Here I am after months of inactivity noticing this, is making me crazy, please somebody fill the hole
Useless thread
Exactly. How can we expect this game to be of any quality whatsoever if we just LEAVE it like this? This is just another of Daneos' greedy cashgrabs.
Wow that actually irks me a little lol.
this is why im gonna uninstall dbog and play dbor
If this gets fixed the next maintenace I'm going to laught my ass off
lol ...
this is why im gonna uninstall dbog and play dbor
That was a good one
and the 'O' also seems smaller than the rest of the 'nline'... at least to me
What a disgrace to the project lol
The devil is in the details^^
There will new launcher design for OB, soo endure with this one, for now.
There will new launcher design for OB, soo endure with this one, for now.
No compromise, we deserve a filled "O" now
There will new launcher design for OB, soo endure with this one, for now.
WOah, didn't know about this one.
Thanks for pointing out...
Plot twist, O means "Openbeta"
The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.
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