So... About the wipe

  • - Gets rid of all the duplicated items/gear.

    - Gets rid of the already upgraded Lvl 70 gear people have.

    - Ruins the current black market.

    That's what i'm thinking, and i see no reasons to delete the characters too.

    There is going to be some chaos the first days because of the spots, it would be pretty similar to kokkara village when it was the first day but its still better than resetting everything and starting from 0. Because yes, ITS EASY TO LEVEL UP. but leveling a character is tedious af. For the old players who played tw and had many characters on global... Its hard to take this again, no matter how much love you have for the game. And im not talking about the free time you need to do this, i used to play this game when i was 13, but now im almost 20 and now... I can just play 3-4 hours weekly and im not the only one in thas condition. We all started this beta with the hope of no more wipes. Atleast it should be done like i said in my post, if you have some luck with the wagus, you will not need to farm for the equipment.

  • That's what i'm thinking, and i see no reasons to delete the characters too.

    There is going to be some chaos the first days because of the spots, it would be pretty similar to kokkara village when it was the first day but its still better than resetting everything and starting from 0. Because yes, ITS EASY TO LEVEL UP. but leveling a character is tedious af. For the old players who played tw and had many characters on global... Its hard to take this again, no matter how much love you have for the game. And im not talking about the free time you need to do this, i used to play this game when i was 13, but now im almost 20 and now... I can just play 3-4 hours weekly and im not the only one in thas condition. We all started this beta with the hope of no more wipes. Atleast it should be done like i said in my post, if you have some luck with the wagus, you will not need to farm for the equipment.

    Well, the wagu machine has been removed on the New Client. So rip.

  • If you guys really want to clean up the damage done by cheaters, just reset the people caught cheating.

    Its like half of you guys are looking in the perspective of someone who can easily just work for everything again, there are some of us out there who took what felt like ages to grind a single character to 60 and get half decent gear for said character. Not everyone is a tank or turtle who can AOE themselves through levels within a week.

    If you want to speak for the community, you have to look through all perspectives. Not everyone spent money on the game, Not everyone has +15, Not everyone is a cheater.

    Wiping the server a second time would absolutely kill a large majority of the game's population, which in turn will kill the game. Not everyone has the time/patience to do everything a third time. Especially when it was tedious the first and second time.

  • i feel the same way too, most of the people that want the wipe get to max lvl for 5 char in a month and speed through the game while the other side of the population take weeks to a month just to get 1 char to max lvl that doesnt include the amount of time trying to grind for a fairly decent gear just to do basic content. i understand the reason for wipe, but we cant bee 100% sure everything will be fixed.

    so many ppl are gonna stop playing if there is another wipe, ppl put too much time and effort into this game, cant just erase it and say that it is nothing and saying stuff like leveling is ez, get to 60 in a week and stuff like that just annoys some ppl

  • It's not just about cheaters. There's so much more like f*ck ups with the initial OB wipe like turning stones into boxes, letting people craft/upgrade LVL 70 gear right at the start etc.

    And yes, we ALL GRINDED for our characters.

    You think that stops reasoning for a wipe? For example: I have two of the best sets for my race, which I grinded for using a PVP character that doesn't fit into the PVE meta people go for. This means I sat for 40 hours worth of grinding, going for run after run in some tedious dungeon. I'm not a Tank or a Turtle; It's no excuse.

    And no, I'm not some sort of grind maniac. I barely have time to play as it is.

    Yes, not everyone is a cheater, or has +15 or has spent money. But what does that change? The game is still broken, and with the changes being put in place like removing the Wagu Machine it won't matter if you're a casher or not. A wipe will grant an equal playing field, as compared to the 1000s of Dogi Balls and Boxes people can keep from the Wagu Machine for 70 Cap before it gets removed. Is that what you want?

    And sorry, but - "Wiping the server a second time would absolutely kill a large majority of the games population". Where the hell did you pull this guess from? I'm not sure if you're aware, but the MAJORITY of the player-base wants a wipe and there are statistics to prove this. Even members of the Staff Team want a wipe. These people include 1st Place Budokai Winners, Leaders of the biggest guilds - people who have played since retail and made a name for themselves. People who ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND what matters for this game's survival, how it should be played, what's good about and what is absolutely trash about it right now.

    People who don't want a wipe are the minority - most of whom give petty excuses for not wanting a wipe. "I don't wanna level up again!" Seriously? In this game where there are hella shortcuts like Power Boosting, XP Boosts and Weekends, Items that let you skip 30 levels - people complain about the grind? Come on.

    And please. "Which in turn will kill the game?" Hah, like it hasn't been dead for months already.


    i understand the reason for wipe, but we cant bee 100% sure everything will be fixed.

    Uhh, yes we can. We as a community are FINALLY speaking up. And take the wipe as a way to learn from past experiences. The bugs have been patched, we know what people do to cheat and how they do it. Once we put the right protection in place - change what is necessary, THEN WIPE, the game will be perfect.

