Hello guys . I want to say that there are many afk players in the server and they are take place in the server and that be a problem when there are two channels or one
A.F.K player in the server
Its fine being AFK when all channels are online, but when only 2 or 1 servers are online, and you know you're going to be gone for more than 30 minutes or a hour, just logout. Maybe daneos should put in a script that disconnects players that are idle for 35+ minutes.
Its fine being AFK when all channels are online, but when only 2 or 1 servers are online, and you know you're going to be gone for more than 30 minutes or a hour, just logout. Maybe daneos should put in a script that disconnects players that are idle for 35+
TBH if people are AFK they can't see which channels are or are not online. most people come on in the early morning when all channels are open then they close when it gets later. by that time they are already AFK so they leave it on to collect tokens while they're at work or school.
Most games just kick you after 10-15 minutes of doing nothing. And this game should too. The servers already have a very limited capacity. This capacity should be used by people who actually play, not by people who logged in 24 hours ago and not moved once since.
Its fine being AFK when all channels are online, but when only 2 or 1 servers are online, and you know you're going to be gone for more than 30 minutes or a hour, just logout. Maybe daneos should put in a script that disconnects players that are idle for 35+ minutes.
That will be good if daneos do that
TBH if people are AFK they can't see which channels are or are not online. most people come on in the early morning when all channels are open then they close when it gets later. by that time they are already AFK so they leave it on to collect tokens while they're at work or school.
and this is not fair they should leave place for other player
Most games just kick you after 10-15 minutes of doing nothing. And this game should too. The servers already have a very limited capacity. This capacity should be used by people who actually play, not by people who logged in 24 hours ago and not moved once since.
While i can see the frustration in you not being able to play due to channel crashes (i'm not an AFKer BTW it bugs me too) i don't think that it is fair in this instance because the server when fully functional can more than handle everyone who wants to play it.
Especially so when there is a mechanic that gives us tokens for things in the token shop that can ONLY be obtained by being in the game for certain amounts of time.
We still have to remember that this is Pre-Open Beta so server overloads and closes should be and are the normal thing to deal with. Once the Pre closes and the actual Beta begins the AFK players won't be anything but visual things to walk by or check gear out on
Until then you just have to put up with it as i highly doubt kicking them will be appreciated due to the token system (which will very likely also not be changed)
While i can see the frustration in you not being able to play due to channel crashes (i'm not an AFKer BTW it bugs me too) i don't think that it is fair in this instance because the server when fully functional can more than handle everyone who wants to play it.
Especially so when there is a mechanic that gives us tokens for things in the token shop that can ONLY be obtained by being in the game for certain amounts of time.We still have to remember that this is Pre-Open Beta so server overloads and closes should be and are the normal thing to deal with. Once the Pre closes and the actual Beta begins the AFK players won't be anything but visual things to walk by or check gear out on
Until then you just have to put up with it as i highly doubt kicking them will be appreciated due to the token system (which will very likely also not be changed)
3 things:
First of all, i am not frustrated in the slightest. Just observing. It's a fact that this is a test. We are here to test, not to collect tokens that will soon be wiped anyway. And when there are 1000 slots to test, and 500 out of these are used by people who sit arround all day and don't do a single action then that's not what they are supposed to be doing.
Second: During Rush Hour, which by my timezone is about 19:00 all 4 channels are usually full. If all 4 work at least.
Third and foremost: You don't really think going out of Pre-Beta will magically make better servers appear do you? Because you can expect the servers to stay the same. Maybe the bugs that cause a channel to crash will be gone. But to be honest, right now these are the only ones that save us. At least when the server crashes we know that the AFKers get kicked. If all Channels would stay up, then in 3 or 4 days the entire server would be filled with only AFK players. Because while normal players log out, AFKers do not. That means there will be more and more of them untill all spots are taken by them.
Same goes for abusive multiaccounters btw. That means people who play more accounts at once and then party up for higher drop chances and more XP and the likes. But at least they ARE doing something and contributing to the test.
before open beta Im planing on reworking the token system.Receiving tokens just by staying online is a bad idea and characters which are the whole day afk are just useless memory and take space from players who actually want to play.
