Will you guys ever put in more new transformations like super Saiyan 2,3,4 or even God? And maybe like super buy for the Majid race and fusion for namekians?
New transformations
After the open beta and you guys fix up the game of course
there will be Super Saiyan and the other power's in open beta
I really hope they will add SSJ2 and SSJ3 for a beginning when the game is released. The rest (SSJ4 , SSG , SSGSS) will be the next step when the game gets more popular , it's too hard for them to do all of these transformations except for SSGSS and SSG because for the SSG the hair becomes red and the SSGSS the sSJ1 hair becomes blue. x)
Yes, I see SSJ2, SSJG, and SSGSS being easy; but you have to remember that we must keep the balance.
If we're going to do something for one race, what will we do for the others?
Nameks? Fused with Kami|Nail would be a good idea to add onto it.Majins? Not sure, maybe make the males get on a diet? Super Buu.
I really don't see them adding it anytime soon, unless they can balance it out.
Remember, If you're upgrading one race, have to do the same for the others as well. -
They will probably never add new transformations. Would just fuck up the game.
They will probably never add new transformations for human, because in the history of the game humas had just 1% of saiyan blood
(sorry for bad english :p )
New Transformations? It'll be funny see a SSGSS get one shoted by a good geared character
I really hope they will add SSJ2 and SSJ3 for a beginning when the game is released. The rest (SSJ4 , SSG , SSGSS) will be the next step when the game gets more popular , it's too hard for them to do all of these transformations except for SSGSS and SSG because for the SSG the hair becomes red and the SSGSS the sSJ1 hair becomes blue. x)
That would literally be OP and even more unbalanced. They'd have to add so much more transformations for Nameks and Majins too which is just a huge amount of time to code and get set up. I don't see anything besides SSJ2 happening in the future.
Well we'll see what they will do in the future but for other races super buy sound good and to balance out something like ssj3 or 4 maybe add super buu's absorption and for namekians of course fusion
one thing that always gets me when people say have majins turn into super buu for a transformation in DBO, do they realize that going by everything we saw kid buu is stronger than super buu so it would be more of a downgrade compared to pure(kid) form lol
I really hope they will add SSJ2 and SSJ3 for a beginning when the game is released. The rest (SSJ4 , SSG , SSGSS) will be the next step when the game gets more popular , it's too hard for them to do all of these transformations except for SSGSS and SSG because for the SSG the hair becomes red and the SSGSS the sSJ1 hair becomes blue. x)
Never going to happen it just wont happen
They would add: SS2, SS3, SS4, SS5, SSG, SSB if Namekians and Majins it had 6 more transformations/power boost techniques.
This may could be possible if they add for Super Saiyan/Great Namekian/Pure Majin skills some kinda leveling up system. -
I don't think it would be possibly to go beyond SS1 because of the story line of game, apparently you have like 1% ( or something like that) of Saiyan Blood, You have to make a wish from shenron at lvl 40 to unlock your full potential of a Saiyan
I don't think it would be possibly to go beyond SS1 because of the story line of game, apparently you have like 000.1% ( or something like that) of Saiyan Blood, You have to make a wish from shenron at lvl 40 to unlock your full potential of a Saiyan
I heard somewhere it's just 1%, even then it seems odd to obtain SSJ, but then again it is a cool transformation. I agree, I don't see it going past SSJ1, even if it does SSJ2 at the most.
Danoes could always rewrite the story
We're NEVER going to see new transformations added as it would break the balance and because there is so little few good options for others classes.
Instead of doing SSJ2 why not just do Kaioken SSJ together
do u guys think its easy to make a game or what xD? u guys talk so easy about trans this trans that....
the game is still pre open beta things arrent implented yet and u guys already want ss2 ss3 ss4 ssgss and go so on lol -
do u guys think its easy to make a game or what xD? u guys talk so easy about trans this trans that....
the game is still pre open beta things arrent implented yet and u guys already want ss2 ss3 ss4 ssgss and go so on lolWait someone said they wanted SSJ4? I thought this was Dragonball Online, not Dragonball GT Online.
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