So... About the wipe

  • I honestly just want a fresh, clean restart. If I get CP back, great. If not, that's fine. I just want the game to get as clean as possible before we hit lvl 70 client.

    I have this mentality honestly, some people might want their cp back but there's not going to be any point of having it back since you can't profit off it. Just get what you need and leave. Also screw the wagu machine.

  • The problem with wiping everyone's gear is that everyone would be left with a "naked" lvl 60 character that wouldn't be able to farm for new gear. At least by restarting at lvl 1 you can gather materials and zeni as you level up and have quest gear to work with in the mean time.

    So you are saying that is better to restart from level 1, start leveling while getting gear and keep like that until level 70.

    Doesn't make sense if we consider that by starting at level 60 we can kill low level mobs get their gear, then kill higher level mobs and pick their gear, keep doing it until you reach level 70, this would save a lof of time since we wouldn't have to level up except for those 10 levels.

  • The problem with wiping everyone's gear is that everyone would be left with a "naked" lvl 60 character that wouldn't be able to farm for new gear. At least by restarting at lvl 1 you can gather materials and zeni as you level up and have quest gear to work with in the mean time.

    You are wrong , what i meant to say is wiping all the upgrades made (Reset all the upgrades made on the gears) not removing every item from the players and left them naked , wiping all data its redicolus , a lot of players will be victims and they did nothing wrong , thats will cause drop and losing players in the game , and if you are ready for that that's means you are selfish you just think about yourself , this is a comunity we should hear everyone's opinion

    Thank you !

  • You are wrong , what i meant to say is wiping all the upgrades made (Reset all the upgrades made on the gears) not removing every item from the players and left them naked , wiping all data its redicolus , a lot of players will be victims and they did nothing wrong , thats will cause drop and losing players in the game , and if you are ready for that that's means you are selfish you just think about yourself , this is a comunity we should hear everyone's opinion

    Thank you !

    How is he selfish when he is willing to sacrifice his own progress for the sake of a healthier game/70 cap?

  • you really think after wiping everything , players wont bug the game again ? they will always find a way too ! if he is ready to sacrifice his own progress there is players who are not , so you dont have to think just about yourself :D

    You're wrong about that. Go read my thread for more of an insight:

    If you read the thread, you would know these bugs are ALREADY fixed. But the damage they've done is permanent - and you will feel it even more in 70 cap when they use the aftermath of those exploits - the only way to remove said damage is through a wipe.

    We don't want one right now, we want precautions first. Like anti-cheat systems, which Daneos CAN and WILL make.

    THEN a wipe.

  • Really? sure you are play some videogame? a lot of bugs are fixed but they can appear with a simple update or third sofware. If you think that some game are perfect without errors are a dreamer man xd look some companys that blizzard have a lot of developers and stage of testing and the bugs arrive to the lives server and here daneos is only a man xd sure he CAN DO IT.

    Characters 1.0

    18_small.png Zindel (Lvl 60)

    15_small.png SaibBoo (Lvl 60)

    11_small.png Isen (Lvl 60)

    22_small.png SabitaBoo (Lvl 60)

    14_small.png Pamaor (Lvl 60)

    19_small.png ThePamaor (Lvl 60)

    6_small.png SabiBoo (Lvl 29)

    17_small.png ???????? (Lvl 60)

    Characters 2.0 (Test)

    19_small.png ThePamaor (Lvl 70)

    11_small.png Isen (Lvl 70)

    15_small.png SaibBoo (Lvl 51)

  • We need the broken option back, even with buggers they won't have such an easy time upgrading to +15 without any effort. Don't know if you could duplicate items back in retail but you can sure as hell say there weren't even no where near as many high upgraded compared to this. You may want to deny it all you want but we need a broken option.

  • When i read those responses its clear that they didnt read my propose to deal with that problem.. God...

    People read it, they just don't like it i guess lmao. Also i also said that it'll be too much of a mess. Having all lvl 60 ppl farm with trash gear at all farm spots in every channel will be madness. Even if they add 10 extra channels. Ain't worth it. A 100% wipe is way easier. Will that be messy at the start too? Yes, but ppl literally rush to 30 fast so others would be able to quest in peace. Can't do the same thing with lvl 60 ppl. You can't rush with crap equipment on papaya island lmao. Also some ppl are used to Multiclient so hard, they will literally cry in RL cuz they realize they can't play the game solo lmao.

    Hope you understand this too Mrgentleman47 . It just won't work that way.

    wiping all data its redicolus , a lot of players will be victims and they did nothing wrong , thats will cause drop and losing players in the game , and if you are ready for that that's means you are selfish you just think about yourself , this is a comunity we should hear everyone's opinion

    Thank you !

