Date till lvlcap

  • Almost 3 weeks into the cap and it's getting boring already. Yet there is no information on the next cap or lv 70.

    Can we finally get a statement on when the new cap is coming?

    Tbh this game is only fun with 70 cap and not that boring 55/60 cap everyone is desperately trying to propogate (lv 55/60 new golden age for pvp much balance, yet everyone flaming about balance lmao).

    Date pls

  • No date has been communicated to us for the moment.

    Alot of people didn't reach level 50 till now and there are alot of new players that joined recently so I think that a Level Cap increase isn't necessary for now.

    Perfection is not attainable, but if you chase perfection you can catch excellence :thumbup::thumbup:


    11_small.png Fighter - RednakZ

  • Just let it go for as long as Daneos has planned it. If we get to 70 too fast, at some point it'll be boring too. I could see 55 cap staying for 2 months and 60 cap 3 months. Maybe 4 months at max. But not sure about 55 cap. Could also be one month only.

    I think Daneos should announce lvl cap raise 1 week before he does it.

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    *got f*cked hard by Upgrading on July 8th 2018*


  • Just let it go for as long as Daneos has planned it. If we get to 70 too fast, at some point it'll be boring too. I could see 55 cap staying for 2 months and 60 cap 3 months. Maybe 4 months at max. But not sure about 55 cap. Could also be one month only.

    I think Daneos should announce lvl cap raise 1 week before he does it.

    Imo 45-55 had 10 levels and contentwise much more than 55-60.

    55-60 just gives tmq 7 and ud6. This game lives from 70 cap.

    You have to farm ages for good kraken/cell/bacterian/cc100(/150) gear. The other caps are just kinda wasting time and leads to a loss in players.

  • I see your point and i agree. But there are lots of ppl who would stop playing if we get to 70 too fast cuz they won't be able to keep up with other ppl who had the luck to get a good amount of zeni to gear up fast. They will get frustrated real quick.

    I myself don't give a f*ck about this xD

    so i'm good.

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    *got f*cked hard by Upgrading on July 8th 2018*


  • I see your point and i agree. But there are lots of ppl who would stop playing if we get to 70 too fast cuz they won't be able to keep up with other ppl who had the luck to get a good amount of zeni to gear up fast. They will get frustrated real quick.

    I myself don't give a f*ck about this xD

    so i'm good.

    Well not much that 60 offers compared to 55 so there isn't really that much of better gear you could obtain except for accessories.

  • hi there dbog community,

    the team hasn't dicussed any date for a change in cap at this point of time.

    that's all I can say for now sorry for not being much help on this issue #uselessmodbox :)

    regards boxbox

  • A lot of people didn't reach lvl 50? who? lmao

    Alot , I can't answer this type of question since I'm not the friend of everyone but I saw alot that did not reach lvl 50 , just go out of Tatami and CCBD and take a look at Kokkara map , Wasteland , Pilaf Fountain etc. You'll find out that alot of people didn't reach that level yet.

    Perfection is not attainable, but if you chase perfection you can catch excellence :thumbup::thumbup:


    11_small.png Fighter - RednakZ

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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