I will use these dogi female
I hope they are added
I will use these dogi female
I hope they are added
I hope all of those dogis get add into the game in a future
I just noticed that they look covered with an orange filter, so it tends to change a bit the dogi color.
Thank you so much.Very good job. That helps me a lot, because whenever I go to buy one, I want to see how it is.
This is really nice. Thanks too, it's helpful.
Could you do it for Namekians & Majins as well?
Could you do it for Namekians & Majins as well?
Nameks section of dogi's are too much. I'll think about it in the future.
Crafters, we need to talk asap...
Could you do it for Namekians & Majins as well?
It will take more than 1 person to make Nameks. They have 5 different skins and unlike Human and Majin, they each have their own body.
Meaning that there would have to be 5 different photo shoot sessions for Nameks.
Majin is like Human, 1 body for male, and 1 body for female, it's doable, but it takes a lot of time.
Who knows, there could come a day when someone does it. Just a heads up for what will need to be done if someone does it.
It will take more than 1 person to make Nameks. They have 5 different skins and unlike Human and Majin, they each have their own body.Meaning that there would have to be 5 different photo shoot sessions for Nameks.
Majin is like Human, 1 body for male, and 1 body for female, it's doable, but it takes a lot of time.
Who knows, there could come a day when someone does it. Just a heads up for what will need to be done if someone does it.
I don't understand? Namekians have different bodies??
I don't understand? Namekians have different bodies??
Yes, they have different bodies, each namek skin is a different body.
You mean skin color? I did not know this.. Interesting.
Well, doing it on one body should be enough, then again... ♪ In the end, it doesn't even matter ♪
Can you buy an certain dogi (Goku orange jacket with black sleeves and green-ish or white-ish pants, he wore that before the cell games while he was constantly ssj)?
Then there are dogis that are still going to get, right?
yes there is skill some dogis to be implemented into the game just be patient
Ooh, ooh! These! THESE! ...ee-eerr-I m-mean, Dogis are for superficial pricks who have nothing better to do than worry about looks. ...hmph.
Was I the only one actually doing the "mini-game" of finding the avatars with their eyes closed? Feelsbadman
does that mean it is possible to gen a dogi without buying it in cash-shop?
Sorry if the question is stupid (i'm new here i played the original Dragonball online game when it was in alpha status and heard of this DBO global yesterday! now i made an account! in the original game i had exactly that goku swim suit dogi and many others like the future trunks dog! but now i saw that i'm confused, is that legit to mod dogis?)
does that mean it is possible to gen a dogi without buying it in cash-shop?
Sorry if the question is stupid (i'm new here i played the original Dragonball online game when it was in alpha status and heard of this DBO global yesterday! now i made an account! in the original game i had exactly that goku swim suit dogi and many others like the future trunks dog! but now i saw that i'm confused, is that legit to mod dogis?)
Yes and no, you can mod the free dogis in the game to look like dogis that cost cash, but its only client side, meaning YOUR the only one who sees you as such to everyone else you'd just be wearing a regular guild dogi.. here ill point you to a post of mine showing you how to mod your dogi to look like another dogi.. ALL CODES ClIENT SIDE MODDING (DOGI CODES, ACCESSORY CODE,S SCOUTER CODES HEADWEAR CLOTHES, ETC)
does that mean it is possible to gen a dogi without buying it in cash-shop?
Sorry if the question is stupid (i'm new here i played the original Dragonball online game when it was in alpha status and heard of this DBO global yesterday! now i made an account! in the original game i had exactly that goku swim suit dogi and many others like the future trunks dog! but now i saw that i'm confused, is that legit to mod dogis?)
Also you can mod textures which allow you to create outfits that werent originally in the game, ill tell you about that once you get the hang of basic modding.
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