Don't even bother replying to these kids seriously such a waste of time they just wanna do -500k dmgs
Last update was quite interesting!
Need repair the atack speed
Certainly a turtle with weapons +15 full props in tw would do 10k of critic in a trash sk + 9 ~~ + 10
Ps: with 104% e. Crit, going through the cap that is 100%, on tw u can get +- 91%.
i will quit from this game, I'll play something else that will surely not fail.
Certainly a turtle with weapons +15 full props in tw would do 10k of critic in a trash sk + 9 ~~ + 10
Ps: with 104% e. Crit, going through the cap that is 100%, on tw u can get +- 91%.
i will quit from this game, I'll play something else that will surely not fail.
Remember me when divine one shot +10 sks in tw ? oh right, never.
Even with kok he never one shotted op sks like leinad.
That's just normal... wtf... you all think this game is supposed to be retarded everyone +15 one shot? i guess it's too hard for you guys to actually play the game and not be one-hit wonders, just get skills, a turtle complaining about not one shotting when he can spend the entire fight spamming disc,kame, sleeps lol... divine always won via DRAW vs SKs and he had much more power than turtles now, SO YES, IT IS NORMAL.
All of you people talking should actually watch footage of old DBO and learn that this is NORMAL. N O R M A L. just learn to play.
Damage is nice
I still figure resist needs an update, still the scale is inaccurate.
I was told by more than one person that Spin always does 200 damage no matter the occasion? If so, that needs checking (I personally dont have a lvl70 Ulti with high upgrades to test that)
Just like almost every update so far, some ups and some downs. I'm glad that Damage is at least working as it's supposed to
Also, lol Sendoku "one-hit wonders"... I like that.
welcome to sk global
Remember me when divine one shot +10 sks in tw ? oh right, never.
Even with kok he never one shotted op sks like leinad.
That's just normal... wtf... you all think this game is supposed to be retarded everyone +15 one shot? i guess it's too hard for you guys to actually play the game and not be one-hit wonders, just get skills, a turtle complaining about not one shotting when he can spend the entire fight spamming disc,kame, sleeps lol... divine always won via DRAW vs SKs and he had much more power than turtles now, SO YES, IT IS NORMAL.
All of you people talking should actually watch footage of old DBO and learn that this is NORMAL. N O R M A L. just learn to play.
OK, I will teach you how things work.
First: divine use full focus gear + gloves and wand with % e. crit, cd earrings for turtle combo.
second: if u use cd instead props, u will make low dmg. (Any noob knows this).
Third: % crit did a giant diference on final crit.
fourth: on tw u never can get 100% e. crit.
2º prints about divine dmg, no crit and crit (Using these equips I mentioned).
NO CRIT +- 4.6k
CRIT 33% +15% 21K +-
now i will show my dmg with 100% e. crit
no crit 5722
crit +- 21k
you're right, right?
i use full props and more that 100% e. crit + 18 prop buff for only 21k on dende full +10 without props/ buffs , ok ok , "balanced"
how i did the same crit with more than 50% of crit? ps: i too did 1k more dmg that divine and i get the same crit ? -
Thank you for your input, would be interesting to know:
- If "mob resist all": Did you use FOC gloves, FOC armor FOC rings or status success necklace during testing?
- If "critic its shit": Similar, did you use any FOC armor/ring/glove or e crit rate on gloves/wand?
Also, a big detail you forgot: how much you crit? "Shit" is not going to help us getting anywhere.I played tw and the mobs dont was a machines of defense resistance. In with gloves critic and wand +6 a turtle critic was 30k now my turtle +9 20k something its bad
Anyway, this arguing is pointless.
I prefer things after this update feels better playing pvp. -
Contagem de
Yes, but you need to improve it
spin need be more its useless.yesterday mobs was going down with +0 items,today the same mobs i cant kill it with +7 gloves.please resolve the problem,because now spin us useless
oh and turtle lvl 70 with 70 gear with kame in ud2 cant even one shot the super in first room.this update ruind and make the game more unbalanced than TW lol
spin need be more its useless.yesterday mobs was going down with +0 items,today the same mobs i cant kill it with +7 gloves.please resolve the problem,because now spin us useless
oh and turtle lvl 70 with 70 gear with kame in ud2 cant even one shot the super in first room.this update ruind and make the game more unbalanced than TW lol
Turtle shouldn't be able to one shot that boss. I felt damage calc was too high before this update, but now it feels more accurate.
