• Daneos, why can't Kid Buu use vehicles ? Kid Buu can't even dash:rolleyes:.

    Is it possible for you to allow Kid Buu to use vehicles since Kid Buu can't even dash and that's sad :( said Papi:(

    #iboughtthestar #cash #donate

    please allow Kid Buu to use vehicles..............:S:S:S said Papi

    Papi was here.

  • There's only two things you can do with it.

    1. Use Kid buu two skillsʕ•ﻌ•ʔ

    2. Fly

    That's all...... And by the time you bait 6mobs like a TURTLE HERMIT, your already dead before casting..... ≧∇≦fun

    Papi was here. (。・ω・。)

    Note: Pure majin's movement speed is slower than normal speed...........

  • The thing you need to understand is the Pure Majin is only good for one thing, and that's blowing mobs into oblivion. Genocide Blast (especially on Wonder Majins) is a massive beater skill that does chunks of damage to anything it hits, and it has a 2 sec CD with an 8m AOE. They don't need to lure mobs like Turtles do because they just deal so much damage in a shorter time span. Oh, and the transformation itself boosts your attack by 40%, which is double what Super Saiyan boosts.

    So yeah, their movement may be limited but Pure Majins are massive cannons...when playing Wonder Majins.

  • Dang Idk if I want to even wish for my pure majin form now. I didnt even know you couldnt dash with it :( :( :(

    It's balanced because imagine if an ultimate majin with 60%lp, fully buffed, 22k lp, 5k/4k defense, 66 props and a crap ton of resistance was able to dash in prelims with pure majin... it wouldn't be a fun time for human players.

  • It's balanced because imagine if an ultimate majin with 60%lp, fully buffed, 22k lp, 5k/4k defense, 66 props and a crap ton of resistance was able to dash in prelims with pure majin... it wouldn't be a fun time for human players.

    Can pure majin uses stuns or any debuffs ? it only has two skills and does 22k lp really means anything compare to a SK who doesn't even need to wait for cooldown for a transformation and Kid buu can only be used once every 1 hour even in prelim they are useless .........

    Turtle Hermit permanent slow, sleep, and paralysis. So they are balanced? I see ..........:D:D:D

    Don't compare.

    Papi was here . :whistling:

  • Can pure majin uses stuns or any debuffs ? it only has two skills and does 22k lp really means anything compare to a SK who doesn't even need to wait for cooldown for a transformation and Kid buu can only be used once every 1 hour even in prelim they are useless .........

    Turtle Hermit permanent slow, sleep, and paralysis. So they are balanced? I see ..........:D:D:D

    Don't compare.

    Papi was here . :whistling:

    Do you know what diminishing returns are? Probably not because you said they have permanent slow and sleep, one decent anti para neck nullifies sudden stun. Female Turtles are broken because of turtle book and their kame crits 1 shotting. Pure majin is the best transformation in the game, you cannot dash or use any skills beside genocide blast which has a 2 second base cd and planet burst for a reason... but hey if you think giving them dash would be a balanced and fair decision go ahead. They dont need to dash anyway in pve dungeons, when you have a karma/poko giving you movement and attack speed, or you know... you can just use speed boots.

  • Do you know what diminishing returns are? Probably not because you said they have permanent slow and sleep, one decent anti para neck nullifies sudden stun. Female Turtles are broken because of turtle book and their kame crits 1 shotting. Pure majin is the best transformation in the game, you cannot dash or use any skills beside genocide blast which has a 2 second base cd and planet burst for a reason... but hey if you think giving them dash would be a balanced and fair decision go ahead. They dont need to dash anyway in pve dungeons, when you have a karma/poko giving you movement and attack speed, or you know... you can just use speed boots.

    That's why 90% of the players are turtles even though pure majin is the best transformation in the game.

    outclassing all the class in farming and pvp


    While Turtles doesn't need any cooldown for any transformation to do the same amount of damage ?

    Ask Fighter and Swordsman, can they touch Turtles before getting one shot ?

    Do you really need to wait for ultimate majin to fully buff ? You can't attack him until his fully buff?

    Well a turtle just needs to hit it's slow stun and sleep and then just charge his one shot ability. BALANCE

    So a Pure Majin that can't dash can hit you with a 2 second base cd ?

    Even though you can slow , stun , paralysis while Pure Majin needs to walk to you when you can dash away .

    So i always need to bring a karma or poko with me during pve . Noted

    Please elaborate what super saiyan gets compare to a Kid Buu

    Papi was here.

  • The thing you need to understand is the Pure Majin is only good for one thing, and that's blowing mobs into oblivion. Genocide Blast (especially on Wonder Majins) is a massive beater skill that does chunks of damage to anything it hits, and it has a 2 sec CD with an 8m AOE. They don't need to lure mobs like Turtles do because they just deal so much damage in a shorter time span. Oh, and the transformation itself boosts your attack by 40%, which is double what Super Saiyan boosts.

    So yeah, their movement may be limited but Pure Majins are massive cannons...when playing Wonder Majins.

    Does dealing a chunks of damage to a mob means anything ? do you think all mob stick together ? So i have to go one by one just to kill the same amount of mobs close to a Turtle Hermit

    Have you seen a Turtle that doesn't one shot most mobs ?

    Papi was here .

  • Does dealing a chunks of damage to a mob means anything ? do you think all mob stick together ? So i have to go one by one just to kill the same amount of mobs close to a Turtle Hermit

    Have you seen a Turtle that doesn't one shot most mobs ?

    Papi was here .

    I main a Turtle so yes I have, and I've seen Pure Majin in action. Pure Majin gets work done faster because they have a spamable, hard hitting AOE coming from a 40% power boosted Majin.

  • I main a Turtle so yes I have, and I've seen Pure Majin in action. Pure Majin gets work done faster because they have a spamable, hard hitting AOE coming from a 40% power boosted Majin.

    Try using a Pure Majin and Turtle and compare which class can kill 10 mobs faster without losing a lot of lp

    Post me a video :thumbup:

    Papi was here

    That's why people are Looking for Turtles for party instead of a MAJIN even in closed beta

    Other than buffers

    Papi was here :)

  • There is alot wrong with Pure Majin but it has good things too.


    • attack boost is nice
    • has access to a very strong skill with low cooldown (genocide blast)
    • increases attack range from mighty majins (from meelee to 35m, really good with attack speed since his attack is increased)


    • can not dash and lowers your movement speed (in the anime AND games kidboo was extremly fast, makes no sense that he cant dash)
    • has to use skill points to get better
    • can not use any other abilities like in SSJ
    • planet burst is really bad compared to genocide blast (cooldown and cast time is just too much)

    I personally love the transformation but i hate it decreases your funtionallity because something like Mighty Majins cant have alot of benefit cause they have to buff every 20-25 minutes. Karma Majins have to use their speed buf every minute, they cant use the transformation for speed parties.

    How I think it could be better but not overpowered (not all of the changes have to be inserted, just suggesting what could make majin life better):

    • let Pure Majin use buff skills (all the green and/or brown skills for utility)
    • make planet burst better, make it worth its long cooldown and cast time compared to genocide blast like inserting a usefull debuff (reducing stats like def, atk and etc.) or massive damage like a Giant Kamehameha from turle (crit damage increased)
    • let them use some of their Kid skills (like human extinction attack, spin, special suprise punch)
    • give the skills already skilled (either put in each 1 point from the beginning or let them increase per level automatically) since it takes points to use those skills
    • THE MOST IMPORTANT, DASH! does a majin get dumb when transforming and forgets how to dash? thats the only reason i can think of)

    What do you think fo those ideas?


  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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