Would be nice if the reward of OB would be actually an event to start it, so everyone can somehow still enjoy starting new characters and stuff while still grinding for event items (there could be that carrot event item that mobs would usually drop on retail (2012 if I'm not wrong)).

Rewards for the Pre-Open beta players
- Killua
- Closed
you are already founder a get some extra stuff and now you want even more...
Im not doing this for me, im doing this for the people who will quit after this pre-open beta. Something is needed to motivate them.
As i read in other comment, a reward for all players should be okay, or just replace 50% Exp boosters for 200% or 130% Exp boosters.
Well, I think it would be a good idea, since I've seen many do not play the open beta
Why not dogis?
Why not dogis?
I swear all those beggars in this community, donate so you can flash them dogis mate
i dont agreed, the reward is the open beta, all players starts normal, you choose play the pre open beta i only play to lvl 5 and then i wait for open beta, i waiting 2 years.
melhor nao , o jogo tem que ser justo para todos por isso deve começar do 0 sem previlegios para ninguem , começando do inicio sem nada será sinal de igualdade para todos , e não se tem essa de presentear os jogadores só porque demorou dias , semanas ou meses pra chegarem ao nivel max , se jogaram o jogo sabendo que era uma beta deviam ter em mente que o jogo seria reiniciado , se deseja algo no reset use seu conhecimento que obteve no beta para conseguir nivelar e itens raro , essa é minha opiniao , igualdade para todos....
I swear all those beggars in this community, donate so you can flash them dogis mate
Instead of giving EXP boost just giveaway 1 common dogi. No need to be a prick about it
I think its better everyone starts brand new, this gives a feeling of a fresh start where everybody is equal. Casher or not casher, you still have the same starting point.
I won't argue against cashers, after all, they're the pillars that have sustained the whole game and its development phases.
As for a reward, I think the game has enough as it is. Just being able to play it again is the best reward ever.
A title wouldn't hurt though xD imagine something like "Beta tester" or something kirito style haha HAHA... ok I guess no
I swear all those beggars in this community, donate so you can flash them dogis mate
How much is a donation? And where do we make them?
How much is a donation? And where do we make them?
Donations vary on how much CP you want. For example, $5 will get you 100 CP. As for where to go, check the homepage and you'll find a link to the donation page.
The best thing to do would be to just ignore these kind of threads. If people don't get attention they will stop by themselves. As hard as it is to just ignore the chance to put ignorant people in their place, we just got to struggle trough haha. Thanks for your good comments in general btw. Out of all the people that commented against the rewards i found yours where the most reasonable xD.
Bugging or not, leveling a character to 70 dont take hours, it take weeks or even MONTHS.
Those items will just give some bonus, it will not make the difference between players at higher levels, i just proposed LEVEL 30 rewards and some boosters to level up, something fair considering how much takes to level up a character to 70.
And wagu coins have a certain rate, some players will get something good, others will get nothing, it is based in pure luck.
Took me more than a year to get level 70 and im not even lvl 70
so i agree with you
i dont remember how many cash i recovery but ...maybe 5000 or 7000 lol i need purchase complete chichi dogi...i hope i drop fast on wagu machine....iam afraid about that...to win just satan hair or cook hat...HAAAAAAAAaaaAAAA D':
i dont remember how many cash i recovery but ...maybe 5000 or 7000 lol i need purchase complete chichi dogi...i hope i drop fast on wagu machine....iam afraid about that...to win just satan hair or cook hat...HAAAAAAAAaaaAAAA D':
i dont remember how many cash i recovery but ...maybe 5000 or 7000 lol i need purchase complete chichi dogi...i hope i drop fast on wagu machine....iam afraid about that...to win just satan hair or cook hat...HAAAAAAAAaaaAAAA D':
you could just buy it with zeni from someone else
i dont remember how many cash i recovery but ...maybe 5000 or 7000 lol i need purchase complete chichi dogi...i hope i drop fast on wagu machine....iam afraid about that...to win just satan hair or cook hat...HAAAAAAAAaaaAAAA D':
chichi outfit is cheap 40-70 million
you could just buy it with zeni from someone else
you have nice delts
chichi outfit is cheap 40-70 million
you have nice delts
you could just buy it with zeni from someone else
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