Crafting Discussion

  • I keep hearing that stats are irrelevant. Does that mean I should just travel naked? Im aware that stats like constitution etc dont work, but what about regular defense? What about the defense boost from upgrading? Is a +5 level 30 armor any different than it's base form? Is there a difference between level 1 armor, and level 70 armor?

    Also... It takes 300kk?!?! 300,000,000?!?! :O How?! I only spent about 1.5kk to get to level 10, when does it get so difficult?!
    Also side note, forgot to mention, why does this guy have his master class in the video? xD

  • Yeah it's no point in upgrading either lol mind as well be traveling naked, I'm almost level 60 and I've never noticed until someone told me the defence didn't work after ud1, tmq1, and all craft gear except weapons. Atm keep that gear you have on now until you get some quest gear( that works apparently lol ). Stats are broken now anyway, people have surpassed the limitation on stats so yeah just keep it off before the stat values are fixed lol.

    And it gets difficult around lvl 20, you will need to buy way more material like I do or farm more. I prefer the buying gear from merchants method because it's faster.

    And in that video, I think it was a gm doing it.

  • The shronron gear apparently qualifies as quest gear, the stat bonuses it gives (constitution) are applied.

    I've been using the merchant method, but I don't see why the entire process would cost millions... It's annoying having to randomly choose recipies because of the lack of translation... I spent 600k on recipies I can't even use, Namek weapons, etc.

  • Because craft gear has the best defense in *terms of balance* and the stats aren't that bad either. The reason why the cost will go up is because the materials you buy will go up and the amount you need to craft will go up as well.

    And craft gloves are usually on the 2nd tab, the first two, the armor is on the 3rd that lists them, scroll somewhere on the 3rd page to see which armor says "H" to determine if it's human. The weapon I believe is on the 4th tab and the subclass weapons for humans is on the 3rd page of that towards the middle, not entirely sure on the weapons.

  • Well I don't know now how is it in DBOG but before on DBO upgrading gear was must if you want to go in Kraken and CC DG.

    Higher upgraded gear - more def you get or more power if it is weapon.

    Only thing that I didn't like at all were those 3 cards, why can't it be just percent of success on upgrade, it is faster.

    100% on wep upgrade till +8
    100% gear upgrade till +6

    Now upgrading more than this in old DBO you would get stupid cards and I think it is just better that you get nothing, just click for upgrade and hope for best and if you have white stone it can save your gear/wep.

    Soo when you try to upgrade wep +8, you would see "Success Rate :70%".
    If wep is +9 , success rate will be 60% and etc etc.

  • @ Iceman & unfading: Careful, this thread is about craft system not upgrade system.

    I think craft is ok as it is now. Maybe a litte reduce of the needed exp to get new craft Lv. once your craft lv. is above 20, cause it still takes very long and is a bit to expensive in my opinion.. But if it stays as it is now, i could live with it.. Once stats and excelent/rare rate are working..

  • @ Iceman & unfading: Careful, this thread is about craft system not upgrade system.

    I think craft is ok as it is now. Maybe a litte reduce of the needed exp to get new craft Lv. once your craft lv. is above 20, cause it still takes very long and is a bit to expensive in my opinion.. But if it stays as it is now, i could live with it.. Once stats and excelent/rare rate are working..

    Yes I am sorry for going off-topic.

    About crafting, well everything was fine in it, well almost.

    Only thing that I didn't like is that CC Ultimate Crafted gear sux at least in defence.

    If Daneos can change def in it to match regular legend crafted gear (lvl 70), that would be perfect.

    PS: I know that most of you would say that doing this will make this gear too OP but I will let you know few things.
    1. It is super hard to get and it should be set that you craft it only if your crafting level is maxed.
    2. It is super rare to get all materials to even craft it, it is super rare to get gear adds you want/need.
    3. You need to use items to change adds on it unless you want to get all materials and re-craft it (It will take months).
    4. It is bounded soon you craft it, soo you won't see it in auction house nor you can send it to someone.

    Soo all in all, this should be last end gear for every class.

  • So

    Because craft gear has the best defense in *terms of balance* and the stats aren't that bad either. The reason why the cost will go up is because the materials you buy will go up and the amount you need to craft will go up as well.

    And craft gloves are usually on the 2nd tab, the first two, the armor is on the 3rd that lists them, scroll somewhere on the 3rd page to see which armor says "H" to determine if it's human. The weapon I believe is on the 4th tab and the subclass weapons for humans is on the 3rd page of that towards the middle, not entirely sure on the weapons.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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