that's will be cool if we got a tail when our class is human .
ps: can we have ssj2 and ssj3 with more power and long hair
that's will be cool if we got a tail when our class is human .
ps: can we have ssj2 and ssj3 with more power and long hair
is this a troll
Its a casual
1) A tail could be added with mods I guess, but lore-wise it wouldn't make sense because you are a human with a really low percentage of saiyan blood: if goten and trunks were born without it then already it's a coinflip with halfsaiyans...
2) SSJ2 and SSJ3 won't ever be added in DBOG, because as stated before it doesn't make sense lore-Wise (you need a shenron wish to even become a ssj and not even full-power). Plus, that would be unbalanced for nameks and majins (yes, you could create other extra transformations for them, but honestly not a thing I'd add myself).
This server still has a lot of content to upload and fix that was within the original DBO game, and these kind of modifications would have impact on balance (which was already an issue back then). So the answer right now is no. This game has a different storyline and gameplay as an MMO that got closed before Dragon Ball Super even existed, and barely overlapped some months with Battle of Gods movie. People loved it for a reason, with all its flaws and limitations.
I think you'll enjoy it better if you understand what this game is supposed to be rather than looking to transform it into some other game with all the DB transformations and characters. If you are REALLY into going SSJ2 SSJ3 or having a tail, I suggest you look into another DB franchise game, I'm pretty sure you'll find what you want.
oh ok I understand thx for respond . I will continue this game but do you have tip to be stronger when we humain (art martial)
If you are a fighter (that's my guess), I strongly suggest you give a full read of this guide:
Could be nice to make a dogi backpack as a tail instead of a backpack, that could be awesome, then every fanboy can make their dream come true
thx for your help and your good explanation
1) A tail could be added with mods I guess, but lore-wise it wouldn't make sense because you are a human with a really low percentage of saiyan blood: if goten and trunks were born without it then already it's a coinflip with halfsaiyans...
He probably mean Accessory (like rocket backpack, wings).
He probably mean Accessory
I believe he meant a specific appearance for humans in his first post.
that's will be cool if we got a tail when our class is human
would be great to have some NEW transformations... like TAIL for humans become GIANT Oozaru
Majin tranformation into PURE EVIL form
and Namek something like that
I would also like to have an animated Saiyan Tail as accessory.
And Aru: Who cares if that's not lore friendly ?
You're playing a game where you can have an aureol as accessory when you're alive...
And where there are thousands of Dragon Balls in circulation and where Shenron is summoned dozens of times a day...
Are these points lore-friendly ?
I would also like to have an animated Saiyan Tail as accessory.
And Aru: Who cares if that's not lore friendly ?
You're playing a game where you can have an aureol as accessory when you're alive...And where there are thousands of Dragon Balls in circulation and where Shenron is summoned dozens of times a day...
Are these points lore-friendly ?
I think you're forgetting that the game you're playing is a MMORPG game wherein everyone has their own story and quests. There's hundreds thousands of players playing the game at once, Of course there will be repetitions such as summoning Shenron. And as Aru stated, It is possible to add these things through MODS, and maybe later it'll get implemented as an accessory.
I would also like to have an animated Saiyan Tail as accessory.
And Aru: Who cares if that's not lore friendly ?
You're playing a game where you can have an aureol as accessory when you're alive...And where there are thousands of Dragon Balls in circulation and where Shenron is summoned dozens of times a day...
Are these points lore-friendly ?
It's fine having it as an accessory because that doesn't effect the lore of Dragon Ball Online Global, however having a human with a tail (that isn't due to cosmetics) would effect the lore, which was the point Aru was making.
In Dragon Ball Online, the race is Human, and not Saiyan. It is possible to make a tail accessory (as due to modding) but it would probably be a backpack accessory, and cosmetic items don't effect the lore of Dragon Ball Online. Halo's are an accessory but wearing one doesn't mean your character is actually "dead" or in "other world". The same would be as wearing a Saiyan tail, it wouldn't make your character originally a Saiyan (in terms of the lore). Your character would still be classified as a Human.
Tier 1, and Tier 2 dragon balls are in a different category (as Kuromi said, this is an MMORPG where every character has individual story and quests which is what the Tier 1 and Tier 2 Dragon Balls fall under). However Tier 3 dragon balls (the Dragon Balls obtained during the scramble event) are actually the Dragon Balls in Dragon Ball Online to follow the lore:
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