I was thinking about giving tokens as reward after killing a boss or finishing a dungeon.
What do you think?
Any other idea for the token system rework?
While i can see the frustration in you not being able to play due to channel crashes (i'm not an AFKer BTW it bugs me too) i don't think that it is fair in this instance because the server when fully functional can more than handle everyone who wants to play it.
Especially so when there is a mechanic that gives us tokens for things in the token shop that can ONLY be obtained by being in the game for certain amounts of time.We still have to remember that this is Pre-Open Beta so server overloads and closes should be and are the normal thing to deal with. Once the Pre closes and the actual Beta begins the AFK players won't be anything but visual things to walk by or check gear out on
Until then you just have to put up with it as i highly doubt kicking them will be appreciated due to the token system (which will very likely also not be changed)
Daneos himself said the token system is lame and needs a change, and AFK people farming them are wasting memory and space for people who want to play. If you're gonna be AFK for 10 minutes im okay, but really logging on before you have to go to work or school for tokens is lame.
Plus the current token rewards are pretty mediocre as well, so it seems kinda silly people are AFK for farming tokens.
The way it should be is after 25-30 minutes you should be disconnected for being idle too long. It's not like you're getting punished hard for being AFK, just a simple DC will do.
I think there should be a disconnect system. Like maybe if you were 30 minutes AFK the server automatically kicks you out!
How about removing the token system and just add the stones, which is what most people afk for, to mudasa machine.
Daneos himself said the token system is lame and needs a change, and AFK people farming them are wasting memory and space for people who want to play. If you're gonna be AFK for 10 minutes im okay, but really logging on before you have to go to work or school for tokens is lame.
Plus the current token rewards are pretty mediocre as well, so it seems kinda silly people are AFK for farming tokens.The way it should be is after 25-30 minutes you should be disconnected for being idle too long. It's not like you're getting punished hard for being AFK, just a simple DC will do.
This is exactly the point i've been trying to tell you... he's not going to change it in the Pre-Beta server... Big changes like this aren't going to even be thought about properly until the Beta or after Beta sever goes up -
The system to receive tokens while being afk is going to be changed soon anyway.
Nice pay to win incoming after that you can add the dragon ball on the cash shop and why not the Buff of the dragon in cash shop too
pay for level up is good idea too
The system to receive tokens while being afk is going to be changed soon anyway.
Thanks very much
Nice pay to win incoming after that you can add the dragon ball on the cash shop and why not the Buff of the dragon in cash shop Don
Dont assume that right away this is a wait and see i turst that daneos wont ruin the game with pay to win items that overpower charactor. the current system at cash shop with dogis, and whites is fine, maybe add lvl 33 book i dont know.
Lolll why other player cry for afk player XD, don't change the dbo game point T is in the original game.
Just add more channel and capacity per channel.
Just an example i think in server have 5000 player + play, why just 4 channel with 500/750 capacity
in korean and tw version it did not raise problem.
Lolll why other player cry for afk player XD, don't change the dbo game point T is in the original game.
Just add more channel and capacity per channel.
Just an example i think in server have 5000 player + play, why just 4 channel with 500/750 capacity
in korean and tw version it did not raise problem.
That's kind of the point i was making.
When Daneos figures out how to stable run a server that can hold the correct amount of people that won't crash then there will be no problems.
However until that can be achieved the AFK players are using the vast majority of the servers memory and causing them to crash and close.
Also Daneos has already said (now on multiple occasions) that he is changing how the tokens work. That has been said and that will be done.
In terms of Korean and TW servers being able to handle it... Um yeah, that's because they were big hot-shot companies that were paid lots of money to make and sustain the servers.
with all the money daneos win with cash shop he can byu server 60$ / month^^
How about removing the token system and just add the stones, which is what most people afk for, to mudasa machine.
yeah bro, events that gives mudeso points aren't working...
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