need help to choose one class

  • Hello, just joined dbo and I have been wondering what class I should use for pve, I read all the skills for each class in the skill build site but I still need advice from experienced players.

    I want a good pve only class, useful for Endgame content, and good for farming mobs in world

    My top 3 choices are:

    1- namek shadow knight

    2- namek dark warriro

    3- maijin karma majins

    It would be amazing if I can get a reply ????

  • best class for farming of the 3 you have listed is darkwarrior. it cant die in pve (non-dungeons) and has great aoe for mobs. I should note thou it takes some time to get its best aoe attacks thou.

    if you want pve parties like dungeons and ccbd then karma majin is the best of the 3 you have listed due to speed parties needing it for its buff.

    The ultimate majin class might be a better choice if you are hoping to do a bit of both.

    its required for pve dungeons due to its buffs and it can tank extremely well. its spins are one of the best aoe for dungeons despite the cool down and exhaust effect after using the spin attack.

    in pvp a well geared ultimate cant be killed by anything expect a well equipped crane or htb attacks.

  • thank you for your quick reply i really appreciate it

    i like the dark warrior a bit i check some forumns and ppl say its a tank (not bad at all), when you said takes a while to get, do you mean u cant farm until you hit level cap?? and is dark warrior required for end game content (nice to get reply)

    about karma majin i just checked some forums and i am not too sure of speed parties, maybe i am new and dont understand what speed is but dark warrior is intriguing me

  • Dark warrior learns its best aoe attacks at level 50 before that level dark warriors are tanky but lack decent aoe skills.

    there best aoe skill is energy siege

  • yeah best time to start a char short befor all chars get wipe to lvl 1 XD

  • thank you for taking your time to answer my questions, i have 1 more question are Dark Warriors useful in end game content?

    it can play the role of tank in pve (but it isnt the most sought after tank) and farm materials for upgrading gears and crafting

  • For beginners humans arent good because u need good gears, majins are pretty good for beginners, especially ultimate majin, and namek shadow knight / dark warrior, I was both SK and DW main and DW is much better for pure PvE(farming), but SK is better for every PvP aspect. So I would recommend ultimate majin or shadow knight for beginners

  • For beginners humans arent good because u need good gears, majins are pretty good for beginners, especially ultimate majin, and namek shadow knight / dark warrior, I was both SK and DW main and DW is much better for pure PvE(farming), but SK is better for every PvP aspect. So I would recommend ultimate majin or shadow knight for beginners

    very good advice humans do have a harder degree of difficulty to level up and play for beginners

  • MajinRow it is really up to will game be changed.

    That is, will aggro system/class balance /party system or party meta change.

    Soo lets asume that it won't be changed and game after wipe will be good for month or two.

    You will need then to ditch DW and SK and take Karma Majin or Ultimate Majin for PVP and PVE aspect of the game.

    Both of them are needed for party PVP and PVE and they are good when you want to farm.

    Soo as someone new to the game and as someone who will have hard time to gear up, I suggest you to play as Karma Majin.

    Since you won't need to raise armor too high and you only need speed weapons to be part of party with no problem, you will have easy time to gear up. Another thing is, that you can easy switch from PVE build to PVP build and since karma is one of the most broken classes in game with ultimate in top tier, you will enjoy the PVP too.

    Why you shouldn't play DW or SK?

    Mostly in party, because almost any class well geared can replace the tanker, tankers become the shit in PVE soo you will have hard time to even find party to go there.

    About PVP, you will be decent with them but you will need to spend tons of time, zeni to get all the gears to even be able to face all other race/classes and still you will face the broken ones or ones that not only counter you, it simply trash you soo without luck or right gear and build and good strategy you will mostly lose to them.

    All in all, you need to take all around race/class that is needed in party for PVP Budokai (mudosa points aka mudosa gambler and accessory and cool stuffs), PVE ( Dungeons, TMQ, CCBD soo you can get tons of boxes, legendary gears or accessory and dogi balls).

    Soo for this case, the namek tankers, do not fit this role due bad party system, multi client and aggro system and PVE in general that does not favor or need true tankers to be part of it.


