No, you will be able to use your account but you must create a new chatacter.
Are we going to have access to such commands as set level, generate items?
No, you will be able to use your account but you must create a new chatacter.
Are we going to have access to such commands as set level, generate items?
I would like to show you a small video review of the new terrain textures that may be added within the new client. We need your feedback to know if you like it or not please.
Looks clean and more enjoyable for eyes. Good work!
Another thing that should be fixed is option that gets you stuck in ranked arena.
If you accept "YES" to teleport to arena, guy who is matched with you, click fast "NO" you will get bugged.
This one should be fixed asap and Mudosa shop added than retard gambler.
This way you could work for stuffs you need.
Crashing at least should be fixed for party's ranked, cuz its really annoying. But then again response from team
Because your so called aspect its good at is no use to the class itself. You telling me the only reason Plasma was created is to have another dex buff for humans? You don't need that extra dex. Needs to be gone. Go check Plasma buffs, all trash.
Fym, where I said the only reason Plasma was created to have another dex buff for humans? And what Plasma buffs? there was 0 made. The only reason I mentioned this buff it has some need for PvP. You won't make Plasma's damage as good as turtle for it to be DPS, its just crowd controller and with such buffs as ED, Harmonious Drumbeat it gives extra use in 5v5 matter.
Extra soul or success rate should be given by changing its useless passive EP Control.
What the fak? Plasma buff is supposed to buff fakin plasma not fighter.
why the fak you want to weaken class in one aspect its good at?
Making equipment account bound? Could you expand on this?
Because if it is locking all gear what so ever to an account - it kind of ruins the point of the AH, and might damage the economy a little?
With bank share enabled across account's characters this could turn out pretty good
Display MoreMore Ideas:
- Cash ShopPossibility for people to sell/buy cash for/with zeni. (Currency Exchange)
Account bind all cash shop items.
- Equipment
Make equipment account bound.
Very good ideas. Cash shop tweak would enable good zeni sink and cashers would have less influence in games economy and making account bound equipment would make it better to not use multiclient for main characters. Keep it up!
I am against Harmonious Drumbeat change idea, I think it is good as it is now. Because it would nerf 5v5 if your party has fighter and for fighter this buff helps a lot in terms of higher damage and CDR, so changing it to let's say SOUL would be useless since turtles already have high crit% damage and one shot potential against certain classes.
Display MoreWouldn't remove the mascot teleport skill.
Wether you use the option or not, it is up to you.
Spent more zeni and instantly teleport, or safe some and walk to a teleporter npc.
The yardrat's memory item is working fine on DBOG. But it is different.
With that item, you are able to store locations and teleport to them whenever you like to.
Question about crafting:
Should you get 100% at least 1 item when crafting or have the possibility to get nothing out of it?
You mean if you are crafting something and fail, you receive nothing? Or when decompensating items you will have a chance to get nothing?
If you meant by crafting, I think its bad idea to have more RNG, because if you are crafting something its already hard to get specific stats you want and that will only just lower chances and in addition, crafting CC gear and failing would be terrible. p.s. have bad memories from failing craft in TW
Limiting PvE content would basically mean this becomes a mobile game where you can't actually play...
If someone only has 3 hours to play he'd want to be able to do anything he want for those 3 hours.
Its nothing new for putting timer for dungeons cooldown after you finish. World of warcraft have these for raids so people couldnt abuse it and wouldnt get far ahead of other people.
Fullscreen windowed mode will work?
Remove choosing a card to upgrade or leave only one card to confirm upgrading.
Add new item for upgrading from +9 to +15. Like upgrade stone dusts which could be created by grinding blue or red stones. So upgrading with it would be purple stone +certain amount of those dusts and purples depending on current upgrade level. Also upgrade chance should be increased since it would require more resource.
Changing system to this succesful upgrade should only increase +1.
P.s by grinding stones I meant using npc to get materials for crafting
ahh iv started this game on another more advanced computer after many months and it still gives me occasional lag freezes even on the lowest setting, is there any solution to this
Either use windows 7 or just wait for new client, Daneos said it will fix freezes.
New client + Wipe out = start over again and this time without bugs, crashes and annoying freezes.
If Daneos is wise enough then he should also remove bans from the all players who charged their money back. I'm pretty sure they did that because they realized that it's not worth to donate for this broken game..
If Dragonball Online Global truly gets fixed after the new client gets released and gets 70 LVL cap with bids and higher cc floors then I believe this game has a proper chance to be revived.
I would also recommend to Daneos to take a serious consideration about his DBOG Team. The way his staff behaves it disgusts the whole community. It's really unprofessional and this is one of the main factors why players actually quits this game.
This server really needs a new fresh start, because of all mistakes made by staff members and how server has been handled. Starting from 0 again with working game (if new client really will fix most things) would bring back many players who quit because of lag/freezes and decisions made by staff. If anyone remembers why player count dropped after such successful start March 1st it's due freezes which scared most of players.
As XeoLee stated, first we need divide PvP and PvE damage formulas, before tweaking classes damage for CC or other dungeons.
As we see current parties of CC contain - Dende/Poko/Karma/Ultimate and mostly Turtle, which makes almost impossible to find space in party for Swordsman, Fighter, Plasma even though they are DPS classes. Even if you use full PvE builds you won't be dealing AoE damage for clearing effectively past 51F since their damage is not as fast/big as Turtles.
So in order to make those classes viable, *not including Crane since it can perform very well past 51F with good party* damage in PvE should be increased drastically or made similar to turtles, because such skills as Plasma's Anger Explosion or Black Hole Beat, Swordsman's Burning Attack, Fighter's Big Bang Attack damage is utterly trash.
TLDR: make skills which are worthless or only used for PvE and still bad usable/higher damage while increasing their cooldown's/cast time so it wouldn't be abused. This would enroll more different classes in PvE.
Bringing back +10 upgrade tickets would help for those who have a 'life' and don't have time to play kmmorpg. Another problem for them would be the issue to buy them, because they don't have time again to grind for zeni in a game which is based for grinding. In conclusion making it easy for everyone, would seem unfair for players who actually devote some of their time to obtain better equipment than players who login only for few hours.
This server should not become a pvp private server in which you can gear up quickly without spending much time.
I agree with all points been made. Making upgrade system harder means it will take longer for player to get the best gear, player base will not get bored as fast as its now, PvE will be harder to do since majority won't have +12~+15 gears. Making everything tradeable is fine because it opens a way for PvP characters such as Fighters/Swordsman to obtain that sweet PvE gear by having alt accounts to farm on and later on trade them over.
In my opinion level 55 cap should last for short period of time since there isn't that much to do. But level 60 cap should last for a long period of time to get everything ready for 70cap since there are a lot more content to do.
I use windows 10 enterprise and I have no problems at all, no freezes or anything. But on the other hand, my friend who has windows 10 has random freezes every minute. What are your computer specs? @DriesMertens14? Also try to look in this thread I created a while ago, maybe you will find solution there. here
I like this idea. For example Tera has seasonal community art contests which winners arts are used for loading screens.