Hi i want to make a notice for the development of this game.

  • why the developers of this game dont concetrate to finish first quests and english translation instead of making to many things and left the others incompleted..i mean there are lot's of quests which are bugged and i cant find any quest in my level,also why dont you finish the english translation,its half english and half chinese now...i think tmq's fixing is wrong for now...

  • Cause its only 1 guy, and also only like 1 person ever even reads their quests in the mmos they play anyway. Everyone else just skips the quest dialogue cause it's a waste of time. The game is boring and stale without Bodukai, BIDs, and TMQ.

    Yes blue map half of the quests are not able to be done because of the first chain quest bug, but there are UDs for a reason. TMQs gave exp as well so lalalala.

    TBH if foreigners could play the game without an English patch for a long time then we should be fine loooooooooooooooooooool

  • Daneos is only one person and he does what he can/wants to do when Daneos feels like it. It's cool that you have your own thoughts on how the game should be run and what not, but sadly you're not the developer. Best advice I can give is to sit back and enjoy the free open beta like the rest of us.

  • You probably were under the impression this alpha was meant to be showed off for player fun, and got your expectations a little mixed up. It's just a bug test server for now. Creating a complex from-scratch server for a previously foreign exclusive game takes quite some online testing time. We've already come a long way, but this isn't fitted for everyone just yet.

    I suggest you wait for the Open Beta if you were hoping for something more playable and ready-for-showcase. c:

  • You probably were under the impression this alpha was meant to be showed off for player fun, and got your expectations a little mixed up. It's just a bug test server for now. Creating a complex from-scratch server for a previously foreign exclusive game takes quite some online testing time. We've already come a long way, but this isn't fitted for everyone just yet.

    I suggest you wait for the Open Beta if you were hoping for something more playable and ready-for-showcase. c:

    well said

  • This game is actually fun for me even in this stage @EchoSon ... but I get where that reply came from. (I am also an addict, which is not a good thing for my health)

    1- AS SAID BEFORE, Daneos is 1 person.
    2- There is a huge difference between Coding the game and translating it... Daneos's main job is to coding it. There is a translator team, and many people know damn well what the hell those people are up against.
    3- TMQs are a HUGE part of the game. Honestly, for me, 1 TMQ is a big thing.
    4- Daneos is being constantly bugged about quests not working, give him some space.
    5- Quests are being fixed as time goes on.

  • why the developers of this game dont concetrate to finish first quests and english translation instead of making to many things and left the others incompleted..i mean there are lot's of quests which are bugged and i cant find any quest in my level,also why dont you finish the english translation,its half english and half chinese now...i think tmq's fixing is wrong for now...

    I think Daneos is doing fine in my point of view. He is re-coding and making DBO like it was and releases them step by step. However, when everything is setup in DBOG, he will focus on all possible in bugs and relatives problems in game.
    Is it not better fixing everything at once instead step by step and let people waiting? I guess he is aiming to release all contents in DBOG and after focus on bugs and leave out the huge part of game, the coding.

  • Daneos himself has said that he is wanting to get all the features added and then fix bugs all at once because if he fixes a bug now, another similar or even the same bug can show up when a new feature is added. He has a plan in place, let him work.

    As Mihakego said, he wants to get everything coded/added so he could work on bugs without worries.Fixing bugs and then adding new things would be harder, longer and more complicated.
    I would hate to work on one thing all the time because it gets annoying and you can't focus properly on the task.I'm sure Daneos likes to add new features more than fixing bugs but that's not the main reason.Besides you are volunteer for this Pre Open Beta and you have no right to give requests.

  • because....when tmqs come he will open the open beta.

    You are VERY hopeful, aren't you? We'll still have the CC dungeon, first of all. And then a lot of important bugs need to be fixed. Can you imagine the Open Beta getting released without Poko Priests having access to their summons? Or the Majins without their Spin/Ball skills? Or before defense and skill dodges work? Or when the transformations are all broken? When Attack Speed is still stuttering? And when the netcode shows people dashing the wrong way, effectively killing PvP? When the Popo giftboxes still give you disabled armor/weapon coupons(and broken skill resets) when Daneos KNOWS he'll get a flood of people asking about it?

    Not to mention all the little bugs and freezes that hamper gameplay. I can see him skipping on fixing a few optional quests and not translating the game 100% before OB. But I know he wanted the core game to be fully functional before the OB.

    I realise you probably want the game to go to OB asap so you can not worry about the wipe, not caring if there's bugs or not. But from a dev's point of view, bugs in the core game are the reason he doesn't want permanent chars yet in the first place. There's still quite a bit to go.

  • You are VERY hopeful, aren't you? We'll still have the CC dungeon, first of all. And then a lot of important bugs need to be fixed. Can you imagine the Open Beta getting released without Poko Priests having access to their summons? Or the Majins without their Spin/Ball skills? Or before defense and skill dodges work? Or when the transformations are all broken? When Attack Speed is still stuttering? And when the netcode shows people dashing the wrong way, effectively killing PvP? When the Popo giftboxes still give you disabled armor/weapon coupons(and broken skill resets) when Daneos KNOWS he'll get a flood of people asking about it?
    Not to mention all the little bugs and freezes that hamper gameplay. I can see him skipping on fixing a few optional quests and not translating the game 100% before OB. But I know he wanted the core game to be fully functional before the OB.

    I realise you probably want the game to go to OB asap so you can not worry about the wipe, not caring if there's bugs or not. But from a dev's point of view, bugs in the core game are the reason he doesn't want permanent chars yet in the first place. There's still quite a bit to go.

    Don't forget DW Dragon's Punishment :dcry:

  • Daneos himself has said that he is wanting to get all the features added and then fix bugs all at once because if he fixes a bug now, another similar or even the same bug can show up when a new feature is added. He has a plan in place, let him work

    Well said, why can't we just make a thread were all the bugs are reported...

  • If you used the search bar to look for this question you most likely would have found the post where the guy in charge (yes it is only 1 person doing the coding) that he has said that he aims to include everything into the game and then focus on fixing it at once. rather than fixing little things such as quests or items and then adding in big things such as TMQ or other things.

    The reason being is that when you add in another part of the game it can conflict with the existing code and make things which previously worked then break. Not only has this happened previously in the alpha/ Pre-open beta but also in many MANY other games and such.

    If Daneos fixes the little quests you're whining about and then adds in the next item to the game which everyone wants. they can then break again so he will have to figure out the code to make it all work again. That not only doubles the amount of work he has to do but also slows down server progress.

    I'm sure i've answered you sufficiently as to why your "notice" (more like a complaint) isn't going to be taken on board.

    why the developers of this game dont concetrate to finish first quests and english translation instead of making to many things and left the others incompleted..i mean there are lot's of quests which are bugged and i cant find any quest in my level,also why dont you finish the english translation,its half english and half chinese now...i think tmq's fixing is wrong for now...

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