    “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who i’m not”
    IGN: Iceman 19_small.png Shadow Knight 19_small.png
    IGN: Iceman
      13_small.png Dark Warrior 13_small.png
    Discord: Iceman#8402

  • As for HUMANS we have:





    As for NAMEKS we have:

    5. Dark Warrior

    6. Shadow Knight

    7. Dende Priest

    8. Poko Priest

    As for MAJINS we have:

    9. Ultimate

    10.Grand Cheff



    I put short description of each class in spoliers to not make this post even longer

  • thats well explained you should turn your info into a guide spat

    and yes karma needs a mega nerf class is broken for 1v1 its kinda a meme how broken it is

  • thats well explained you should turn your info into a guide spat

    and yes karma needs a mega nerf class is broken for 1v1 its kinda a meme how broken it is

    Thank you all for the amount of reply you made my decision easy. With all you said I will pick karma majin

    thank you so much very helpful of you all

    I read that there is a wipe happening, ? just went I started playing haha I hope I can still play

  • It took me sometime but I finally found video I was looking for that proves what Iceman wrote

    Ma boi Spat.

    Yea, Speed Meta does not need humans or namek tankers, namek healer and poko is all they need from namek kind and rest majins.

    Now take in consideration that all the new people who want to play the game, will mostly play as Piccolo (SK, DW) or Goku/Vegeta(Fighter) or Trunks(SM).

    With this current state of the game, they simply see that there is no way for them to compete with speed metas and mostly because of "YOU HAVE TO PAY BRUH, WE CARRY YOU!" things, and people who even say this, they say to newbies too and then the same people complain here why the game is dead, since unless the game is changed, forget that you will ever get newbies to play and like the game, unless they are Spanish People, no offense to anyone but they are happy when they can turn into SSJ.. :D

    Soo thankful people, you just must love them as I love spanish latino girls :love: .


    “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who i’m not”
    IGN: Iceman 19_small.png Shadow Knight 19_small.png
    IGN: Iceman
      13_small.png Dark Warrior 13_small.png
    Discord: Iceman#8402

  • As for HUMANS we have:

    This guide is great,thank you for your hard work !!! But i would still add a few changes to MA classes...

    SMs are a good SOLO PVP class......and thats basically it.I don't believe they are ,,arguably good'' for anything else,especially considering that you described Fighters as ,,pretty bad '' grinders.

    Fighters with Big Bang Attack and Final Flash can farm way better than Swordsmans. Yes,they need special build to do so (and different sets of weapons to be efficient),but SAME GOES FOR SM. Builds that have skills like Burning Attack or Flash Slash (grinding skills) are already ,,special builds" ,as they are not meant for PVP,which is main role of the class. Bcs Burning attack is eng based skill,SMs would also need eng crit % weapons for max dmg. Not to mention that Burning Attack is a complete joke without great weapon (+13 or higher).I have +12 sword on mine,and it does like 4k dmg without crit,at best (lvl 60 cap). Flash Slash is cool ,,in line" type aoe skill ,with decent dmg,but it only affects 4 targets.

    My point is that Fighters are still better PVE class than Swordsmans,at least definitely for grinding,and for newbies that want to play MA,i would recommend Fighter over SM,anytime.

    Now,tbh,i don't know much about dungeons (solo player) ,but i never saw anyone looking for SM in LFP chat:D (i did saw people looking for fighters ,maybe 3 or 4 times though8o)

  • First of all if you are interested in Swordsman I reccomend you to check youtube channel of best SM in game KinswkK.

    There already was discussion about farming as SM here Swordsman PVE Video " guide " Papaya Farm and TMQ7. In my opinion SM is better at farming because he can one shot mobs just like Fighter BUT Burning Attack has 20M range while Big Bang only 10M and Final Flash is Straight Line skill making it even worse than those previous two.

    As for dungeons I would pick SM over Fighter anytime because SM 30 prop debuff is very good for party while Fighter literally has 0 utility for party.

    Thats why I think for PvE SM>Fighter be it for farming or dungeons.

  • First of all if you are interested in Swordsman I reccomend you to check youtube channel of best SM in game KinswkK.

    Thank you for your answer,you are probably right about dungeons.(as i said,i have little knowledge on the matter)

    But i still think Fighters are a better class for grinding.Yes,Big Bang has smaller range,but far better dmg,which means it can be used efficiently with lower upgrade on weapons (kinda important ,especially for beginners) and 10M range is more than enough.

    As for KinswkK,in discussions like these,i don't think it's wise to take into consideration what ,,the best player(SM) in the game" can do.We should rather focus on average people with average gear.

    I bet that 90% of Swordsmans aren't even capable of one-shoting mobs with Burning Attack,because of the low damage skill has.


  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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