Hey Everyone,
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! After a very long wait, Cap 70 is here! It's not just a new level cap though, we're also enabling the Christmas event, and this is the first patch since the DBOUR merge! If you're interested in reading more about the DBOUR merge, please check the following threads:
As a bit of a disclaimer, this is probably the largest patch that has ever been applied to a DBO server. Given that, please understand that due to time constraints to get this to you today, technical limitations with the TW game client, and unforeseen events like the server attacks from a couple of months ago, this doesn't have the usual polish that we normally apply to a DBOG patch. There will probably be a few bugs and things we missed, but once you see the scope of the patch, we hope you'll forgive those things. Now, on to the updates!
- Level 70 unlocked!
- All Papaya quests have been fixed. Some have been translated, but not all.
- The wandering Ultras in Papaya have been added, but will currently not yet roam throughout the island. This will be coming in a future patch.
- Kraken difficulty has been increased, and the 2nd and 3rd rooms of Kraken have been enabled. There are currently no extra rewards for completing these rooms, but those rewards will be coming with the rest of the dungeon reworks.
- Cell-X difficulty has been increased.
- Bacterian difficulty has been increased.
- The wandering Ultras and BID bosses will now drop legendary Gemstone and u70 Upgrade Kit recipes.
- Legendary Gemstone and u70 Upgrade Kit drops have been enabled.
- Full CCBD floor clears now award previously unreleased gear drops. See below for details.
- Christmas maps, music, and events have been enabled.
- Brown Boxes in Popo Gifts replaced with Silver Boxes.
- CCBD Floor Tickets in Popo Gifts replaced with CCBD Circuit Cases.
- +15 Coupons in Popo Gifts replaced with +12.
Cash Shop Updates
The Halloween dogis and auras have been moved to the Token/Mudosa shops. The following items have been added to the Cash Shop:
Item | Cash Points |
Goku Wig | 100 |
Vegeta Wig | 100 |
SSJ4 Vegito Wig | 100 |
SSJ4 Vegito Wig RGB (RGB = color matches your default hair) | 100 |
SSJ4 Gogeta Wig | 100 |
SSJ4 Xeno Goku Wig | 100 |
Xeno Pan Wig | 100 |
Mai's Hat | 100 |
SSJB Vegito Wig | 100 |
SSJ Rose Wig | 100 |
SSJ4 Gohan Wig | 100 |
UI Goku Wig | 100 |
Majin Mark | 100 |
Time Breaker Broly Mask | 100 |
Time Breaker Bardock Mask | 100 |
Broken Time Breaker Bardock Mask | 100 |
Baby Vegeta Backpack | 100 |
Damaged Goku Gi | 100 |
Vegeta Buu Saga Gi | 100 |
Gohan Buu Saga Gi | 100 |
Damaged Future Trunks Outfit | 100 |
End of Z Goku Gi | 100 |
End of Z Vegeta Outfit | 100 |
Bulma Outfit | 100 |
Trunks Tank Top Outfit | 100 |
Future Gohan Gi | 100 |
Saiyan Female Armor | 100 |
Multiverse Bardock Armor | 100 |
Time Patrol Trunks Outfit | 100 |
CC Soldier Uniform | 100 |
Mira Outfit | 100 |
SSJ4 Goku GT Gi | 100 |
SSJ4 Vegeta GT Outfit | 100 |
Pan GT Outfit | 100 |
Vegeta GT Outfit | 100 |
SSJ4 Gogeta Gi | 100 |
SSJ4 Xeno Goku Gi | 100 |
SSJ4 Xeno Vegeta Gi | 100 |
Xeno Pan Outfit | 100 |
SSJ4 Xeno Vegito Gi | 100 |
Xeno Gotenks Gi | 100 |
Xeno Vegito Gi | 100 |
Xeno Gogeta Gi | 100 |
Mai Outfit | 100 |
Goku Black Gi | 100 |
Goku Black Heroes Gi | 100 |
Android 17 Super Outfit | 100 |
Android 18 Tracksuit | 100 |
Pride Trooper Outfit | 100 |
Caulifla Outfit | 100 |
Kale Outfit | 100 |
SAB Goku Outfit | 100 |
SAB Vegeta Outfit | 100 |
God of Destruction Outfit | 100 |
Zeno Outfit | 100 |
Kefla Outfit | 100 |
SSJ4 Gohan Gi | 100 |
Alternate Broly Armor | 100 |
