Hi all :)

  • Hi there, just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I may have made one of these way back when I started, but it's been months and months since I've been around so thought I should and hopefully find some friends ^^

    A little about me, let's see, you can call me Serey or Aya, most people go with Aya .-. I've been watching Dragonball, DBZ, since I was reallllllly little, think it was the first anime I ever watched. I love most animes, and I certainly love to talk about them. I'm also a big Flash/Arrow/SHIELD/Gotham fan. Anddddd I love cheese, fuzzy things, turtles, tennis, drawing, arts and graphic design :D

    That's about it, if you wanna chat or ask me a question you can feel free to. <3

  • Welcome back Aya xD good to see that a lot of people started to see Dragon Ball when they were a kid, i was only 5 when i saw DBZ and the classic Dragon Ball too, but for some reason i did not remembered Cell Saga, only Saiyan, Namek and Buu saga, strange right? Since Cell saga is one of the best! I hope to see you in game x3

  • Hi there, just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I may have made one of these way back when I started, but it's been months and months since I've been around so thought I should and hopefully find some friends ^^

    A little about me, let's see, you can call me Serey or Aya, most people go with Aya .-. I've been watching Dragonball, DBZ, since I was reallllllly little, think it was the first anime I ever watched. I love most animes, and I certainly love to talk about them. I'm also a big Flash/Arrow/SHIELD/Gotham fan. Anddddd I love cheese, fuzzy things, turtles, tennis, drawing, arts and graphic design :D

    That's about it, if you wanna chat or ask me a question you can feel free to. <3

    Hi there, and welcome!
    I would love to add you in-game (IGN: Ishinato)
    I'll call ya Aya then, call me Leo!
    And you do have great tastes in shows, to be honest I re-watched dragonball twice and dragonball Z three times (I was really bored mang)

    Do you like One Piece? Its now my top favourite, I hated it because of the art style but finally looked past that and started watching 2 years ago, and Im so HOOKED with the story and myths, its SOOO good!

    I don't mind talking whenever, I get bored in-game and on the forum most of the time so looking for people to chat with ^-^

  • Thank you everyone for the welcomes! :)
    Looking forward to seeing you guys around in the future and getting to know some of you ^.^

    Nice to meet you, Leo :)
    I never really watched much One Piece to be honest, I had a hard time getting into it, but I heard that if you get past the first 20-30 eps it starts getting pretty interesting, but I never made it that far lol.
    I'll add you when i get on game, not currently on, making dinner and watching tv lolz.~

  • Welcome Serey,your name in game?


    I am the bone of my sword
    Steel is my body and fire is my blood
    I have created over a thousand blades
    Unknown to Death, Nor known to Life
    Have withstood pain to create many weapons
    Yet, those hands will never hold anything
    So as I pray,Blade Works

  • Serey Hola !I hope we can take us quite well in the game ! my name is Nyo ( In the game)I'm from Argentina , I love the Anime ( Even I participated in forums writing much about this, where the actions of a character narrates ) really fan of Hell Girl , Enma Ai , I recommend it.

    And nothing , I hope to get along with you ( also I'm looking for friends, but many are complicated in this community : c )And that : 33By the way, Your designs are yours ? I've loved and I would like some well > _ <

    PD: My english is very bad. Im using traductor.

  • Serey Hola !I hope we can take us quite well in the game ! my name is Nyo ( In the game)I'm from Argentina , I love the Anime ( Even I participated in forums writing much about this, where the actions of a character narrates ) really fan of Hell Girl , Enma Ai , I recommend it.

    And nothing , I hope to get along with you ( also I'm looking for friends, but many are complicated in this community : c )And that : 33By the way, Your designs are yours ? I've loved and I would like some well > _ <

    PD: My english is very bad. Im using traductor.

    Hi Nyo, nice too meet ya :D
    Yeah I know what you mean, I'm looking for some friends here too, makes the game more fun ^^
    And do you mean the avatar and the signature? Yes I made those, I like to make things like that all the time, I used to do it all the time on another forum I was on, learned how to use Photoshop so I could make them haha~ :)

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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