• Thats because kaio always finds something to use to hack, they wanted dbo back and they got it... and then they abused the bugs.

  • Some people just dont know how to atract attention .... 80% already tested or use this bug ... so I guess KAIO is 80 or 70% of the game ..... Everyday I see Poeple or kids creating topics about players .. because they died or got they ass kicked .....using the bug or not .... Daneos already know about the bug .. and he will probily fix this or already did it ... stop crying people ... if you die in game you can revive with a simple button .... is not a big deal .. there a plenty of bugs in game poeple have already use on my members ( kaio ) a lot of times .. we dont come here crying because they did it ... its a game .. have fun ! play for fun .. coming here crying wont change anything

  • I don't think you understand. If their armor breaks they have to pay zeni, which is a waste. It's not the victim's fault for wanting to buy something at the Auction House, then getting killed over and over by some stupid bug user little kid who thinks he's cool. That's stupid, I'd be pissed if I was killed by some loser abusing a bug too. Why do I have to waste my time repairing my armor just so these e-brave douche bags can get their 2 seconds of fun and laughter?

  • Apple2 and KB are two different people, dude I was in rainsky and i talked to BOTH OF THEM in Raidcall, they share accounts.

    who cares tell, whoever stop abusing that confuse bug, I have to pay 500k zeni to repair my gear every time its legit annoying.

    So everyone who abused the bug of Gift box should be banned too,i know that u mad cuz u died,but i died like 10 times yesterday and no one was from KAIO.Just because u died for one KAIO member you are trying to penalize them because you are angry,no cry man.

    2 wrongs don't make an right

  • So... your point is that if you get killed unjustifiably because someone is bored and wants to kill another person that it's not in plat, we don't have to report it because "we only need to forget it and have fun"? Makes me think... You are talking about having fun... while all who do this bug are all people that are bored. Ironic, isn't? The "fun" it's just for those who do the bug (That firstly, they should not be doing)
    and laughs when they see that they killed someone. However, for the one who dies, there is no kind of fun. Don't throw me the "it's just a game" cliché. We already know this is a game, but what are you saying doesn't make sense.

  • If you think giving like 10kk for dogi, hat or any other mtx, weapons or gear is expensive you my friend saw nothing! In taiwan, dogies like vegito were 800kk for comparison here is 7kk xD, kid clock for example 300kk. These prices right now are godly. Don't talk like that about prices. If you don't like them just don't buy stuff from AH then.

  • I only died 1 time at the auction house.. what do people do, literally stare at the thing for hours? o_O I've looked at it a few times before, but it all just seems like overpriced pieces of crap, no offense to the sellers.. but dam.. cheaper pls x_x

    If you think it is expensive, wait until the inflation comes and sets prices over 400kk. 5$ for 8kk is really cheap.

  • Ok guys I know this is annoying but there is no need to be as annoyed as you guys are.These guys deserve to be punished but there is no need to feed this guy with flames so that he can continue to say crap that makes ZERO sense with his broken english.

    There is no reason to freak out as bad as you guys did firstly your characters are getting wiped so it's already going to be taken from you. Secondly it's not even open beta so bug abuser's are kinda normal and it's not like they are abusing the cash shop which uses real money. There's no need to talk to idiots like this and to be honest they're not worth your time anyway so just chill and when bugg abuser and still around when the game comes out then you can freak out

  • Ok guys I know this is annoying but there is no need to be as annoyed as you guys are.These guys deserve to be punished but there is no need to feed this guy with flames so that he can continue to say crap that makes ZERO sense with his broken english.

    There is no reason to freak out as bad as you guys did firstly your characters are getting wiped so it's already going to be taken from you. Secondly it's not even open beta so bug abuser's are kinda normal and it's not like they are abusing the cash shop which uses real money. There's no need to talk to idiots like this and to be honest they're not worth your time anyway so just chill and when bugg abuser and still around when the game comes out then you can freak out


  • Ok guys I know this is annoying but there is no need to be as annoyed as you guys are.These guys deserve to be punished but there is no need to feed this guy with flames so that he can continue to say crap that makes ZERO sense with his broken english.

    There is no reason to freak out as bad as you guys did firstly your characters are getting wiped so it's already going to be taken from you. Secondly it's not even open beta so bug abuser's are kinda normal and it's not like they are abusing the cash shop which uses real money. There's no need to talk to idiots like this and to be honest they're not worth your time anyway so just chill and when bugg abuser and still around when the game comes out then you can freak out

    Who's flaming him? I simply stated my opinion about the matter. He tried to justify bug users just because it's Pre Open Beta and basically implied that we should let these losers kill us just so they can have "fun". I don't think you would be saying "Ah whatever, these guys are just having fun, in the long run my stuff will get wiped anyway" if you were killed.

  • The bug has been reported and all your characters and progress will be deleted for the open beta, so what if u loose points or even skills!?!?!?! all your progress will be DELETED so i think test the game to find all bugs that could be better than stay all day saying its unfair.... Don't u think?

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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