Hello all,
I would like to ask all of the community if there's a way to remove screen shaking when you land a skill. For example, when you miss, the screen doesn't shake.
Is there a way to mod in order for the screen not to shake?
Thank you.
Hello all,
I would like to ask all of the community if there's a way to remove screen shaking when you land a skill. For example, when you miss, the screen doesn't shake.
Is there a way to mod in order for the screen not to shake?
Thank you.
Well...anyone? There must be a way...
So, it is a no. Right?
So, it is a no. Right?
There probably is one, but I don't know how to use it. And wouldn't it give an unfair advantage?
Only Danoes can make a on and off toggle idk if that is engine or plain coding
There probably is one, but I don't know how to use it. And wouldn't it give an unfair advantage?
How tho? Like... Literally how? It's such a minor feature... And if you think that removing it gives an advantage, this implies that the game actively handicaps it's players for no reason, in which case it should be left optional anyway (analogous to controller vibrations, however the analogy doesn't apply here, because I mean... well... I really don't even notice it half the time, and I can't imagine how it would affect gameplay in any way. It's a visual asthetic... It'd be like arguing for the color of the curser distracting gameplay, or the shape of the arena.)
thanks for answering. Well i just get motion sick after a while. There must be a way to disable this shaking from skill impact...
Only Danoes can make a on and off toggle idk if that is engine or plain coding
u dont even know that
I'm sure i'm not the only one who finds this kinda annoying.
Then again...hoping to see an answer,
I also find it annoying, will keep the post up maybe somebody knows.
I've been searching around, and i found that some youtube videos they don't have screen shaking at all...
Can't find those videos now btw...
I hate it too, if you find the way, please post it
I too would like to see a way to turn that off.
Any mod or dev knows how to?
Tempest Maybe you know something about this
Only Daneos would have that knowledge since he has access to the server and all the coding.
when playing kid buu the shaking is triggering me
imagine fighters and needles...or even rapid shot from turtles...
Did you guys find an answer to this issue?
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