  • i understand what you are saying but. how do you want a new player or an average player to get those quick lvling ways without cash, for i know power lvl is 2kk per lvl impossible for some ppl, exp boost only work well going to lvl 30 and items that let you skip levels doesnt just drop from tress you know.

    i am just trying to make ppl understand both sides of this

  • It's not just about cheaters. There's so much more like f*ck ups with the initial OB wipe like turning stones into boxes, letting people craft/upgrade LVL 70 gear right at the start etc.

    Then if all these issues are what are bothering you, what the OP has in mind is the perfect solution, even if i dont particularly agree with it.

    Yeah im saying wiping will kill the game, because it will just divide a bigger part of the community. If you think the game is dead now, then just imagine how the game would be without anyone from the majority that doesnt want a wipe.

    Also im not sure where you got your statistics from, but just because you see the same group of people asking for a wipe, doesnt mean a majority of the community does, just part of the community that has spoken aloud over the forums. (Which is where im assuming you got this assumption from)

    The game is broken, sure. I get that. Wiping completly wont solve all of these problems. It will create more issues for the life of the game. (What im trying to say is that the game may be fixed, but that minority you brought up which still makes up a big portion of the playerbase wont play anymore)

    Just because the elitist players believe there should be a wipe, doesnt mean that its best for the game.

    I should note, I can see EXACTLY where you're coming from, but you're still looking from one side of the spectrum. The people who play this game just to play are just as important as the people who tryhard and have goals set for themselves in the game.

    As you brought up powerleveling, I should note that this method wont be as simple as dual clienting anymore due to it being taken out of the game in the new client, so bringing it up in the argument against people who dont want to do the grind again is illogical.

    You can fix the game, but a complete wipe is not a necessity.

  • Erase everything
    Keep chars and it's level (tbh it's a pain in the ass to level up everything from 1 again)

    Keep guilds

    Return spent CP to the users

    No, better eliminate complete the problem.

    Back all characters level 60 to level 29.

    Characters level 1-28 the same level 1-28.

    Add 20 scrolls 300%exp level 31-60.

    Add event 50% exp for 1 month all week.

    Return cash but with not Tradeable items,because the free users will be affected with the wipe.

    Add special not Tradeables dogis, wings, accessories 1,2,3 in cash shop.

  • If there is a wipe it should be a 100% wipe with no multi client. Grind how the game was meant to be grinded which isn't even bad at all. Unlike most MMORPG's this DBOG game is a walk in the park to level up with 1 character at a time.

    Man i have 30 pets, one of each, without that ep dash or autopick 1lv4, 3 lv3, and all lv 2 uping it all discarding pets with dash and autopick and without cash so i will lose 2 chars lv 60 one char lv 43 and all pets andq equips and hours of game, and it while i was waiting to up to lv 65 that is bullshit, and like it was not to much the people who use cash, will receive all back acumulated to use again from the start, pay to win time while i lose all. I beggin in this game asking to the GMs if this server was be wiped and they said no, so i played a lot and now it ? unfair and ridiculous. it is not just a easy level up this is a true !#$@%$#%$%$*& my fighter, my karma and my poko and the pets. go and level up my 3 accounts if have a wipe, give my stuff back and after that u can up your account.

  • About that wipe conversation. These wipe subjection is coming only from those who are weak players and want a chance to be an overpowered player if a wipe occurs, because they want play from the beggning of server, it is a noob talk.

    One word: Pathetic.

    Also with your other post you just said why you don't want a wipe. If the game sucks in general, your equipment and whatever you have ingame has absolutely no worth. And boi, this game sucks hard lol. You and many others who don't want a wipe only think about that thing.."my stuff". Guess what, what you did, we who want a wipe, did too. And sometimes even more extreme than you. I don't even know how much i farmed in DBOG so far lol. It's just too damn much for sure.

    I understand why you don't want a wipe tho. Others who want a wipe understand too. But it means nothing having all that stuff if the game simply sucks. New client won't solve that problem. and lvl 70 also won't solve that problem. A 100% wipe is the only way. You can't fix this game with updates alone. The dmg done is just too big.

    To me you seem like someone who finally managed to do well and now doesn't wanna lose it lol. I can understand how you feel tho.

    The lvl 29 cap was a fail and since 45 cap it was clear that game would need another wipe. At 55 it got worse and at 60, well, you see the results...

    This is a Signature. Thanks for reading.

    You learned nothing.

    Wasted your time.

    Also thanks for reading all the way

    down here.

    Enjoy the emoticon.


    *got f*cked hard by Upgrading on July 8th 2018*


  • Stop of say shit man, much players won't it and a bunch will leave, only because of people o want a wipe, i was playing too and now i don't anymore because of wipe, i have college, i played to see all erased if u like erase your acc go ahead delete your own char but not mine, for me and others like it is a absurd and will be the end, my friends are erasing the game from theirs PCs only because of i said about the possibility of a wipe, my clan is only me now, that wipe is the end only, but for you all who love end the game and the fun of the others only because can't get the lv and the money for gear and more, shut up and play, play for not need a wipe because the others are best or more stronger than u, because u is the Pathetic one.

  • Wipe poll is presumably coming soon as they said in the DBOG Discord, we just gotta win it now

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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