Why do you want to kill the game?

  • Hey Batvizz,

    We aren't trying to kill the game. We know the new stats are pretty strong compared to the old ones. We went over that in the pre-patch notes. However, only having one max stat per item essentially killed any endgame replayability that the game had, and reduced gear options by a lot. Don't worry, we're going to balance around these new stats in the skill rework, and PvP was already broken before this change. We aren't a big studio, we can't spend 6+ months on a patch while the players clamor for updates. I'm sorry if you feel we are killing the game, that's not our intention at all.

  • what are you talking about? The only classes that arent making in cc is karma and plasma, and if u rlly need that one guy in party karma is welcome. people letting anybody in their party even sks.

    How about the daneos times, when classes like sk, sm, crane had to pay just to be carried in cc. Servers were loaded even tho it was pay to win and your progress meant almost nothing if you werent lucky. Why was so alive then? It's because of nostalgia. Those additional sub stats are making pvp battles last longer, you dont just die to one needle now, you don't need to have different kind of sets just to make it to pvp or pve now.

    You don't even seem to provide any info on why it is bad, you just don't like it cuz it "looks broken". Dbog died many years ago and it isn't just because of what you said, it's because og's, just don't find it fun anymore or they just moved on from nostalgia, they completed the game god knows how many times.

  • what are you talking about? The only classes that arent making in cc is karma and plasma, and if u rlly need that one guy in party karma is welcome. people letting anybody in their party even sks.

    How about the daneos times, when classes like sk, sm, crane had to pay just to be carried in cc. Servers were loaded even tho it was pay to win and your progress meant almost nothing if you werent lucky. Why was so alive then? It's because of nostalgia. Those additional sub stats are making pvp battles last longer, you dont just die to one needle now, you don't need to have different kind of sets just to make it to pvp or pve now.

    You don't even seem to provide any info on why it is bad, you just don't like it cuz it "looks broken". Dbog died many years ago and it isn't just because of what you said, it's because og's, just don't find it fun anymore or they just moved on from nostalgia, they completed the game god knows how many times.

    I wouldn't consider it dead, the playerbase still grows and shrinks relative to what it was a few years ago. A lot of the old TW design is simply bad though, and the original players refuse to acknowledge that or give a chance to anything new. That's not necessarily bad for the game, but people who want a more gacha pay to win experience here aren't going to be as happy as the free to play players will be.

  • Sorry if I sound naive! But as a new player maybe my 2 cents can help, I personally find some bits overcomplicated. I was told that to start PvP/PvE, I need a full set of level 70 +15 gear and weapons, which makes sense. However, the complexity of PvP, with various healing items and multiple gear sets, feels excessive and seems to annoy even the most geared and experienced players.

    Having a more streamlined approach, like limiting gear swapping and healing consumables, might make PvP more enjoyable?

    While having end-game consumables can be great so end-game players still have something to buy/sell that's useful. It sounds like the current items give a more annoyed feel than outplayed feel.

    I think systems like Runescape's prayer + potions + food system or SWG's foodstuffs + doctor and entertainer buffs system are great examples. Both systems still have depth in how weapons or armor are made and can be stronger but most of the buffing and items are prepped and used ahead of combat. With the only active bits I remember being prayer swapping in RS and using damage mitigation food in SWG but both of those had limited uses per combat.

  • I like the idea of multiple gear sets/gear swapping, I plan on making some changes to how that works in the future. I think we're likely going to have to remove potions and stuff from structured PvP at some point. It's just too much utility and doesn't gel with the lore. Not allowed to eat Senzu Beans in the Budokai tournament.

  • on top of that I found the whole money/bullet thing just plain confusing in the game. It's a linear shooter, not an open world RPG, so it is pretty much impossible to know what you will actually need for the next level or how good the weapons actually will be and your decisions thus are basically random at best. So its really not about making hard choices and managing your resources, but about having no clue what you are doing.


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