It's a Super Saiyan Bargain sale!!!

  • 6 days a week 4 hours a day? It truly is a Super Saiyan bargain sale...

    I mean we needed more hunts / longer duration but this is excessive. 16 dragonballs in 2 hours and other guildies getting 10+ today...and we can do this 6 days a week?

    Everyone should have all their wishes they need in the next 2 weeks, if that. Cool DB hunt system guys!!!1

  • 6 days a week 4 hours a day? It truly is a Super Saiyan bargain sale...

    I mean we needed more hunts / longer duration but this is excessive. 16 dragonballs in 2 hours and other guildies getting 10+ today...and we can do this 6 days a week?

    Everyone should have all their wishes they need in the next 2 weeks, if that. Cool DB hunt system guys!!!1

    Yea, please don't f*ck it up worse than it already is man.

  • 6 days a week 4 hours a day? It truly is a Super Saiyan bargain sale...

    I mean we needed more hunts / longer duration but this is excessive. 16 dragonballs in 2 hours and other guildies getting 10+ today...and we can do this 6 days a week?

    Everyone should have all their wishes they need in the next 2 weeks, if that. Cool DB hunt system guys!!!1

    I like the new update, although it's not perfect and 4 hours might sound like too much, on the positive side it let's people that have various reason for not being able to do it at saturdays (work, school, etc), 100% able to participate at at least one db hunt every week.

    "Super Saiyan bargain sale"?? I don't think Super Saiyan have that much importance or value in the game to be considered a bargain sale. Making Super saiyan a free ablity from lvl 40 would make no difference. In my opinion Super Saiyan and the other transformations should be OP as hell, but at the same time the db hunts be 10 times harder. Atm the wishes are cool and all, but does any of the transformations make a huge difference in a battle? The most important thing in the game is level, armor and weapons. One piece of good armor/weapon (10+ - 15+) at lvl 70 affects a battle 10 times more than any of the transformation does. Of course Super Saiyan can't be like in the anime, where the user get's a 50 times boost in strenght/speed/etc, but at least make it make a difference between a low class player and high class player.

  • 6 days a week 4 hours a day? It truly is a Super Saiyan bargain sale...

    I mean we needed more hunts / longer duration but this is excessive. 16 dragonballs in 2 hours and other guildies getting 10+ today...and we can do this 6 days a week?

    Everyone should have all their wishes they need in the next 2 weeks, if that. Cool DB hunt system guys!!!1

    Hi here cencil182, and dbog community

    Thank you for voicing your concerns about the dbog hunt, I'm not sure if this is sarcasim or forgive me if I made a mistake here.

    The reason the dbog team changed this hunt was to allow the community to get more dragonballs and more wishes. this is better explained in kiritos patch notes.(click here)

    we know that changes will never satisfy everyone. but the team try's there best to accommodate the majority without sacrificing too much integrity of the game. You may agree or disagree with my statement; No matter which I hope to see input and suggestions on this and other systems so the team can improve upon them if need be

    thanks boxbox

  • 6 days a week 4 hours a day? It truly is a Super Saiyan bargain sale...

    I mean we needed more hunts / longer duration but this is excessive. 16 dragonballs in 2 hours and other guildies getting 10+ today...and we can do this 6 days a week?

    Everyone should have all their wishes they need in the next 2 weeks, if that. Cool DB hunt system guys!!!1

    I think this DB hunt event schedule works out fine for most people, and even though those who couldn't participate before, can do it now. The reason people getting a lot of wishes is they are hunting and using their precious time doing the event and some people have no life, so they can hunt everyday. :)

    If you complain about them getting DBS maybe you should try get some more time to hunt yourself, get fired and become unemployed or try to get into a mental hospital, then you don't have to work, just gotta eat a lot of pills.

    What I ment is be happy for others and appreciate what we have, you don't know maybe one day everything is gone.

  • and we can do this 6 days a week?

    speak for yourself, I actually have a life now you know? Work and all that? This change actually made it possible for me to participate in DB hunt.

    Catering to only hardcore players isn't something a smart game designer should be doing after all since most players dont actually have that much time in front of their pcs. specially those that played DBO 7 years ago ( unless they were 11 years old back then).

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