    You should've read the posts on the other pages...

    We know that we ppl, who do not use bugs or exploit to gain advantage, did nothing wrong. It's the players that did those things. And thx to the DBOG staff for not doing their job right at the start. I'm sure they got some ppl here and there but most of the ppl doing that crap got away with it. Results are seen now. And trust me, without a fresh restart, the 70 cap will be even worse.

    Accusing us of being selfish is pathetic. I want my stuff deleted together with everyones even tho it sucks, but as long as the game gets better it's alright. And you say this is selfish? xD

    Yes this is a Community. But trust me, 90% of them are toxic little motherf*cking crying babies that can't play a game that is Easy on a difficulty lvl. Also thanks to that said Community, the game is the way it is. DBO was an easy game already back then. DBOG is so easy, it's ridiculous. So many unnecessary changes have been done tothe game only cuz of said ommunity crying over having a hard time in an easy damn game. So i myself literally hate 90% of the Community. The rest 10% are some ppl who at least see the crap that DBOG is.

    I'd love to see DBOG reverted back to how original DBO was. And then do some changes from there. But none of that "this class should be able to do this and that" crap. I would make sure Fighters are set for PvP and not buff them/change them so they can farm in PvE like a Turtle or Plasma etc. And i would make support classes be support. Ultimate Majin being OP in PvP and PvE is wrong af. But "the community" wanted it that way... big mistake to listen to 90% of the Community. They only know one direction and that is: Make things easier pls.

    In conclusion:

    A wipe is needed. A complete 100% fresh new start with the release of the new client is the only right thing to do to make sure the game becomes good. Everyone trying to avoid that, sorry but you are being the selfish ones. You see the dmg of the game and still keep saying "but i/we put much time and i don't wanna do this and that..." etc. We understand that. But it's meaningless if the Game is bad. So don't bother coming up with that one. We already know and don't care.


    a wipe ONLY when Daneos can add some kind of game guard or whatever protection. And the Team has to actively watch over the game. If Daneos can't add some security crap, forget the wipe, forget the Game. Cuz then ppl will show up to keep bugging their way through the game, or use other exploits which will hit the game even harder than it already did. A game like that ain't worth it.

    I think it makes no sense at this point to keep talking about this Wipe thing. No one from the Staff cares for now. I know some of them who also want a wipe. Not sure about the others. I don't trust the Staff atm anyways. Not all of them tho, but some of them are hella fishy ppl. The staff has two options atm: Wipe or not Wipe. I feel like they might try not Wipe and do some sh*t option of their own that will just end up bad, as always lmao.

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    *got f*cked hard by Upgrading on July 8th 2018*


  • a deletion of server won't solve anything.

    Whenever a new system gets introduced to the game, bugs exist and there will be those who abuse them to their own advantage.

    We can't just delete our characters everytime someone abuse a bug.

    The solution is damage control.

    Ban bug abusers. Warn anyone to NOT abuse any bug in future, and to test systems well before release to avoid such mistakes in future.

    Now even if few scammers exist in the game and got advantage, who cares? Seriously any MMORPG game has players who got unfair advantage because of the usage of excessive cash in game

    So even if you complain now that facing a scammer is tough in pvp, Once you get rid of him, you will find cash spenders. So it never ends anyways. It's never fair!

    Damage control is the only solution.

  • Dude look at the votes , many people are against the wipe ! so wiping will cause problems with players dont be selfish here !

    Thank you

  • I totally agree , That"s what i was trying to explain !

    Thumbs Up

  • It's funny that most people that don't want a wipe are the people that multi cliented, bugged, or have done little to nothing in the game. The damage has already been done, the only way to not have a wipe is to ban and prevent the abusers from ever doing this again. Need some type of hack prevention set in place in order for that to happen. I doubt Daneos has that figured out yet so it seems hopeless atm.

  • There is still more people that want wipe. 180 active people want it and it will bring back at least 500 players. 144 lvl52's don't want it because they barely came to this level and don't wanna play again

    First : the votes (not wiping data and wiping just items) are more than the votes with the wipe

    Second : Dont be selfish here , if you are ready to start all over again , there is people that dont have time for that you know ? , i have a job , friends and plenty other things , i dont have time to start all over again , think about all hours spend on the game , LEARN TO VALUE YOUR TIME

    Thank you !

  • First : the votes (not wiping data and wiping just items) are more than the votes with the wipe

    Second : Dont be selfish here , if you are ready to start all over again , there is people that dont have time for that you know ? , i have a job , friends and plenty other things , i dont have time to start all over again , think about all hours spend on the game , LEARN TO VALUE YOUR TIME

    Thank you !