Bulchi Outfit | 100 |
Xeno Piccolo Gi | 100 |
Krillin Buu Saga Outfit | 100 |
Black Christmas Costume | 50 |
Blue Christmas Costume | 50 |
Green Christmas Costume | 50 |
Pink Christmas Costume | 50 |
Purple Christmas Costume | 50 |
Yellow Christmas Costume | 50 |
Black Christmas Hat | 50 |
Blue Christmas Hat | 50 |
Green Christmas Hat | 50 |
Pink Christmas Hat | 50 |
Purple Christmas Hat | 50 |
Yellow Christmas Hat | 50 |
As you can see, we've been hard at work importing the DBOUR outfits! Please be aware that many of these outfits are race or gender locked, so be careful to check when buying these, to make sure they work for your character's class and gender. The Christmas outfits have also been added to the Tinder NPC in Korin Village for the Christmas event!
CCBD Reward Upgrades
Instead of the old capsule for defeating each map, players will now receive a capsule containing a new piece of legendary armor. Here are the armor sets:
- CC Alpha Zero Speed - 25% Movespeed, 25% Attackspeed
- CC Alpha Zero Power - 15% Physical Crit Damage, 15% Physical Attack Damage
- CC Beta Zero Meteoric - 15% Energy Crit Damage, 15% Energy Attack Damage
- CC Gamma Zero Juggernaut - 15% Physical Defense, 15% Energy Defense
- CC Delta Zero Tactical - 8% Physical Crit Rate, 15% Hit Rate
- CC Beta Zero Precision - 8% Energy Crit Rate, 15% Energy Attack Damage
Item Duplication Update
As you guys are probably aware, a few months ago an item duplication bug was discovered, and many items ranging from u70 Upgrade Kits to Founder/Anniversary items were duplicated. We have since fixed the duplication bug, and banned the abusers, but some of the items they disseminated amongst the playerbase remain. Given that there were only u70 Upgrade Kits in the game due to a prior oversight that prematurely enabled the recipes, all of these u70 kits should be removed from the game. However, because it is Christmas, and because we don't want to punish the players that legitimately bought these u70s, without knowing they were duplicated, we will downgrade them to u56's instead of removing them completely. As for the items that are already upgraded, we will reset those to +0 though. We are still discussing internally what to do with the duplicated Anniversary and Founder items, and we will keep you guys informed on that discussion. There will be no changes to those this patch.
- All Papaya quests fixed.
- Missing wandering Ultras added to Papaya.
- Fixed an exploit allowing Kraken to be done without aggroing the nearby mobs.
- Fixed an exploit allowing Bacterian to be done without aggroing the nearby mobs.
- Fixed an exploit allowing Cell-X to be done without aggroing the nearby mobs.
We finally made it! Cap 70 is here, and the merge is underway! This was a very difficult, large patch, and it was a long time coming. I'm sorry for the wait everyone, but it's been a full year of DBO development, and a lot of things have happened, good and bad. We hope you enjoy it, and there are many more good things to come. Now that Cap 70 is here and there's plenty of content to enjoy, we will be moving forward with close to full time development of the new client. With the expertise of the DBOUR team, hopefully we can get things up and running quickly! There will be a few small patches here and there for things like dogis, bug fixes, events, translations, etc, so stay tuned! As always thank you so much for your support, donations, memes, laughs, and companionship. DBOG would be nothing without its great players. Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays! See you next year with more good changes!