible gloves mod, issue is they are outdated, i'd do it myself but the issue is the links are completely dead so you can't download any of these. Does anyone even still have them?
Anyone thought of bringing czarpos's mods back
I've looked through most of these mod threads for ideas. As for the retextures of the existing dogis, Cake has already done double digit remasters of a lot of the dogis to make the colors match the show. I should have some of them out for you guys next month.
Alright, nice to have as a mod so you can change your existing attire, mostly like everyone want invisible gloves
We're looking into the invisible glove thing, a built in solution. Not sure how long that'll be though, I've got a lot of bigger fish to fry at the moment.
Speakin of wish. Do you have the original billboard textures? the new ones are no offense but really cringey
We're going to use the billboards for different things from time to time. A little "cringe" is better than nothing.
yeah I get that but like in the meantime can I restore them to the way they were before.
Billboards could show a small spoil what comming in future of DBOG.
Also I would like to see some lore dogi, that match to rest one. Today i logged in to different dbo server and when i saw all these ppl in SSJ4 fur dogi made in paint, i turned off game, thanks god DBOG is normal for now.
Thing is that I liked DBOG to how close it was to classic and DBOUR for the new content. it kinda sucks to see DBOG going the same route but I understand it.
We're not just going to restrain ourselves to what retail was, but we're probably not adding ssj4 stuff anytime soon either.
Czarpos' Mods Thread His best work was the roshi gi retex and the invisible gloves mod, issue is they are outdated, i'd do it myself but the issue is the links are completely dead so you can't download any of these. Does anyone even still have them?
i agree, it would be nice to see these old outdated mods being worked on to be compatible with latest versions of dbog,also i always used the invisible gloves mod from czarpos back in the day i still have the files here from the invisible gloves but its not from czarpos its from some other guy called guantes he did a fix to work on the dbog at that time(if im not mistaken it was back in 2018) but nowadays this same mod is now outdated if you use with the latest version it messes up with your armor. So here you go the files that i found on my computer i can send it to you heres the link:…oves_-_Guantes_Invisibles
If I have some free time, I'll see if I can't do an invisible gloves mod for you guys when I patch.
If I have some free time, I'll see if I can't do an invisible gloves mod for you guys when I patch.
Transparent Mask/Glasses/Halo/Wings/Backpack/Hat and Dogi please.
Transparent Mask/Glasses/Halo/Wings/Backpack/Hat and Dogi please.
Okay but why? do you mean transparant or invisible? if by invisible, then why? they give no stats and are purely cosmetic items so there's no reason for them to be invisible, and as for transparent again, why?
Okay but why? do you mean transparant or invisible? if by invisible, then why? they give no stats and are purely cosmetic items so there's no reason for them to be invisible, and as for transparent again, why?
Dogi balls that add stats to every cosmetic gear (hat, mask, dogi etc.) Dogi Balls Effects [GUIDE] - Player Guides - DBOG Forum (
(Currently we cannot get any dogi ball in game)
Well if You want bonuses from dogi balls like attack speed in hat, energy crit = u need to use wings, wear gohan mask to get cd reduction etc... You're forced to wear them
at the end u going like christmas tree. There are people that would like to have all benefits without that.
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