    This is an mmo. All of them require your time, game is already one of the easiest mmos in existance. The only thing that makes it somewhat, if at all challenging, is upgrading and brown boxes but those are both rng.

  • First of all, who the HELL was talking about SCAMMERS? Scammers ain't the problem here lmao

    It's not every time someone abuses a bug. This has been a build up of bugs and mistakes by Daneos' initial wipe for over a YEAR. And like I said, the bug has ALREADY BEEN FIXED. It's just the items obtained through the bugs are still here, that is the problem.

    It's not one single issue that demands a wipe, its EVERYTHING. It's too complex for Daneos to remove certain items or characters; it's impossible to tell the difference.

    And wiping everything won't solve anything? Uh, yes it will. For instance:

    - The hugeee, hugeee duplication bug

    - People with already upgraded LVL 70 gear

    - It will ridicule the progress of the black markets

    - It will get rid of all the people who crashed servers for Auras

    - It will get rid of ruined economy via bots

    - It will actually bring back more players, rather than lose more. OB, unfortunately, is an utter failure; that's just real real.

    And that is only a FEW of the issues. There are multiple I can't mention on the forum.

    Ban bug abusers, and warn people not to abuse any bug? That isn't going to stop them! There are entire guilds right now who bug, and guilds who have bugged in the past such as TRF. And you know what? They abused third party programmes and are now running around in the game AGAIN despite being banned.

    Just look at DevilCeStory for example; this dude has been banned multiple times and is running around on a full CC90 +15 Fighter without any punishment, despite previously buying zeni, botting, getting banned etc.

    Also where are we talking about cashers? You say because people cash it is never fair? Daneos is removing the wagu machine, and if we don't wipe cashers can keep their thousands of boxes and dogi balls.

    If you wipe - since the wagu machine is gone - F2P have a better chance, and cashers aren't insanely OP because of all their dogi balls, and boxes from the Wagu when it still existed. You want to help F2P? Wipe the game since the wagu machine has been removed and there will be less of a gap.

    You say damage control is the solution. The wipe IS damage control. We want new systems in place first, and an Anti-Cheat system first THEN wipe the game. That is damage control for you.

  • First : the votes (not wiping data and wiping just items) are more than the votes with the wipe

    Second : Dont be selfish here , if you are ready to start all over again , there is people that dont have time for that you know ? , i have a job , friends and plenty other things , i dont have time to start all over again , think about all hours spend on the game , LEARN TO VALUE YOUR TIME

    Thank you !

    The No voters did new accounts to vote for No more lmao. If the Staff does a poll, which will be watched by them, i'm sure the Yes ppl win.

    Also you keep saying that ppl who want a wipe are selfish. And after that you wrote down on why you wouldn't want a wipe. Cuz your Life atm doesn't allow you to play much. Now if that is not selfish, then i don't know. "Don't wipe cuz other ppl and i don't have much time to play"...your argument right there. It's selfish. Understandable, but selfish.

    Everything you listed is called Life.

    I also have a job and friends etc. but i happen to manage my time efficient enough to play. Same for others. Then there are ppl like you. Sucks for you ofc if Wipe happens. But the wipe will make sure the game gets better. If the Staff does their Job right, after Wipe we shouldn't have a f*cked up game like DBOG is now.

    The Game stands above your Equipment and whatever you have. All of that is useless if the Game sucks. As i wrote before, go thank the Staff for not doing their job right. They are not aggressive enough with ppl who bug/hack/exploit. Thanks to that, we all might have to start over. Hopefully tho cuz the Game has to survive...I myself and others who want wipe don't really wanna start over too. It's just that it is the only option. Has to be done.

    This is a Signature. Thanks for reading.

    You learned nothing.

    Wasted your time.

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    down here.

    Enjoy the emoticon.


    *got f*cked hard by Upgrading on July 8th 2018*


  • This is an mmo. All of them require your time, game is already one of the easiest mmos in existance. The only thing that makes it somewhat, if at all challenging, is upgrading and brown boxes but those are both rng.

    So this game require that all us lvl our pjs a lot of times? xd when other guys will use a bug or some third sofware, will be neccesary other and other wipe xd is logic

    Characters 1.0

    18_small.png Zindel (Lvl 60)

    15_small.png SaibBoo (Lvl 60)

    11_small.png Isen (Lvl 60)

    22_small.png SabitaBoo (Lvl 60)

    14_small.png Pamaor (Lvl 60)

    19_small.png ThePamaor (Lvl 60)

    6_small.png SabiBoo (Lvl 29)

    17_small.png ???????? (Lvl 60)

    Characters 2.0 (Test)

    19_small.png ThePamaor (Lvl 70)

    11_small.png Isen (Lvl 70)

    15_small.png SaibBoo (Lvl 51)

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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