New to DBOG Feedback: Bee Event "ruins" new player experience

  • Not sure who thought it a brilliant idea of an "event" to put lvl 15/45/65 enemies in the starter areas that 66% of them either aggro/chase you a ridiculously far way or to town OR 1-shot you. And telling people to "avoid" them is pointless because killing normal mobs has a chance to spawn one right in your face where it aggros almost immediately. The Bee event has basically made me want to quit immediately as it sucks to fight to an area just to have to run all the way back out to avoid 1 dumb bee that miracle spawned in just to avoid dying and being forced back to town.

    All of the bees need to behave like the "small" ones where they don't aggro unless "attacked".

  • Verdant

    Approved the thread.
  • I love this event. You can one-shot them, too. If you sell the honey, you can make a lot of zeny quickly, even as a new player.

    Oh...don't get me wrong, they are definitely nice later when you can actually hit them; the event itself isn't bad just the "time & place" part of it. And I don't really mind the smaller bee they don't "bug" you (pun intended) unless you swing at them's the normal and blood ones that suck since the level difference puts their dodge so above your hit rate at the early stages. Once I lv 15-20 the normal ones become more bearable and blood I have at least a chance to hit and survive 1-2 hits back if I miss.

  • Oh...don't get me wrong, they are definitely nice later when you can actually hit them; the event itself isn't bad just the "time & place" part of it. And I don't really mind the smaller bee they don't "bug" you (pun intended) unless you swing at them's the normal and blood ones that suck since the level difference puts their dodge so above your hit rate at the early stages. Once I lv 15-20 the normal ones become more bearable and blood I have at least a chance to hit and survive 1-2 hits back if I miss.

    This is good feedback. I've reworked the upcoming summer event in such a way that low players can participate without being overwhelmed. It should start today or Wednesday!

  • This is good feedback. I've reworked the upcoming summer event in such a way that low players can participate without being overwhelmed. It should start today or Wednesday!

    Have to say...just "wow". Only been playing for about a week and already feel this gets better admin attention than some AAA titles. Exemplary work.

    • :)
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