character wipe discussion

  • hello

    thanks to Daneos and the team dragon ball online is back to action!! i love everyone that´s working hard to make the game work again

    and i´m pretty sure everybody knows that when the open-beta get released our characters will get wiped out.

    but my stupid question is: why?

    i mean, it has to be a really good explenation for this, but i actually don´t know why. (cause i´m stupid) . I couldn´t find the answer for this so.... Can anyone tell me?

  • i see your point. But if almost anyone started at pre-open-beta, What´s the point of wiping out the characters? to balance with the new coming players? following your logic, you´re telling me that every time a new player appears, everyone has to lose their levels to balance with them?

    i only agree with this logic if this is not the actuall game, as said by Bardock.

    changing my oppinion: of course it´s not the actuall game you idiot. Its a PRE open beta. not even open beta. Zorax you fool.

  • so you´re telling me that this is a test version?? ( co-named Demo) What kind of test version let´s you go all the way to level 70, explore every parts of the maps, lets you gameplay almost everything. for nothing?

    changing my oppinion: its not for nothing. we´re helping daneos to find bugs. zorax you STUPID.

  • so why not letting only founders or youtubers? just to... You know, showcase the pre-open beta?

    or why not giving to the newbie `normal´ people a `1 week game experience´ or something like that?

    changing my oppinion: that would be stupid. they already launched a private version for founders, And it was really hard to find bugs with so less people. Stop complaining and go help daneos. Zorax you idiot.

  • 1 reason: Bugs: Exist various bugs in-game that the players, it's using and abusing for win items, zenys, dogis, exp very easy.
    2 reason: Character incompatibility with new contents: With new contents, the characters, can be incompatible, and broken your character/account.
    3 reason: Unbalanced classes: The game has very unbalanced classes, and this isn't good for economy of the game.
    4 reason: It's a Pre-Open-Beta: and your character can simply don't work when add new contents for test
    5 reason: Hacks: The game don't have a Anti-hack protection, and your account can be stolen because of that.
    6 reason: Incomplete Server and Incomplete Translation: You can lose quests, and the history of the game.

  • Something to keep in mind is that the game is not finished. There are still bugs that need to be fixed and parts of the game that need testing once they are ready to be implemented. I imagine the simplest way to do this is to have everyone play the game from the beginning and fix what they find as they progress rather than other methods that would probably require even more work.

    I have no idea if the server wipe is only so everyone to start the same or necessary to start the OB. I remember seeing someone say the wipe from the dev server was necessary to start the POB.

    P.S. Wrote this before Kakaichi's comment :P refer to that lol

  • Pre-Open Beta Announcement

    it was stated here that data in prebeta isnt perm

    That being said, im sure you have played/heard of close beta/alpha versions of games, a vast majority do this after testing phase is finished, it shouldn't be a surprise that something called "pre-beta" wouldnt have permanent player data, especially with all the bugs/unfinished parts DBOG is littered in

  • The Pre-Beta could be closed and only selected people could have participated, like the dev/test server was, which only the Founders had access. The Dev Team decided to make it Open so that more people could work on finding bugs,glitches and other systems that are working wrong in the game. This way, we would speed up the progress and bring the game closer to it's standard release.

    People have abused bugs to get zeni,cash shop items and alot of stuff that would make them far more progressive in the game, than other players. So it wouldn't be fair for the new players that started playing in a bug-free environment.

    Now being pissed about the wipe is not the server's problem, since it has been mentioned in several threads and in the Pre-Open Beta FAQ. You could have waited for the standard release before playing.
    Finding out about it now, doesn't/won't change anything.

  • kaioshin. You don´t need to tell me that. i already know its not there problem. i just wanted to take doubts out of my head of why they´re gonna do that. not complain how pissed i am about that. you don´t need to tell me how useless my oppinion is. but just because its usless that doesn´t mean i can´t share it with other people. just saiyan. (i know it´s saying you got the joke)

  • Unbalanced huh. Which classes are the OP ones then?

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