I've noticed some guilds circulating on the test server, are any of them english based? If so leave me your name so I can hit you up in game
English Guilds
I'm pretty sure someone will recreate Raging Souls again (Usa, Taka?) as it was mainly English-based.
dinero216 u mean in the game right
Yea USA and i did mean in game
Yes we're recreating it ingame, and I'm the leader nice to meet you.
I think ragingsoul will turn from a guild of (Level 30/50 players) to a big/famous guild in DBOG just like Uprise and chinese guilds was in DBO TW.
Prediction from a king
I used to Run ENGsaiyans back when DBO was still around. My new guild is Shin-Motao. Small little RP guild. 90% of us our in the US
ragingsoul before delete player have 150 players in guild
I think ragingsoul will turn from a guild of (Level 30/50 players) to a big/famous guild in DBOG just like Uprise and chinese guilds was in DBO TW.
Prediction from a king
Hehe maybe
i plan to start a english/ONLY USA players guild when i get back in!
Count me in! I rarely see anyone else online when I play on the test server and it would be nice to have some folks to play with.
good man
my school Soul gogo!
Sure whenever a gm of the guild is on I'll have them add you, I need to become jr on there.
I'll run my own Guild once i get Server Access. So, i think it's called UnderSoul AKA Underspirit. (<== Don't steal the name or Chara gets you.) It supposed to be an Undertale Dragon ball online RP Guild from Lv. 5 to Lv. 75 but it's made by me.
So, once i get access to the Dev Server, i'll modify ConfigOptions back to the ip and port and that's it.
MY IGN is Nyame. Shoot me an invite when you get a chance. I never see any other players, but I'm on the West coast and play pretty late, so that could be the issue.
Hi! I would like to join a guild. My ign is same as the name here. Lightdawnx
I also would like to join an english speaking guild my IGn is KakaCarotCake and I am a level 53 Turtle hermit
Looking for an English speaking guild to join. My name is Runeghost.
Mallagar 36 Human Fighter Looking for a guild.
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