Transformation affects

  • I just wanted to suggest that we remove the ep affects of the transformations. Like early dbo on tw, the transformations didnt have an ep reduction every 2 secs. This also would make the transformations alot more useful in the game in my opinion. Besides kaioken, leave it the same.

    Agree or na?

  • Lets think this way... How can you transform without having any strain?... You just can't!
    And Kaioken is health draining, while transformations like Super Saiyan are Ki draining. And Since ki is EP in this game, it has to be drained!
    That is just how I think of the whole thing!

  • Yeah, I agree. Super saiyan has to have the strain on it since its not a full-powered super saiyan, which doesn't really strain the user (See Goku, Gohan after time chamber: Cell saga). Since this is ordinary super saiyan for humans with hardly any saiyan cells, it has to drain energy. Of course the only thing about the super saiyan skill is it needs to be better then kaioken in some way and needs way less than an hour cool down but that's just me. Kaioken as it is now is damn good xD P.S, the LP/EP regeneration etc will be fixed on full release I'm sure~

  • Like everyone said it just doesn't make sense with Dragonball Online timeline to have it where we don't have strain on super saiyan transformation and here's why.

    DBO is set 216 years after Goku left the 28th World Martial Arts Tournament to train Uub in Age 784 at the end of Dragon Ball Z. Thus bringing us to 1000 Age, where basically Like in the USA, or how it's going to be in the future of our world. we will breed into one race. So all humans have like 0.001 percent Saiyan blood that allows them to transform. It doesn't mean they can use the full power Saiyan form that Goku/Vegeta can have.

    And I like the story how it is, we want to become almighty powerful suepr saiyan god but it just wouldn't make sense in DBO.

  • Like everyone said it just doesn't make sense with Dragonball Online timeline to have it where we don't have strain on super saiyan transformation and here's why.

    DBO is set 216 years after Goku left the 28th World Martial Arts Tournament to train Uub in Age 784 at the end of Dragon Ball Z. Thus bringing us to 1000 Age, where basically Like in the USA, or how it's going to be in the future of our world. we will breed into one race. So all humans have like 0.001 percent Saiyan blood that allows them to transform. It doesn't mean they can use the full power Saiyan form that Goku/Vegeta can have.

    And I like the story how it is, we want to become almighty powerful suepr saiyan god but it just wouldn't make sense in DBO.

    even goku and vegeta were draining energy during ssj and goku life too during kaioken. the fact now they dont get tired as easily cus they train a lot !

  • Like everyone said it just doesn't make sense with Dragonball Online timeline to have it where we don't have strain on super saiyan transformation and here's why.

    DBO is set 216 years after Goku left the 28th World Martial Arts Tournament to train Uub in Age 784 at the end of Dragon Ball Z. Thus bringing us to 1000 Age, where basically Like in the USA, or how it's going to be in the future of our world. we will breed into one race. So all humans have like 0.001 percent Saiyan blood that allows them to transform. It doesn't mean they can use the full power Saiyan form that Goku/Vegeta can have.

    And I like the story how it is, we want to become almighty powerful suepr saiyan god but it just wouldn't make sense in DBO.

    When they added ssj wish to shenron i went berserkly happy, i shat my pants in that day, because i prayed to the gods of devs to add it, and IMO its fine just like it is now!

  • Definately everyone has been right about how if you just get SSJ it should have a decent drain like it has, along with the other transformations. A nice middle ground here would be to make the transformations have a skill tree where you can begin to upgrade things like damage done up a little bit of a % and continue on to other things such as sustainability upgrades, reducing the cooldown, and other upgrades.

  • Definately everyone has been right about how if you just get SSJ it should have a decent drain like it has, along with the other transformations. A nice middle ground here would be to make the transformations have a skill tree where you can begin to upgrade things like damage done up a little bit of a % and continue on to other things such as sustainability upgrades, reducing the cooldown, and other upgrades.

    Or even that... I just want the transformations to be more useful than normal form. less ep reduction - idk. something so we can sustain it. but I agree with that ^

  • Yeah, I'd like that too. Make super saiyan a lot better, I don't know about a whole skill tree even though that would be pretty sick. I'd just recommend boosting the stats of it and reducing that 1-hour cool down. Waiting for it to cool down was murder e_e

  • You can either have accessories or a skill as a martial artist to reduce cooldown, or you can be a spiritualist so ssj and kaioken will feel like a breeze to use. Of course, that's when lp and ep regeneration is fixed. Martial can't maintain ssj and kiaoken as easily because they burn through it faster, especially since they can't even sit to regain the lp and ep. And there is genetic 0.110i1230213019302903930 saiyan, while the other races are 100% of their race and can maintain their shid much easier. Take this into consideration and think about it.

  • I'm pretty sure it'll be fixed since a lot of peeps are making a fuss over it and for good reason XD Even so, a smaller C.D on it wouldn't hurt. I know a lot of others that want super saiyan to be as good or better then kaioken as it should be ~ I don't know the C.Ds of namekians or buus so I cant say anything for or against them.

  • Yeah, I remember that. After the transformation ended, the cool down would start and you'd have to wait an hour. If its redone and it starts after you cast it then yeah, I wouldn't have a problem with it either but something might be done about it. We can only wait and see O _O

  • Cooldown needs to be reworked anyway.. It is now in % so for class like Fighter 100% Cooldown will be easy(atleast with buff from Plas-Ma), it used to be 143,33 CD Points = 100% not 100 = 100%! But yeah like you said - it's just dev server, so no harm there..

  • You right! But at lvl 70 it was CD Points, and we have lvl 70 Patch - ergo it should be CD Points! Before they changed % to CD Points i had 80% CD and life was good! Didn't even have the best stuff!

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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