Add new wishes to shenron (skill points)

  • how will my SM get in pve with my pvp build?? no kaikoenand how will i do pvp without my CC Cool down rings from CC?

    Well, that isn't the game's issue.

    You are meant to make a build, and it isn't that easy!
    If you played an actual strategic MMORPG game, you'll find that it is really hard to get your skill tree (or skill list) to match both aspects of the game!
    I'll take for example ASDA 2. (The game had sadly shutdown not long ago) I had a lvl 68 Character (IT was a milestone for guild wars).
    I was AMAZING at Party PvP, but I didn't do so well when it came down to PvE Legends. PvE Legends are basically like Hero mobs in DBO.
    I had full HERO armor (Highest possible armor, like Dbo's Legendary armor) but my build wasnt good in PVE

    You have to deal with it. Some people make 2 characters. Others manage to make a lovely hybrid.

  • even if i make another chrac which i did, CC gear is not tradeable, and i dont mind resetting my build after gettin all the gear i need. i can just farm for u purple stones with my pve energy sm, im just worried about new players who are SM cause Energy SM is hard to pull of for farming not many SM can pull it off.

    And hybrid SM is fail in pvp

  • even if i make another chrac which i did, CC gear is not tradeable, and i dont mind resetting my build after gettin all the gear i need. i can just farm for u purple stones with my pve energy sm, im just worried about new players who are SM cause Energy SM is hard to pull of for farming not many SM can pull it off.

    And hybrid SM is fail in pvp

    That's true. But SM is not made for new comers!
    You need much more experience to make SMs work out, but they are porbably the beast of all beasts when it comes to mastering them.
    Takes a while, but pays off!

  • There should be a wish where you can only upgrade ur gear +3 ( USE ONLY ONCE PER GEAR!) or if you already have upgrades you can transfer +5 to another gear. (USE ONCE PER GEAR) :Example I have a lvl 48 armor +12 I wish shenron to transfer +5 lvls to my weak lvl 1 gear then if I get dragonballs again I can never do it again till I get a new set of gear. Simply put it as you can nolonger use those 2 gear's to ur benefits to use again for the transfer.
    Saves Time and Zeni...

  • did u try WoW, the mother of all mmo´s? there u can reset your skills for 50 gold(people have like 500k) same should be here, you need skills in pve which are useless in pvp and you cant buy green books every day.

  • i'm not only a turtle. i have tried most of the classes and i'm able to find pretty decent builds. more sp, plz don't make me laugh

  • I dont mind the skill reset wish for those over lvl 30 but adding sp definitely no. Adding sp to a charactor allows them to become too powerfull those who reached the max will continually use this iwsh until they maxed out all skills possible, this doesnt give newcomers a chance once tey max lvl.

    The reason I support skill reset is due to the cost of a skill reset book for a non casher, spending a 2hour grind on that is pretty fair if u ask me but hey only lord danoes can decide

    great suggestion keep it up

  • PLZ lord Drawboygive us 'legendary' hybrid swordsman pve/pvp where i can win budoki with.
    plz give me a SK build for pvp and pve

    thats why i say we MUST get

    A: unlimited skill resets for zenis on every level OR
    B: a Dual Spec( second skilltree same masterclass) without possibility to reset so green books dont become useless.

    one of that MUST come or nobody will ever have a perfect build for pvp/pve in same time

    Bonus skillpoints is bad idea 69 is enough more would be op.

  • I think Green Reset Book should remain in the cash shop although it should be cheaper (reduce from 150 to at least 100).
    1 or 3 Brown Reset Books from Shenron wouldn't really hurt though. This way you still have to decide on your build beforehand but can afford to spend some SPs on PvE skills such as Kaioken.

  • read my earlier post i said i dont mind having this skill tree, I FEEL SORRY FOR NEW PLAYERS WHO JUST STARTED.

    this is exacly why we have this test server bro. people make mistakes, now when the real deal starts if people want an ok build they can either one go look for it in the forums or two try to make one themself. it's not a loss, only if you choose to fuck it up again when open beta is here

  • 1. No
    2. No
    3. No
    4. No
    5. No
    6. Nice idea, yes.

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