Turtle shouldn't be able to one shot that boss. I felt damage calc was too high before this update, but now it feels more accurate.
nono,turtle should be able one shot mobs super level 40 if he is 70 with 70 gear and super sayan.i remember in tmq 4 turtle was able to one shot normal mobs and easly do UD2,now is too weak.Same gor spin,cant even kill 1 normal mob of the same level 22 with +7 gloves.isnt normal.too low dmg.only damage that was broken before was from skill bold strike of sk,now spin buffers and spiritualist are unuseless
oh and now fuel not wotk on vehicle too
nono,turtle should be able one shot mobs super level 40 if he is 70 with 70 gear and super sayan.i remember in tmq 4 turtle was able to one shot normal mobs and easly do UD2,now is too weak.Same gor spin,cant even kill 1 normal mob of the same level 22 with +7 gloves.isnt normal.too low dmg.only damage that was broken before was from skill bold strike of sk,now spin buffers and spiritualist are unuseless
I'm still doing decent damage with my Turtle (especially with crits) so no they're not useless. You just don't know how to unleash the Turtle Powah.
nono,turtle should be able one shot mobs super level 40 if he is 70 with 70 gear and super sayan.i remember in tmq 4 turtle was able to one shot normal mobs and easly do UD2,now is too weak.Same gor spin,cant even kill 1 normal mob of the same level 22 with +7 gloves.isnt normal.too low dmg.only damage that was broken before was from skill bold strike of sk,now spin buffers and spiritualist are unuseless
I know a friend of mine used to carry me through Ud2 in retail, whats your crit rate and crit %? And do you miss often against the supers?
P.S. my friend wasn't capped yet only like 63
it wasnt me playing but a friend of mine.he know how to play.his gear is decent and he cant kill mobs at first floor in 1 git with 30 level difference and 70 gear,
same with spin.cant even kill same level mobs)level 22) with +7 gloves
Yeah spin has always been shit for dps post-level 55 cap, but if they have atleast 50-60 crit rate they should be able to k.o most of the mobs in one go with giant kame. If you get a chance ask them what there crit rate is.
my turtle weappns are +9 I have 2 earrings 9 prop and the mobs now resist all and my critic its shit. Worst update ever.
i have a turlte +7 gloves +9 wand 3 prop earing + 8prop cc ring.. im doing 25-30 crit damage to the mobs.. really retail dbotw...
And i'm just sitting here...waiting for the open beta.
OK, I will teach you how things work.
First: divine use full focus gear + gloves and wand with % e. crit, cd earrings for turtle combo.
second: if u use cd instead props, u will make low dmg. (Any noob knows this).
Third: % crit did a giant diference on final crit.
fourth: on tw u never can get 100% e. crit.
2º prints about divine dmg, no crit and crit (Using these equips I mentioned).
NO CRIT +- 4.6k
CRIT 33% +15% 21K +-
now i will show my dmg with 100% e. crit
no crit 5722
crit +- 21k
you're right, right?
i use full props and more that 100% e. crit + 18 prop buff for only 21k on dende full +10 without props/ buffs , ok ok , "balanced"
how i did the same crit with more than 50% of crit? ps: i too did 1k more dmg that divine and i get the same crit ?What's the def of this healer? why u post pics of vs lolaus ? why not vs leinad ?
why are u even crying about not one shotting 9K def people when divine couldn't one shot ppl with 7k def??
Don't you know how to play ? why do u think divine won so many times ? it was because he knew how to play. No praying for crit like an unskilled rip-off~
Get over it, crits r legit, and why do u talk about +15 ? as far as i'm concerned, your weapons were made from a bug, let's be real for a minute.
I will however agree that dmgs are not 100% like in TW, but saying that last update dmgs were better is seriously retarded, +4 turtle could one shot my 5k def, i mean c'mon.
Also, it's very easy to try and "prove" smth by pulling out screens from a weak opponent he had, try again with leinad (who only had +10-11 btw).
Like seriously, turtle can lock down opponents with ease, slow, sleep, disc, paralysis, kd, and u cry cuz u can't one shot +15 ppl anymore after the bugged crits have been fixed ? boo hoo... learn to play man, you told me yourself you aren't good at PvP way back.
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