How i can fix This?
I can't open New client
Me too, it's sad
only few ppl can enter dev server to test bugs, if you don't ve access you can't
only few ppl can enter dev server to test bugs, if you don't ve access you can't
My patching doesn't lunch, i can't download this
i mean... i just got back after a break (6-7 months or so) and i can't even play? does anyone know when will the game launch for us "new players"?
It's for people who were chosen to play, If you want to request to be in it, least to be active in regular client and forums to try.
Development Access Request
-Beka, DBO G Team -
so it's like harry potter now? you have to be "the chosen one" to play? that's cool... sort of.
so it's like harry potter now? you have to be "the chosen one" to play? that's cool... sort of.
You don't simply "play". You have to find bugs and sh*t to report yea, you have to be chosen. I think there was a max. amount of ppl Daneos wants to allow into the Test. Not sure what the amount is but it's limited so not everyone will be able to go in there.
Man, your nickname explain it all, quit smoking bro. Development server have limited slots just for testing. You can still play on the main server...
kay. Thanks.
Man, your nickname explain it all, quit smoking bro. Development server have limited slots just for testing. You can still play on the main server...
Tsuku chill man..this guy doesnt even know what is happening..he just came back after 6-7 months..
daweed0024 you should check the latest news on forum..they are making a new client..and there will be a wipe..only some people can have access on this new test can play on the old client but its dead atm..not many people playing
Tsuku chill man..this guy doesnt even know what is happening..he just came back after 6-7 months..
daweed0024 you should check the latest news on forum..they are making a new client..and there will be a wipe..only some people can have access on this new test can play on the old client but its dead atm..not many people playing
thank you!
Con, todo esto del nuevo cliente. estoy bastante confundiada, alguien podria porfavor, explicarme el nuevo metodo de descarga del juego? mandarme los links etc. gracias de ante mano y que tengan un lido dia ♥
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