getting tokens for killing mobs 1mob= 1 tokken

  • hmm it would be too Easy , i already Made a post talking about this type of stuff in another Thread. that might work better.

  • i wanted a different method for getting tokkens other than being afk maybe 1mob=0.2 tokken ur idea is nice too

    you see Maskman , the Idea of Mobs giving Tokens is really overpowered cause , people that use pve Build , can just gather a bunch of Mobs , and just get izi Tokens + Farming stones etc.. , the only reason i choosed a mini game , so people that stay afk , could play a minigame while they farm , or perhaps they are on their phone on the Bus , farm their Tokens , before they open their pc ^^

  • This was my idea I posted on token shop thread, glad someonelse agrees with me though.

    That's like saying the update didn't even happen at all, why even bother :/

    Way too EZ PZ

    But leaving your computer on all day and night is so hard and takes a lot of skill? What about people with bad connection? And also this would make server better because a lot less would afk, not all, but a lot less.

  • That's like saying the update didn't even happen at all, why even bother :/

    Way too EZ PZ


  • The biggest problem with giving tokens based off a mobs is that certain classes will benefit more from this than others, regardless of what rate you put it as certain classes and builds will always have an advantage over others and that would lead to whole lot of Hoopla within the community. But its not necessarily a bad idea just not completely balanced, while now even though its who leaves there game open the longest, assuming everyone has a decent network and a sufficient comp anyone can afk.

  • I think the token reward would be only reasonable (if you mean obtaining them through killing) if -

    1.) The mobs are close to your level, and has a chance of giving you a token.

    2.) A limited amount of tokens you can get, so turtles cannot get 5 digits in a day or so, like 20 tokens / 10 minutes, that actually would make them work for the points, and it's not even guaranteed that they would get one.

    3.) Put tokens into the fat majins (the supers for boss event) so the event has something more to add, than golden coins and exp buff.

    4.) Limit the tokens that you can obtain in a week, like 2500 / 148 hours, that way even those can get an exp buff / bag, thats too busy with work / school.

  • i agree with u except ur last point i dont think there should be a limit of obtaining tokkens

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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