How do I get alot of zeni? I see people with like 20 mil
How do I get alot of zeni?
craft lvl 70 items
For beginners you can learn crafting and by selling crafted gears to players.
If you're strong enough, you could try to farm items such as (level 70 legendary items, upgrade stones) in papaya island.
You can also try doing some powerleveling services.
DBOG Staff Team
another route silly kur is to buy stuff from cash shop and sell it.
nah jk
actually the goddess is correct. best way is to either grind for stones when ur max level, or craft gears to sell.
crafting gears can be a frustrating route because theres a lot of random number generating going on interms of what effects you get when u craft.
I prefer to grind for stones but do note not all classes are suited for that. the best classes for that are dw and turtle.
anyways I wish ya luck in the game
Clear up space in your inventory and the ngo and find a good place with alot of mobbs, and then just kill all of them and collect the drops and sell it. I usually get around 20-30 k each time i did it. Depends also your level but i found it to be a easy way to get zenni. Good luck
start by trying to get bashing classe best one is the dark warrior bash mobs and sell stones best way
How do I get alot of zeni? I see people with like 20 mil
if your a free player then you just have to become a crafter craft some max out stuff and you will get alot of zeni that is if your lucky if your not a free player and you can pay well then just buy kid clock or doji ball or brown boxes and just sell it and you are good to go and i almost forgot if your a free player and get some legendary stuff thats good and you don't need sell it and if you get some stones sell them too
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