Dragonball Online 2016 FAQ

  • Hi guys so I'll be answering some of the most common question we get here on the forum and facebook.

    I'll start with will the game be release in 2016?!?! Yes it will.

    Q: How are people playing when the DBOG website say server offline?
    A: They are playing on our Dev-test server that we use to update and test new content as we develop Dragonball Online from stretch, It's only accessible to Founder player who bought a founder pack to support our project of bringing back Dragonball Online. We do not want to release the game in such a state for everyone to play because that is not what we intended. The Early Access is just for Founder players who want to play the game even though it's incomplete. However once we complete the game all progress from Dev-testing server will be wiped.

    Q:Will the game be fully translated?

    A: The Game will be translated to any language our player base needs. (English,Spanish,Chinese,Korean) So on.

    Q: Are you almost done?/Close to finishing?/WHEN WILL THE GAME BE RELEASE?!?!?!?!

    A: First off the game is about 80% Completed, I can provide a whole list of what we have done but it's easier to just follow our progress on the forums.
    We don't have a estimated amount of time because thing's may go wrong that extends our development time. If we give a date then people will be disappointed if we don't meet those deadlines.

    Q: Will you guys get shutdown by copyrights?/Other Copyright concern.
    A: Nope we'll be fine, we won't be going anywhere.

    Q: Founder package money where is it going?
    A: So far rough estimate of how much money we made from founder package is 1,500$. Which is quite a bit, so thanks for the support. Though we have spent about over 10,000$ on expenses to keep our project running. That's include the website, Server, and more importantly our talented Dev who work hard everyday to reaching our goal. Those are just some of the few expenses I can mention.

    Q: Will the game be free to play?
    A: Yes you will not be require to spend any amount of money to play Dragonball Online Global. If you want to play earlier in the testing server, then you will need to buy our founder pack. The lowest costing one is 15$ Krillen Package.

    Q: We'll you guys give a release date?
    A: We will once we come very closed to completing the game.

    Q: Server locations/Server & Channel
    A: we are still working this out but at the moment we have 2 option
    1.putting everyone in the same server, however the location of the channel will be in different continent so you will be able to switch around for better pings and still be in the same international place with everyone.
    2. We will divide the player-base by continent and have a server dedicated for those players, you will be able to switch around servers but it won't be free.
    We'll try our best to give everyone a great online experiences.

    Q: Can you add new content?
    A: Yes we can.

    Q: Will the game be exactly like retail?
    A: No we will change whatever we feel is going to be a better gaming experience for all players?

    Q: Bugs,Exploit,Bots that existed in retail will it exist in DBOG?
    A: No we can fix our server and patch up any exploit.

    If you have any more questions feel free to post it here. As I may make more FAQ.


    PT-BR Translation of FAQ Below.

  • For the question
    Q: Can you add new content?
    A: Yes we can.
    What do you mean by new content? Quests, TMQs, Dungeons, Clothes, Mobs, Increase level cap, and maybe even skills?
    I really loved the answer, but if you can tell me what kinds of new content you may make in the future, maybe I'll suggest something that interests many players! :)

  • For the question
    Q: Can you add new content?
    A: Yes we can.
    What do you mean by new content? Quests, TMQs, Dungeons, Clothes, Mobs, Increase level cap, and maybe even skills?
    I really loved the answer, but if you can tell me what kinds of new content you may make in the future, maybe I'll suggest something that interests many players! :)

    Yea exactly. Once game is 100% and starts generating income they could add new updates, such as more content, increased level cap etc.

    I think it would be nice to.put everyone in 1 server with different channels

    I like this idea to, but i think it'll come down to how many people are playing once game is fully released.

  • Q: Founder package money where is it going?
    A: So far rough estimate of how much money we made from founder package is 1,500$. Which is quite a bit, so thanks for the support. Though we have spent about over 10,000$ on expenses to keep our project running. That's include the website, Server, and more importantly our talented Dev who work hard everyday to reaching our goal. Those are just some of the few expenses I can mention.

    But u have over 450 founders in any combination thats more than 1500

  • For the question
    Q: Can you add new content?
    A: Yes we can.
    What do you mean by new content? Quests, TMQs, Dungeons, Clothes, Mobs, Increase level cap, and maybe even skills?
    I really loved the answer, but if you can tell me what kinds of new content you may make in the future, maybe I'll suggest something that interests many players! :)

    I left it short because there's no way to answer this question without typing indept stuff that I really don't feel like doing. So basically, It can be done their may be some limits. Though It isn't a big concern of ours, the first job is to complete the game. We'll explore this path once the game is fully functional.

    But u have over 450 founders in any combination thats more than 1500

    We've given away a bit of founder package, I know the math sounds weird but it's the truth so far 1,500-2,000 we have made from founders. Also I don't believe 450 founder is the right estimate

  • I think it would be nice to.put everyone in 1 server with different channels :D

    Well that would be bad cause of the lags for some people
    we cant put over 1m or even more on 1 server with 10 channels there will be sure half of the players lags just cause there is too many...
    since this game will be out first DBO Kr - TW will merge they both in the past was a huge server they both had 2 server inside them just to keep
    people playing without getting more lag as they did...

    i hope there will be more then 5 server in this game cause people still gonna lag or having problems in future

  • glad to hear that i will soon paly this game hope i can run it on my pc pls tell me:
    Intel pemtium R 2,40 ghz
    Amd radeon 9200 pro family microsoft corporation 128mb pixel shader 1,1 :(
    i know it is shitty pc but pls tell me i will be able to run it :(?

  • glad to hear that i will soon paly this game hope i can run it on my pc pls tell me:
    Intel pemtium R 2,40 ghz
    Amd radeon 9200 pro family microsoft corporation 128mb pixel shader 1,1 :(
    i know it is shitty pc but pls tell me i will be able to run it :(?

    Why are you asking about if your PC will support the game here. There are other forums for that, or you can easily Google the answer. Possibly even use the search feature on the website. As a matter of fact its on Homepage under the Download. I'll save you some time considering your a noob and that was your first post. This is me literally copy and pasting the text of the main page on this website.

    Recommended System Requirements
    Operating System Windows 2000 SP4, Windows XP SP2, or greater
    CPU Pentium 4 1.5GHz or greater (2.4GHz)
    Graphics Geforce4 Ti4200 or Radeon 8500 (Geforce 6200 or X800)
    RAM 512MB or greater
    HDD 10GB or greater

    In case anyone else who was curious about the 2016 FAQ is also curious if their computer will support the game.

  • Everyone on the same server would be better :)

    It would be more alive, and give us a more MMORPG experience.

    Anyway, I hope you can add more TMQs.......like the buu saga TMQs wich were not even released on retail.

    GOod luck to all the team, and may we have the game soon. (like in easter?)

  • We're all behind this 100%, specially those that have bought a founders pack and helping with the bugs. New content would be awesome and I look forward to seeing what comes out. 80% complete is a closer then most have thought it was complete I think xD I think it was said there will be servers for Europe, North America and South America. Itd be best to connect to the NA since I live in America right or just go to Europe, which I think is said that's going to have the first server, then just transfer to NA?

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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