Skill Resets after Master Classes come out

  • needs to be answered?
    gotta love the self entitlement issues some of these young ''pups'' have,its mind-boggling :rolleyes:

    Is your entire point of being on this forum to shit-post and cause controversy? Because it seems like that's all you do.

    Not a single time have you been fair, reasonable, or kind to anyone, yet at the same time you've several times stated that it's other people who are the issue with the community. You spout only vitriol and flame towards anyone for even the slightest possible transgression.

    It is a simple statement that has nothing to do with the update coming sooner, or any other problems like that. It's a statement that has yet to be addressed by anyone in the know, and is one that might actually be important for some people to avoid wasting their time. And, more than just wasting their time, it would be helpful to know if they want to actually help with bug-fixes and progress the game, ya know, the whole reason we're here? But instead of having any level of thought you do what you always do; shitpost, complain, and act like a total ass.

    The community can be good, but not with people like you running around being a holier than thou dick.

  • wow,lengthy post but not really useful.

    if the op would have posted in a different manner i wouldnt have had an issue with it,but all i see are post of players using the words NEED, WANT and we are ENTITLED TO.

    you dont like my post? fine by me,that is your prerogative,just block me and move on.

    think this comunity can be good?

    of course it can,with some tough loving maybe we can get some of these young ''pups'' to have patience,not clutter the forums with topics that have been discussed a thousand times,stop being lazy and do a search on the forums for info they might need or want and specially get rid of the sense of entitlement that they all seem to carry with them.

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