Dende Priest Guide by Badass

  • Q6-You didn't put (MAX AT ALL COSTS) near Kaioken, any reason behind that?
    A6- Well, more than 1 reason.
    Reason #1: Right now Kaioken 1/3 is just as strong as Kaioken 3/3, so maybe you can save the 2 SP (I think you should max it if that was reason, because you need to get used to it once it fully functions. Reason #2: If you want to do CCBD, Kaioken is a death sentence to your team unless you have some serious support (like and Ultimate Majin who Constantly heals your EP and such) Reason #3: PvP becomes much less stressful against tanks if you dont have Kaioken Applied. Although you do less damage, the damage you take and the EP drain is not worth the risk.

    Hey i wanted to know if its worth adding kaio as it stands now. I want a fully ccbd build, idc much about damage since im just using para and speed. So i did quit super antenna beam, and the unleashed Spirit buff. IDK about kami's splendor but since i have 3 Sps left. As for gear, its still con con con, speed speed, cd earr and foc rings right?…0000034150311301231011030

    Minor changes

  • This Guide is Extremely Outdated, much of the information posted worked on an almost fully different game from what DBOG is now. At the time this was made, Healing, Paralysis, and Dende general play-style was very different from what it is right now. I don't recommend you take information from this guide as facts anymore.

    Will u update guide? can u at least say what has changed so we know in what direction to go on?

  • Hey! It's me Bekah from PoB I'm Beka in OB now! :P

  • Hello dude!!

    The first thing to congratulate you for this incredible post, is helping me a lot to learn.

    The second, I would like if you could teach me a build of lvl45cap for PvE, I usually play alone.

    This is the build I use for now.…0000011100110000010000000

    Thank you very much for everything, good job!! :saint:

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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