Hey Everyone,
The Halloween patch is here, along with Classic CC 150, the loot rework, and more! Check out all the details below.
Classic CCBD 150
Classic CC has returned, and floors 101-150 have been added, and the difficulty has been buffed! Here's a list of the changes:
- Entering CCBD now requires a Circuit, Obsidian Gem, or a Floor Ticket. Circuits and the Obsidian Gems can be purchased from Reklz outside CCBD.
- Classic CCBD can be entered by using the aforementioned Obsidian Gem, or the old Floor Tickets.
- Floor Tickets for floors 51-96 have been added to Wagu Machine 2.
- If you enter Classic CCBD and complete more than 50 floors, and choose the reward at the next boss, your party leader will be given a ticket for the next floor beyond the boss floor you quit on. This means that you can break up your runs into 50 floor chunks if need be!
- The reconnect system from the Dynamic CCBD works in Classic as well, so if a party member disconnects, just reinvite them after they reconnect and they will teleport into the dungeon with you.
- The Classic CCBD titles have returned, and you can get one per clear of floor 150.
- Each boss floor in Classic gives one point toward the CCBD title track.
- The boss capsules now contain Zeni per floor, CCBD materials, and CCBD coins.
- A tweaked version of the drop system from Dynamic CCBD is now working in Classic, and bosses above floor 100 will drop the new CCBD set items. The 150 capsule also contains another 6 set items.
- All the Classic CCBD titles that players had have been removed, and anyone with the titles in item form have been gifted 1kk Zeni per title.
- You may see people still sporting the old CC 150 titles, this is a visual bug that will be hotfixed soon. These players do not actually have the title, they just had it equipped during the server reboot.
Loot Rework/Box Drop System/2x Box Event
We've added a new loot rework to help endgame replayability, along with a Brown/Silver Box drop system, and a 2x Box Drop Rate event! See below:
- You now have a 2.5% chance when defeating a mob to get a Box drop. 80% of those boxes are Brown, and 20% are Silver.
- Farming mobs within 7 levels of yours grants another 10% of the base drop rate, along with the new CCBD Circuit in Dynamic CCBD. A further 10% of the base drop rate is added when the World Boss is on cooldown.
- Items can now drop with and be restructured to have up to four max stats. The possible stat types have not changed, just the possible values.
- The 2x Box Drop Rate event doubles the base drop rate of Boxes to 5%. It's currently running at the time of this post, and will run all week!
Halloween Event
The Halloween Event is here again! Spooky Ghosts and Ghostgrabbers will spawn randomly, and can be farmed for their Pumpkin Cookies. Trade the Pumpkin Cookies to Chuya and Lean in Korin Village near the Auction House! They have Halloween cosmetics and titles galore! The new Cash Shop Maverick Hunter/Digger outfits are also available to be farmed for free during the Halloween event, and have been added to the Event Machine as well!
Cash Shop
Check out the Cash Shop changes below:
- Cash Points have been renamed to Global Points.
- The Anniversary 2023 outfits and capsules have been removed, we hope you enjoy them! New Anniversary outfits and capsules will be available next August.
- Four new outfits have been added for 1k Cash Points each, and discounted in capsules: Maverick Hunter Z, Maverick Hunter X-2, and Digger X-L and Z-L outfits + helmets.
- The old Halloween outfits including the previously released Maverick Hunter outfits are on sale as well, and can be purchased for Pumpkin Cookies, and obtained from the Event Machine.
- The old Halloween cosmetics are also for sale in the Token and Mudosa shops for free to play users.
- Fixed a bug causing the anticheat to improperly flag certain players as moving at walking instead of running speed.
- There is currently a known bug with flight that is being worked on, and a hotfix should be available soon!
We hope you enjoy the Halloween patch, and the return of Classic CC, along with CC150! Now that this patch is sorted, as soon as the flight bug is hotfixed, we'll get back to work on the new 2.0 client! As always, thank you so much for playing and supporting us! We'll see you in game!